Friday, April 14, 2006

* Strange Encounter on Clark Street - Updated

Here we have a couple of real Marlboro looking men. Real manly looking men. They make smoking look cool. But who are these two rugged dudes standing together enjoying a puff on their cigarettes?

Why it's DevCorp North Special Service Area Tax # 24 manager Rene Carmego.

Who's next to him? Well there is the reason for the story.

Any guesses? Times up.

It's our own newbie blogger Gary Fuschi minus his sidekick Rebecca Rouilly. But what's Gary Fuschi doing going door to door up and down Clark Street with Rene Carmego passing out pink fliers and smoking a cigarettes on a Thursday afternoon?

* Did DevCorp North buy Gary Fuschi off by giving him an internship walking around with Rene?

* Is Rene showing Gary how he went up and down Clark Street warning everyone there taxes were going up so Rene could have a patronage city funded job?

* Are Rene and Gary actually just good-ole-buddies hanging out smoking a cigarette before peeking in and out of storefronts on Clark Street?

* Is Gary doing a in-depth interview for RPR with Rene before interviewing me?

Update: I got a call from Gary Fuschi at 5:22p.m today. It was very threatening in nature. It lasted a total of 40 seconds from beginning to end. Then he hung up on me without letting me ask him any questions. It will show up on my phone bill as a incoming call.

You want to know what Gary Fuschi called about? So did I. Here is what I do know.

He mentioned he "contacted his lawyer." I wondered if that was suppose to scare me or something. He mentioned to me, " I have intimidated the wrong private citizen." I wonder if this was his way to tell me I wrote about the wrong person today and he was going to get even. Then, Gary Fuschi hung up on me.

So, I guess Gary Fuschi wasn't doing an interview with Rene Carmego for Rogers Park Review?

Does that mean the virtual Aldermadic debates are off too Gary and Rebecca?


Toto said...

This week’s Top 10 Reasons why Craig is so miserable.

10. Unable to make last week’s big sale on fake designer goods at Mega Mall, has nothing new to wear for Easter.

9. In a touching tribute to Clive Flowers, Craig lights a grease barrel from JB Alberto’s in his memory.

8. Fred Hampton Blvd. signs not tracked by Global Positioning Satellite. Keeps driving in circles trying to figure out how to get home.

7. Gangsta’ Disciples buys out entire stock of Peeps at Walgreen’s leaving no sugary marshmallow treats for his Easter Basket.

6. Order’s eight piece dinner at Popeye’s, only to find out it “tastes like chicken.”

5. Unable to find the right Easter bonnet with matching gloves and purse, must resort to wearing last year’s.

4. Bought cheaply made sequel to Brokeback Mountain – Okla-homo.

3. Disqualified from racing motorbike – training wheels no longer standard equipment.

2. Petition to re-color the Red Line fails, Craig accuses Alderman of being color-blind.

1. Easter Bunny suit still at cleaners. Smelly chocolate stain on back of pants difficult to remove.

Hugh said...

"I'm WALKIN' here! I'm WALKIN' here!"

Hugh said...

> ... maybe we all should join so we can have an influence.

Joining DevCorp North means giving them money, and giving money to an organization is a serious decision that should not be taken lightly. I would urge my neighbors to recognize that there are many other organizations in our neighborhood much more worthy of your support. I urge my neighbors not to support the 501(c)(3) public charity branch of Moore's ward organization. Dear neighbors, there is no need to give your hard-earned money to a shopping mall management firm masquarading as a "community group."

Here are links to other posts on this issue:

How DevCorp North needs to clean up its act before recruiting new members

Through their actions DevCorp North is clearly on the wrong side of too many issues important to our community: living wages, unions, equitable taxation, accountability, and open process.

Hugh said...

DevCorp North does not need your money. Whenever they want, they can simply raise property taxes on Howard, Morse, Clark, and Glenwood.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Monday, February 13, 2006
DevCorp North
"The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight"

So now we are starting to understand why our Field of Dreams never did come true. It all boils down to a fatal decision that cost North of Howard and Rogers Park big time.

I mean, this is the same group that spent $15,000.00 dollars on a behemoth pressure washer that's probably better suited for King Kong to use as a water pic. I predict cobwebs for that special purchase.

This is the same group that thought it fiscally prudent to pay our off duty finest $25,000.00 to play word jumbles.

This is the same group that wants us to trust a concept and probe the L.P.O. and........

Don't blame me for being confused. DevCorp ran another add on the website chanting the condo beat.

DevCorp Doesn't Deserve New Digs.

If Gateway Mall is what they're hanging they're hat on after 15 years at the helm, then DevCorp doesn't deserve a brand new building. Their office should be right there at Gateway Mall in one of the many, still empty storefronts. Preferrably on the transit side and open early for the morning rush.

After finally negotiating the walk along a snowed over, unshoveled Howard Street and pre cafeine, grumpy constituents should walk in and tell them exactly what's on their mind. And the employees of DevCorp should sit silently on their hands, not uttering a sound.

Gary Fuschi
posted by gf on RPR at 7:33 PM

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