Thursday, September 14, 2006

* If Joe REALLY Cared About Us

One Readers Opinion

In the last 4+ years Alderman Joe Moore has spent a great deal of time pushing “national” issues through the Chicago City Council. Among other things, he has sponsored the resolution against the war in Iraq, the ban on foie gras, and most recently the now failed big box amendment. Not one of these measures has had any impact, whatsoever, on the daily lives of 49th ward residents, very little impact on Chicagoans, and zip impact on Americans overall. No lives have been saved (soldiers or geese), no living conditions improved, no new jobs, no improved humane treatment of animals.

One wonders if Joe intentionally sets out to do things that will have zero impact or if he simply detests the voters and taxpayers of his ward, Chicagoans, and perhaps even all American citizens. Or, maybe he only undertakes initiatives that will lead to more campaign contributions from special interest groups so that he can keep a job in which he gets to repeatedly fail while being paid? One has to wonder given that there are some things in Chicago that do need addressing – that if examined might lead to legislation that would have a real and profound impact on peoples’ lives.

Let’s take the high price of gasoline in Chicago. At the gas station at the corner of Clark and Touhy, gas sells for $3.05/gallon. In Chesterland, Ohio, gas sells for $2.10/gallon. That’s almost a buck a gallon less. In Arlington Heights you can fill up for $2.69/gallon! How come Chicagoans are paying SO MUCH MORE?

Folks who have to drive to those lousy paying jobs (that actually pay over $10/hr) at Walmart in Niles have to pay 1/3rd more to get there than the same people who work at Walmart in Chardon, Ohio. That dollar difference can’t be in federal taxes. Could it be state and city taxes? Why doesn’t Joe take on this fight? Doesn’t he care about workers who have to drive or take public transportation? Doesn’t he care that more tax dollars taken from peoples’ pockets means that they have less for housing, food, education, entertainment, retirement savings? Doesn’t he care that higher fuel costs the Chicago Transit Authority, which, in turn, impacts riders?

While we are looking at IL and Chicago taxes – how about our property taxes? Has Joe even whispered that he’s concerned about the 50 to over 100% increase in property taxes his residents will be paying come 2007? What are Joe’s views, exactly, on these substantial increases? Is he at all concerned that moderate income home owners, young couples, and even apartment building owners will be faced with bills that many of them will have a hard time paying, if they can pay them at all? Does he care that the property tax increases may very well force residents from Chicago, into the suburbs (where, at least, they will be closer to big box stores like Walmart that offer less expensive goods), or that rental unit owners may sell and go condo?

Look at all the multi-unit buildings for sale in RP maybe they are getting out before the property tax bills hit next year.

What has Joe done for the taxpayers and voters of the 49th ward? What is ours and where is it, exactly? Joe got a big raise (which it appears that he is keeping, unlike Tom Tunney who is donating his raise to several elementary schools), and he gets to be on national TV a lot. He has over $33k in aldermanic pocket money that taxpayers also pony up (maybe this and/or campaign contributions pay his transportation and property tax bills). What have we got? Joe gets his $100+k job, benefits, car, and pocket money AND he gets to hold another job, if he wants. Does Joe have another line of business we should know about? When would he possibly find time to fit it in?

Joe does care about children (after they die, but not if they are black teenage boys in his ward, who are simply SOL) so he’s sponsoring legislation that would demand that the Chicago public school system provide free breakfast to ALL students in the first period. Leaving aside that school is supposed to be a place of learning, not a food camp, and leaving aside that not all public school students are so poor that they need the school system to provide them with sustenance, how does Joe propose that the beleaguered school system pay for this freebie meal? And what diet should be provided to these students? Eggs and bacon or something lower in cholesterol? Would we have to have special meals, as they do on airplanes, for special needs students such as diabetics, etc.? (And what is with Joe’s obsession with food?) While it is commendable for Joe to be concerned with low income students who arrive at school hungry, shouldn’t the school system’s focus be on EDUCATION so the children don’t grow up and have to work at a low paying job at Walmart? Aren’t there other avenues to provide for poor children’s nutritional needs? Is school really the place this should be addressed? Do we need more public education employees who work in non-educational capacities? Maybe Joe could take his raise and donate it to a 49th ward food bank? Or even work with one of our myriad neighborhood charitable organizations to help feed hungry children.

Maybe Joe could ask his landlord, developer, and PETA campaign contributors to instead donate funds to provide for the hungry in his ward. Or maybe he could ask these campaign contributors to donate funds for job training and adult education that would get people out of low paying jobs and into more meaningful and lucrative careers.

If Joe really cared about any of us – from the impoverished to the middle class – it seems as though he’d be focused on addressing our real world issues: taxes of all stripes, crime, education, job training, and business creation instead of alienating business, spending other people’s money like a drunken sailor, and working on silly legislation that either won’t get passed or will have zip impact if it does.

But, I think Joe hates us all – black, white, rich, poor, and everyone in between – so he doesn’t do any of these things. He just wants to dine with Hot Lips and be on TV – and get paid for it, and we can just go %$# ourselves. What do you think?


A Screwed voter.


Ryne said...

This letter his it right on the head! I think joe MUST be voted out of office! This is a no brainer! If joe wins he either 1. stole votes (aka gw bush) 2. we are a stupid people & we deserve this loser, because we are losers for voteing joe back in as our adderman.

Knightridge Overlook said...
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CommonSense said...

Excellent post! I'm sorry some think the posts about JoMo are boring. But the post hit the nail on the head, JoMo isn't doing squat for HIS electorate.

Come February 2007, there will be two choices, JoMo or DoGo. (I just came up with DoGo, I think it's pretty good.) While some have complained about DoGo, that fact is, we know what we have with JoMo - an elected official who isn't concerned with his ward. There are landlord/tenant issues, streets and sanitation issues, and tax issues that continue to be ignored. Why not give DoGo a chance and elect him in February?

Knightridge Overlook said...
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Pamela said...

1. We should look at all candidates and not prejudge til we've read their platform and heard what they have to say. Making pre-judgements is what got the 49th Joe in the first place. Haven't we learned our lesson about making snap judgments?

2. Joe ought to be ashamed at his record, which is piss poor no matter how you slice it.

3. Since Chase RP thinks that Screwed voter's analysis is superficial, let's hear Chase RP's analysis of Joe's performance.

runestone said...

Don Gordon has no record to speak of and the lakefront/marina issue really cannot be spoken of as his achievement either. He sat back while Jim Ginderske did the actual leg work of bringing the issue to the eyes and ears of the voters. Joe tried to sneak it in on us and then swooped in to play the savior who "got the park district to back down". He coat tailed on Ginderske's work on the issue. Chris Adams...Who the $#%@ is this dust mite? This election will come down to two candidates and only ONE is qualified for the job- Jim Ginderske.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Runestone in-correctly stated......>" Jim Ginderske did the actual leg work of bringing the issue to the eyes and ears of the voters."

Please, go back and research.

James may have done the leg-work, but it was the Hell Hole that brought this issue to the eyes and ears of the voters.

runestone said...

Hey Craig, I should have stated that Jim did the leg work and brought this issue to MY eyes and ears and the same for a bunch of my neighbors and friends who heard about it from me because of him. I meant no disrespect to you or your excellent research/reporting and expose of the B.S. factor in local politics. The fact is I never read your blog until recently nor did I ever post. I have been inclined to check out some of the archives but I try to stay current and not pick old scabs. Thanks for the forum!

runestone said...

Jeffrey, a poor child can already get free breakfast and lunch. The food is still as crappy as it was when my kid was in public schools. Choke sandwiches-questionable meat on dry white bread- with bruised fruit for lunch. Lukewarm oatmeal and milk whether you're lactose intolerant or not for breakfast. On a good day it's cold cereal.
This isn't about feeding starving children. This is about Moore putting bullshit legislation on the table and keeping his mug in the papers and on the news. It is no easier to learn on the substandard nutrition already provided. I don't believe for a minute that Moore will improve on the situation. His disposable healthcare in a tent shows his true stripes. He thinks of the poor contituents as throwaway people. They're not used to any better so they won't notice any real improvement.

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