Tuesday, May 2, 2006

* A View from the Julie Cam

Land of the free, Home of the hypocrite sign.

Masked Men Marching

Immigrant Marcher Caught Peeing In Alley

photos by: Julie A Segraves


gf said...

the original post titled "immigrant marcher caught peeing in alley", was profoundly offensive. the absense of any moral and journalistic integrity in the original post is NOT lessened by adding these other photographs and moving the offensive post and photo further down the column.i guess we've learned alot today.

sarahday said...

what the hell is the point of this? Is this all you saw at the march - masked "terrorists" and people pissing on the street? Why do you look for/post the worst, most prejudicial images possible?

I bet you're pissed you couldn't get a picture of an immigrant stealing a job from a white person, or lounging aound on welfare, or driving without a license while drunk and running stop signs on Morse Ave, hitting schoolchildren while simultaneously selling drugs and playing loud music, stopping only to double park in front of the pizza shop and throw trash out the window.

If you look for the worst what do you expect to see? There were 300-400,000 people at that march and you post a picture of a guy pissing in an alley. Pathetic!

sarahday said...

i didn't accuse you of anything! This isnt even your blog! It's some guy named craig's, as you reminded me. I don't even know who you are.

I don't understand why you are so defensive. i called no one any names. My comments were only regarding the general usual content of this blog, which is to show photos of all that is wrong and horrible with the Rogers Park - and which has now expanded to include all that is wrong and horrible with Mexican immigrants. Geez.

Toto said...

Julie: Take a deep healing breath. You certainly are angry. Here's what you really should be angry about, not immigrants, but the sleazy employers that use them. It used to be in this country that jobs that were nasty paid well to compensate for it. We had unions that ensured workers rights and benefits. Over and over again I hear the same BIG LIE, "Immigrants take the jobs Americans won't take." The truth is immigrants take the jobs US workers used to be paid well for, but now business wants to get off cheap. And Americans like cheap.

American's are pretty damn spoiled and we are cheap. We want cheap meat in the grocery stores. So meat processing plants hire foreigners and pay them abismally low wages. We want cheap clothing, so we don't care what kind of slave wages are paid overseas as long as we can get our "designer" clothes cheap. Does anybody ever put hand me downs on their kids anymore? Speaking of kids, how many more big plastic toys do they need? You go to anyone's home with kids these days and they've got a room full of plastic shit. And because these kids have so much, they don't give a rat's ass about any of it. If its broken or a part is lost, who cares, mommy and daddy will buy me another.

Beat up all you want on the immigrants but you are really channelling your anger in the wrong direction. Send a few CEOs to jail for giving jobs to illegal aliens. Make them forfeit some of their bankrolls and perks. And while your at it, examine your own spending patterns.

US wage erosion is terrible and you can blame immigrants all you want. But the truth of the matter is we want cheap. Cheap lawn care, cheap babysitters and nannies, cheap fast food, cheap clothes, cheap cell phones. We love Walmart for its fine selection of cheap goods. Prices so low they drive other businesses under.

Lastly, you are so angry about everything, but you lash out at immigrants. What kind of job do you have that you could take off in the middle of the day to take some second rate photos for a blog? Don't you have better things to do?

Lastly, when has living in a city ever been perfect. You make it sound like your living in some kind of slum. But maybe you are in a slum. It all you can afford because you obviously can take off in the middle of the day to take crappy digital pictures on your cheap digital camera.

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