Wednesday, October 25, 2006

* Stealth Condo's Stimulate Alderman Moore's Economy

"More needs to be done to counteract the negative effects of condo conversions in his ward, but he added that such development has also stimulated the local economy."
Alderman Moore
October 25, 2006
Chicago Tribune

Blognotes: If the Alderman could find a way to muzzle the 'Broken Heart', these negative effects wouldn't be noticed as much and he could continue to stimulate his campaign fund - aka, the local economy.


Toto said...

More condos, more condos, more condos. Hey, why not condos in the block bldg? Oooops that's affordable housing. Oh wait yes affordable for only those people who have the stomach for what goes on there. More condos, more condos, more condos.


Hey Tommy W, when you coming back for a visit?

ChitownRog said...

I don't really understand some people's aversion to condo conversions. Or to "Yuppies" moving into the neighborhood. What's wrong with the Yuppies? Aren't they exactly the people you want for neighbors? Actually I should put myself into the Yuppie category. I recently purchased a condo in a building that was highlighted on this blog as being a Stealth Condo Conversion. You should be extatic that I live there now. I'm a married, upper middle class professional with plenty of disposable income that I'm just itching to spend in the neighborhood. Except there's nowhere for me to spend it, so I go to Evanston, and Skokie instead.

I love Paradise's idea. If Morse was more like, oh I don't know, Armitage in Lincoln Park, or Wells in Old Town, don't you think that would be better than what we have now?

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