Monday, May 1, 2006

* All Bases Covered In Rogers Park

Keeping with the sign theme today, here's one you can see from the Morse Avenue EL if you look east. It's located on the Block building at 1340 West Morse Avenue. I'm guessing this resident of the Block building will not be participating in the May Day March beginning at Union Park today.

Just 100 yards northwest from the above sign location is another sign. You will get a different perspective from the Heartland Cafe owners. If you want lunch at the Heartland Cafe, forget it! They will be closed until the rally is over. They are orgainizing a group to join the festivites.

Blognotes: Guestiments have the May Day marching crowd to be near a half million people. Less if it rains of course. You always have fair weather marchers in every group. Tell us, what do you think about the immigration issue?

Chicago Tribune Updated every few minutes.

Chicago Sun-Times


rogerspark60645 said...

Well said Paradise and Blogger Bob!

sarahday said...

wow - i have never posted here but i read morse hellhole fairly often - i don't know why, but i am surprised at this animosity toward immigrants. I was at the march today and it was beautiful and empowering; full of families and people who are way more patriotic than i have ever been. I don't feel that immigrants are a strain on our infrastructure or economy, and i think more diversity and exposure to other cultures can only help our nation to evolve.

You can't tell me you all have never broken a law - some laws deserve to be broken or at least reformed. I think taht is all the immigrants seem to want - fair laws that will not make them into felons just for seeking a better life.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Knightridge Overlook said...
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sarahday said...

I both agree and disagree with Paradise.
First - Just because you, in your professional life, know immigrants from other countries who got here "legally" doesn't mean only Mexicans and those from south and central america work for low wages. Plenty of immigrants from other countries also do crap work for low wages, and plenty of professionals from the Americas come here legally.

I agree that the whole "they do jobs we won't do" argument is crap and that type of argument just allows for continued exploitation of people who will work low wage jobs. I am no friend of Bush and capitalist exploitation. I just don't see the point in your pitting Mexican immigrants against immigrants form other countries???

Also - there is geography to consider. Who is to say your other immigrant friends would not cross the border if they could, on foot. You have to be a pretty well-off immigrant to fly over here and take your chances, i think that may explain why the non-mexican immigrants you know are in the professional class and went through all the paperwork to get here.

There are problems with immigration policy, but making people criminals who are just trying to seek a better life is not the solution.

sarahday said...

i can't believe the things you are attributing to me. somehow now i am in favor of the genocide in Darfur and of the lord's resistance army forcing children to rape and murder each other, and believe that the poor in america have no right to safe drinking water. in addition to which i am not well-travelled.

clearly i can't win here. fine - i submit to your relentless barrage righteousness. you can see what you want to see, and i'll see what i want to see.

and don't call me honey.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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lafew said...

What is amusing is that some Americans in Mexico are ignored and given the green light as landed immigrants to document themselves after the fact once they become successful.

This country has yet to enforce IRCA from 1986. It is estimated that it would take $254 Billion just to put reasonable fear into U.S. Employers of jail time for their willful conduct.

Of course, who needs money for education, when there are no foreigners to man unskilled jobs. Hey, we can be a nation of hamburger flippers! However, I wonder how many would be able to afford the hamburgers!

If Congress wanted to actual pay for enforcement, then these marches would have been continuous and ongoing until that law was repealed back in the late 80s under Bush Senior.

Congress is too lame to do anything other than blame the laws rather than their budget. In fact, the decision to restrict family based visas under IMMACT in 1990 has also contributed to this mess, among other things.

In years past, a visitor, who made a success of themself, was much more welcome, so this sort of visa issue never was a dilemma. Now, we fear aliens as if they were the roots to all of our problems. Yes, borders seem nice, but after a while, you have to live and let live, because Congress simply does not have the will nor the budget enforce immigration laws in a civil and organized manner.

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