Tuesday, May 16, 2006

* CAPS Beat 2431 Meeting - Updated

When: Monday night @ 7p.m.

Where: Morse Senior Building @ 1530 West Morse Avenue.

Why: Chicago Alternative Policing Strategies (CAPS) beat 2431 monthly meeting.

The beat area for 2431 is Pratt to Lunt, the lake to Clark Street. Let's see if we can pack the room this month. I know there's more than 15 to 20 people in the beat. Maybe we can find out who shot Julio in the back and why?

Updated blognotes: The meeting started with No-Agenda.

* Thirty-one (31) people (citizen's and public officers) attended, including four (4) new attendees.

* A new beat team leader is in charge. Sgt. Lori Copper. From the dialog, Sgt. Coppers' a 'Broken Heart' reader. Welcome to our cozy little beat by the lake Sergeant.

* Fifty-three (53) arrests in April 2005. Fifty-seven (57) arrests in April 2006. Crimes Up.

* Citizen RP Neighbor reported a open air drinking ( and possible sex) party has been going on in front of 6931 North Lakewood lately. The backpack wearing party-goers have been spotted leaving an empty condom wrapper behind.

* A un-known citizen neighbor's car was spray-painted.

* The 1237-43 West Lunt property owner, citizen slumlord Medina was called in to the Aldermans office. He arrived, then he tried to sneak out after waiting for the Alderman. (Joe must have been running late again?) Joe had to call citizen Medina back and according to citizen Kevin O'Neil, Public offical A Joe gave citizen Medina the business (he swore at him).

* Citizen Julio Hernandez was shot on May 10th. Nothing else is known.

* Citizen James Ginderske walked in late with a burrito. Citizen Jim didn't follow the golden rule, if you're going to bring something to eat in a meeting, bring enough for everyone.

* Citizen Thomas Westgard (and son) walked in real, real late and disrupted the meeting waving a 30 lbs piece of broken forged steel. Citizen Thomas didn't follow the golden rule, if you're sons going to bring Cheetos to eat in a meeting, bring enough for everyone.

* CAPS beat 2431 will begin neighborhood walks starting Friday, June 2nd at 7 p.m. The first one will start at 1340 West Morse Avenue. If citizen Thomas and Jim join with food in hand, I hope it's enough to feed the crowd next time?


Knightridge Overlook said...
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Archie T.S. Gait said...

I don't think that just because there were more arrests this April than last April that you can say that crime has increased. That's incredibly misleading. There could have been the exact same number of crimes and the only increase was the number of people that the police caught.

Another golden rule: "you're" means "you are."

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Jocelyn said...

Update: Last night there were 2 guys drinking in front of 6931 N. Lakewood and we called the police. 2 patrol cars showed up and told them to clear away, which they did. There were no discarded bottles etc...the next am.

I don't know if it's just me, but I feel like when I attend CAPs meetings and bring things up, I get a better response when I later call it in. I've seen a direct response to items I bring up at CAPs meetings.

Tonight these 2 guys are hanging at the bus stop at Morse and Lakewood Ave. I am not sure if they are part of the bigger group that were hanging before or not...

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