Tuesday, September 12, 2006

* Alderman Moore Flees City to Shop in Suburban Big-Box Stores

Not that you didn't al-ready hear this from the 'Broken Heart' first - Now one of the high-class economic journals is re-porting what this blog has known all-along......

The Wall Street Journal on the 'big-box' hypo-crite.......>"It turns-out that the wage bill's chief sponsor, Alderman Joe Moore, shops at suburban big-box retail stores, for the usual reasons. His campaign committee has purchased $30,589 worth of supplies at big-box retailers out-side the city, according to dis-closure forms.

Information from The Blog-Critics:


Ryne said...

Our alderman is the laughing stock of the city & now the rest of the country is laughing at him.

So if the city & the rest of the country is looking at joe as a joke, what does that make us if we vote this goof ball back into office??? We would be a bigger buch of goofs!!

joe must go!!!! I just hope the geese do not mass a large turnout at the polls!

Knightridge Overlook said...
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rogerspark60645 said...

I have been watching the news all day and it seems like he has personlly pissed Mayer Daley off.

Marathon Pundit said...

Good catch, yes, on the part of the WSJ. Although I'd like to see the breakdown on which store. The Best Buy on Howard in Evanston is the nearest true big box.

Hugh said...

> ... it's a nice catch on the WSJ's part.

It's a nice catch on Craig's part.

runestone said...

Nice catch indeed. It appears that Joe got hooked on both sides of his mouth. I'll bet that a closer look at some of Joe's most vocal supporters will reveal that they don't pay a living wage to their employees. Why live up to the standards and "principles" that you promote?
Of course Moore buys at the suburban big box stores. Why would he shop at the local stores that have school supplies? Could it be that he would have to acknowledge the dollar store economy that runs Rogers Park? I mean no disrespect to our local retailers but I have limits on how much liquor and dollar items I buy in a given period. I don't need 100% human hair, formaldehyde filled nail products,two hundred shades of lip gloss,or a fish net body stocking in one size fits all. That is just a sample of the products available for back to school on Morse Avenue. I think that Joey gets an F in Economics and should be expelled.

ThatGirl said...

It is an indictment that the Alderman like the rest of us must go to Lincolnwood, Skokie or Evanston for most of our shopping. I'm like many in the neighborhood who take issue with our lack of decent retail. I really miss being able to take a walk for my different odds and ends that aren't liquor or discoteca related. It would be so nice to have a Caffe/ Coffeshop on Clark, a bookstore, a Staples (or Screenz or Kinkos..) a shoe store -DSW?, just little improvements within walking distance of our homes. Do we ask too damn much? The one size fits all fish-net body stocking does sound intriguing though.

runestone said...

You can find the one size fits all fishnet body stocking next door to the perfume place on Morse. They sell tribute fragrances. "If you like Elizabeth Taylor's White Diamonds...you'll LOOOOOVE Brown Zirconium!" Or you can just go right outside the market to the guy on the curb burning 30 freaking sticks of incense and stand in the smoke. It will almost drown out the stench of the regular bum who hasn't bathed since he was deloused at 26th and Cal a couple years back.

rogerspark60645 said...

There used to be this great little True Value store on Morse. I believe it was just a few doors west of Ashland on the north side of the street. I think there is a laundry place there now. I can't remember the name (Valueville?). I went there for everything. They had hardware, clothing, crafts, shower curtains, placemats, silverware, 5-10 cent candy, toys, sewing goods, school supplies, alarm clocks, you name it. I think you could even have screens made there. It was like an old Woolworth's minus the parakeets. This place was great for people who lived in the area and didn’t have cars. A dollar store couldn’t touch this place. It was there forever and then it disappeared about 1/2 way through Joe's reign.

Carol Goldman said...

The store was "Charles' Variety Store" owned by Charles Salinger. It was a True Value Hardware Store for the last few years of its existance. It was originally a Jewel food store and became Charles Variety when Jewel moved to a new building on the site of the present WAMU Bank and Family Dollar store.

When Jay Johnson renovated 1530 W. Morse he needed parking spaces for a portion of the apartments. He bought the Salinger property and tore the building down. It is now the parking lot east of of the laundromat.

You are right, rogerspark60645, it was a great store, I shopped there many times a week, particularly when I had small children, and to this day, I often wonder where to go for multiple small items that I always bought at Charles'and are not available in Rogers Park any more, particularly the "Dollar" stores.

Charles' Variety was indeed a "true value" and I miss it intensely.

Carol Goldman said...

Oops - I meant existence!

ThatGirl said...

Does anyone remember Jupiter Stores or The Community Store?
What was the name of the department store that used to occupy the Clark Street mega-mall. Was it Zayres? My mother used to drag me up here to get my back to school clothes. 70's polyester at its finest!

rogerspark60645 said...

Tracy, you're right. It was also Zayre. You people are REALLY making me miss the old Morse Ave. My in-laws used to go to Askenaz for lunch when they were in high school at Sullivan. Did anybody hear about the young guy who saved the girl drowning at Pratt pier yesterday? He had attended Leone's lifeguard program years ago and it paid off. His mom works with me and I am told she contacted the alderman's office to try to get him some sort of hero's recognition. They said that they would look into it.

ThatGirl said...

I grew up in the Lincoln/Belmont/Ashland area back when goldblatts, wieboldts, woolworth and Kotz Shoes were the haunts of all moms and grannies.
Up here you need only look at the storefronts to see remains of shops long gone. Its the same everywhere. The character is gone, the neighborhood unity is gone. Every Saturday My nan and i walked to the retail area, made our way to our regular haunts and then walked back home. You were a regular, you knew the staff, there was a "familial" feel. I'm being a nostalgic moron i'm sure but i wish like hell we could have that again. Everyone gets in the car and drives somewhere or shops "E-tail" things are so impersonal.

rogerspark60645 said...

Tracy, you should conact me...there is a St. Jerome's reunion going on.

ThatGirl said...

Thanks but i'm a St. Alphonsus girl. I think they're having a reunion this year as well. :)

rogerspark60645 said...

Tacy Kelly, Yes that is the one. I am attempting to copy and paste the invitation here...

You are Invited
At St. Gertrude’s Gym
1401 W. Granville
$5.00 Entrance Fee-Cash Bar
Come Celebrate Mass together at St. Gertrude’s 5:00PM before the party

Come and see old friends make new friends and dance the night away to the sounds of CBC featuring NCA’s own St. Ita Alumni Tom Martin, Frank Malave and Bill Wilhelm
DJ by Danny Luna St. Ita Alum

RSVP to Leigh Holzman 773-743-6277 or lholzman@ncaweb.org
We are looking for Alumni Addresses!!!
Please forward your sisters, brothers, mothers, fathers, aunts, uncles, and friends addresses and phone numbers to lholzman@ncaweb.org. Include what school and the year of graduation.
If you would like to help underwrite the event please contact Leigh Holzman

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