We all know this is a popular website with the "movers and shakers" of the 49th ward, but we didn't know how popular we were until tonight. Here's why. From what we heard, CAPS beat 2431 facilitator Kevin O'Neil got bent out of shape today at Thomas Westgard and his comment in the 'Broken Heart' about this evenings so-called safety fair at the Morse EL.
Westgard got chewed out by the Alderman's puppet Kevin O'Neil for posting on the Hell Hole. Then, without reason, Westgard tried to remove the 'in 'question' post. Why? Maybe because Thomas Westgard claimed this event was going to be political like I thought it was going to be and then got afraid to say so in public?
Lucky, I save everything. How I wish I could have seen that chew out session between Kevin and Thomas. Anyhow....
O.K., at tonight's event, the information table set up by the Morse El doorway (which Alderman Moore stood by most of the night) may have been politic free, but the evening was far from being free of a political presents.
Just look at the above photo. If this wasn't political - do you think these officers really would want to listen to the Alderman give them instructions during a staged roll call? On a Friday night no less. If these officers weren't laughing at Alderman Moore under their breathe, they weren't listening to Alderman Moore.
So, the turn-out was about twenty neighbors. Your basic CAPS meeting folks. The usual Alderman Moore cheerleaders were there. Head cheerleader Kevin O'Neil. Back-up Katy Hogan. Not-for-profit cheerleader Mary Jane Haggerty was there. Then there was the other guy and the newest guy running for Alderman. Reader Pro Gun was there. So was loyal reader RP Neighbor. That guy who owes me money named Michael Harrington was there. The usual turnout.
Plus, some guy who was watching us, I believe he was arrested once before, last February 2005 in the first Morse drug bust called "End of the line." I'll do a post on him later to see if you all concur.
Until then, as the Alderman should have told the troops he was facing in the photo, "Be careful, It's Friday night, you're in beat 2431. There is a bunch of bad guys out there."
Blognotes: Knowing how to work a crowd. This evening the "Broken Heart" was able to pass out over 50 fliers to the commuters leaving the Morse Avenue EL stop. Advertising this website to new readers helps the residents learn more about what's really going on in Rogers Park. Thanks to all who grabbed a flier. Hope you enjoy the content here on the Hell Hole. To all the regular's, a big thanks also.
Graig I saw in the Reader an interesting ad "Join the Revitalization of Rogers Park" it goeas on "If you are an entrepreneur or existing business owner,come and learn about the opportunities in Rogers Park at one of our free sessions" Sept 20 @ No Exit Cafe (8:30am to 10am) also on Nov 15 @ Gateway Bar & Grill (6:30pm to 8pm)
For additional information call Dev Corp North.
Do you think this is being done because a election is comeing up? Is this what the other candidate had his lawyers write a letter about "cease and desist favoritism to a political candidate"
Is this joe haveing something to tell us about the business he is bringing into the ward?
Business owners give money to campaigns. Landlords and developers fall into this group. It is definately political. However, it is also subtle. Here is DevCorp North, and they say that they are helping the local business community, while at the same time saying "we work with the alderman to get this done." This, unlike so many other DevCorp actions, would not violate the regulations of 501(c)(3).
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