Tuesday, October 24, 2006

* Changes at the Harold Rider Building

First off, this photograph has nothing to do with the Harold Rider building. This is Patrick climbing a 25 foot high - almost vertical rock face incline at the Grand Lake Dam this weekend. It was insane. The competition and landscape was awesome. Patrick finished second overall, Phillip finished fourth and I, well I was upper mid-pack at 33rd place out of 120 plus riders. Some entries never finished this two day rugged event.

We had a great time and will be returning for future events held at this location. Patrick came home $500 dollars richer, as there was a top three purse. I got a finishers coffee mug and a event hoodie.

O.K., now to the Rider building. Well, now that Mr. Block has retired, the building we're guessing is under the control of the management companies leader, Mr. Harold Rider. So, we've changed the name of the building to the 'Rider' building. That's not the only changes.

It looks as if there is a new cleaner/janitor working the building unless Chris is on vacation. I saw a female cleaning the lobby yesterday. The same lobby where just last Friday morning some chior boys were hanging out when I left the city. I had to walk by a few times yeasterday to unload the gear and each time there was no activity at the 'Rider' building. No hanging out drinking, no loud swearing at the cameraman, no garbage thrown around, no nothing. It was very nice.

Now, back to Patrick. Patrick and I talked about these goodie two shoes who hang around the "Rider' building and what they should do. Patrick has suggested that if anyone of these kids wants to climb rocks with a bicycle or motorcycle instead of smoking them, he will mentor them (him or her) for one year.

That's right, any city kid, who's parent or parents sign a waiver, we will fully sponsor the child for a year. This includes a bike, food, lodging, travel and training. The only requirement, the kid must maintain a passing grade in his studies. The ideal situation would be to have the entire family embrace this outdoor sport. For all you basketball fans, it would be like being trained by Lebron James.

If this doesn't keep the youth out of trouble, nothing will. Personally, I don't expect anyone to take us up on this offer, but it's something we thought we would try to help out at least one person who wants to end the cycle of drugs and violence in our neighborhood.

Anyhow, it was nice of Patrick to offer to help. He's really a special young man.


CrimeStopper2 said...

i agree it seems quiter there except for saturday's, that evening seems to draw them out (although im sure the cold is assisting in keeping them in). You should look closer at the Lunt Lobby, there are now three borken windows in it. The one to the right of the inner door, and the two big ones on the left of the outer vestibule. Kudos to you and Patrick for offering, I hope one of the good kids in that buildings parents at least take you up on it, although it would be nice to get a troubled youth into it.

Hugh said...

in other news...

Pimp & no
‘Pimp-and-Ho’ protesters have big problems with party’s message
By Kyra Kyles, RedEye, October 23 2006

Hugh said...

Has this been blogged here yet? sorry if this is a re-post

YouTube of Joe Moore on the cable access North Town News Magazine

it's about

1/3 pro-goose
1/3 anti-WalMart

but what's interesting is it's about

1/3 how CAPS is failing Rogers Park

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs