Wednesday, October 18, 2006

* Are Candidates Too Good For Blogs?

The 'Broken Heart' gets thousands of comments to the 100 stories posted about our community. Lately most comments are on the political subjects. It's fair to say that the candidates read the blog on a daily basis. If not them, someone on their campaign. But I'm willing to bet a pot of gold, they all read it themselves.

Why don't they respond to the posts or comments? Jim used to comment, heck Jim got his start writing here, but doesn't anymore. Even though Fagus has his own blog, he still posts stuff here. Gordon claimed he open early on, but doesn't seem to follow his own rules now. Harrington, he's stopped too. (Actually, Hartrington should get a job and pay off his 2003 campaign debt, but that's another story.)

Yet, the questions on this blog will keep coming and coming, like today. This was buried from a story a few months ago, I pulled it up for all to read. It's important and I felt it needed it's own story.

It's about the other guys no-permit build which he still hasn't answered.

I am renter, a person with a disability, and have lived in Rogers PARK 17 YEARS, PATRONIZED IT FOR OVER 25. I see no candidate but Joe really concerned about the issues of diversity, which include disability issues, but Joe. However, though I like Joe.

I serve on a committee with James and he does not really speak to me, rather brushes me off as if I am insignificant. It is quite interesting the dynamics that come into play when we are at the Rogers Park Consortium meetings. That does not bode well for a candidate for alderman.

I find Don Gordon sincere and a nice guy, but his campaign office space is not even accessible, so I can't get in to sign his nominating petition or attend his meetings. However, I like his website.

I like Joe Moore as a person and as someone who cares about all in the ward, though I, too, would like to see someone else take the reins just as Joe did when David Orr left for the County Clerk's office. However, based on what I have witnessed and experienced from the alternative, I may still be forced to vote for Joe.

I will say this, if Don wants my vote and help with his Campaign, he needs to have a ramp, even if a wood incline available for people in wheelchairs to get into his Campaign headquarters. Aldermen have to uphold the city ordinance Section 2-160 forbids discrimination in public accommodations.

I work with youth and I am a renter myself, so I oppose anything that pushes people out of their home just because they cannot afford homebuying or high rental costs. I live in Rogers Park for the diversity of ideas, people, ages, lack of a racial majority, spirituality, acceptance of all races and cultures without putting any down, haven for artists and people with disabilities (through an alderman who upholds the ordinance even when his Campaign supporters gripe), an alderman who supports living wages and benefits so that he is not a rubber stamp for the mayor.

I have not seen Joe's house, but I have not seen any other candidate's house either. I don't want to see their houses, so much as their hearts. Where is your heart? What makes you tick? If you weren't opposing the incumbent, what would your platform really be? Instead of focusing on the negatives of the candidates, I would now just like to focus on Rogers Park and who could do the most good for all of Rogers Park--who is a reform candidate instead of a machine politician? Who supports William Walls III for mayor as the reform candidate?

Who represents a champion for cultural democracy? Who can I call even when they are at their daughter's wedding to dispel racial violence--Joe did.

Who will not just lip words of action, but actually demonstrate their commitment to the people of this ward? Who is willing to take on police corruption, violence, and ward cleanup without criminalizing youth? Who is willing to work with the community groups that really do support a united Rogers Park even if those groups do not support your candidacy?

Who is willing to see the CAPS meetings have community ownership--so it creates a sense of trust not just between homeowners and police, or business groups and police, but ordinary people and police, youth and police. Real community policing-on neutral ground, in an environment of trust where everyone is worthy of comment and respect.

An environment in which police officers and residents have mutual respect, not just because the police carry guns and can rid the corners of drug dealers if they had the time and manpower, but because police officers like residents we are just ordinary people with an extraordinary task of building relationships based on honest feedback, integrity, ongoing training, and intuition. If people don't get it, they should not be aldermen.

Right now, I am considering either Joe Moore or Don Gordon, but I need to see Don be more cognizant of the human rights ordinance as it pertains to people with disabilities. As for any candidate who does not like youth, people in wheelchairs who demand access, people born outside the USA, people who have low income and are forced by discrimination or disability to accept government help (big business does it everyday), or people who do not have the same sexual gender as the candidate, I don't have much time for people running for office who alienate particular populations; so please don't let me find out if you do-- I will broadcast it.

Meanwhile, there is time for each candidate learn the needs of the community, the contents of the human rights ordinance that they must uphold as alderman (not just their personal reasons for running), and cultivate a campaign of honesty. Sometimes the best man or woman does not win, but may the best man win in 2007 who will be a representative of the community in the best interests of the entire city.

Hey, by the way, why do no women run in Rogers Park? Don't answer. We know why. Besides, that is another consideration for a separate blog, and I have written enough.

# posted by Maatjewelry

Blognotes: Like I said, we all know the candidates follow the blogs. If they say they don't, they're pulling your leg. Let's see if we get a answer this time around.

Or will we be ignored - like before? Or another example, like Adams has a habit of doing.

Now that they are these special candidates instead of everyday citizens, are they too good for the blogs?


Kheris said...

Adams' Answers to my questions. Just arrived.

Jocelyn said...

Well, now I really feel like chopped liver.

Pamela said...

Honestly, Craig et al, if I were running for office I wouldn't talk to y'all on the blogs either, particularly hellhole, which is all about sensationalism (which I happen to like as a reader and participant but wouldn't be down with so much as a candidate).

Our candidates should be out meeting face to face with residents and businesses; they shouldn't be hanging out with a bunch of virtual thugs (me included) who can hide behind anonynimity and say things online they would never dream of saying to someone's face or in public. It would get to be about the show and not about the substance. Haven't we had enough show with Joe? No more showmen. I would like our next alderman to be an adult with adult behaviors and standards(face it, we're not very adult-like here in the blogosphere).

You want to get to know the candidates? Go meet with them. They are all having events and forums and I bet that any one of them would agree to come talk to just about any community group or even a group of neighbors at someone's home (two of the candidates met with my neighbors at my home).

I appreciate that Craigy is about getting eyeballs and feeding the beast (that would be us). But the reality is that hellhole is not the time and place for this election to be taken from Joe. The candidates will keep Joe from getting 50% of the vote by getting out there and addressing voters real time.

Further, it would be an unfair fight if the 3 contenders were to come online as the incumbent would NEVER show to participate. Hell, he barely shows up for real meetings. I've lived in RP for nearly 16 years and I've seen him on the streets of RP all of three times. I walk by his office all the time. Never see the guy. In fact, I think the only time JoMo is in RP is in the safety of his car, home, or office; only in public at some event (or unless he's breakfasting with another politico).

Like I said, we don't need another showman. That's not worked so much for us.

Hugh said...

"HACC does have a soup kitchen which provides a hot meal to anyone who wants it, with no questions asked, every day."


How well does Mr. Adams know our neighborhood?

Hugh said...

wait til Daniel hears about this...

Hugh said...

"The fact that crime is up and gang activity is on the rise is unacceptable."


Mr. Adams is not reading the official reports.


Hugh said...

" ... we will launch the Keep Rogers Park Beautiful campaign ... "

after you are elected?

why not launch it now Mr. Community Activist?

Hugh said...

"I have developed partnerships with area chambers of commerce..."

What area "chambers of commerce" have you developed partnerships with?

Do they know about this?

Hugh said...

Deftly plugging into the hot-button issue of the street in Rogers Park, a major policy distinction between Moore and Adams has emerged:

Moore: "There will be no Wal-mart in the 49th ward as long as I am alderman."

Adams: "No more dollar stores. No more. None. Nyet. No mas."

Hugh said...

I really wanted to hear Adams' answer to RPNeighbor's question about prior involvement in the community.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs