Thursday, June 8, 2006

* Thank You

I would like to offer a big thank you to the Rogers Park folks who came out to honor my dad yesterday during visitation hours. This meant a great deal to my family, as it did to me. The Goldman's-Carol and Sandy, The Gordon's - Bonnie and Don, James Ginderske, Hugh Devlin, Julie Seagraves, William Kelly, Kevin O'Neil, David Fagus and Alderman Joe Moore. Thank you.

I would like to thank the dozens and dozens of you who have offered kind words on this blog and e-mails of encouragement in my time of need. Thank you.

I would also like to thank the Alderman and his staff of Wayne Frazier, Alicia Lopez, Michael Land and Kevin Cosgrove for the wonderful flower arrangement they sent.

My sister and I, along with my fathers two sisters were all touched by the support and kindness. Thank you.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Blognotes: I overheard one of my Aunt's talking to a group of people who had come to visit yesterday. She was explaining how little Ralph was just her little brother and she never knew "how beloved and respected he was in Chicago."

People kept offering testimonial after testimonial and with each conversation she grew prouder of what her little brother had accomplished in his life. As one person said to my Aunt Joy, "If you want to see how well loved Ralph Paul was in this world, not just Chicago, just google his name."

Jocelyn said...

I'm sorry I couldn't be there- but I definitely thought of you and your family last night and am keeping you in my thoughts still.

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