Wednesday, October 25, 2006

* More Changes at the Harold Rider Building

We always hear about the lack of parking in the community. The other candidates haven't done much but make website promises. Here at the 'Broken Heart' we're not about fancy promises, we're about solving everyday problems, like parking.

Now, it would be disingenuous to say the above flyer being circulated around the neighborhood by Realty and Mortgage Company and the 'Harold Rider' building wasn't in response to a "Broken Heart' post.

So if you believe otherwise, here is the timetable.

On October 11th I posted this story regarding the lack of parking in the neighborhood and the fact David Fagus was getting special parking treatment. Lot's of angry comment's were posted, one by Mr. Fagus himself and one reader called to find out some real facts.

Well, I'm pleased to announce, the 'Harold Rider' building is now accepting applications for EVERY citizen for a limited time. One guy's slogan is, "take action-get results'. Really? Let's see him do this! Heck, let's see the Alderman find a half dozen plus off-street parking spots for his constituents, and at that price? Wait, his campaign staff is probably drawing up the press release taking credit at this very moment?


Jocelyn said...

I am not sure I would want to park my car anywhere near the Block Building--much less inside their compound.

rogerspark60645 said...

Damage control.

rogerspark60645 said...

Breaking the Silence,
It sounds like you have some juicy stories. Do tell. I don't think I know who this guy is but I have heard of him. Is he a hottie?

rogerspark60645 said...


Knightridge Overlook said...
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