Monday, October 23, 2006

* Crime is Decreasing?


A man from Evanston was shot 5 times on Saturday at 11:30 am near 6600 North Ashland. As of Saturday he was in critical condition and I have no information as to his name or age.

Cease Fire will hold a vigil and response on Wednesday the 25th at 6:00 pm. We will meet at the corner of Ashland and Albion. I’ll send you more information as it becomes available. The Living Waters Community Church will join us.

Thank you for your support.

Sarah Jane Knoy and Verne Jones
ONE for Rogers Park Cease Fire


CommonSense said...

There appears to be a lot of drug activity at that corner. People are always just "hanging out" there. And the fact that he was shot five times suggests something more than random violence. Sadly, that corner is half a block(?) from the police station. You'd think the cops would clean up their immediate vicinity.

While true, any crime is bad crime, if it remains contained to those engaging in high risk occupations such as gang banging and drug dealing, and the crime doesn't bleed over (no pun intended) to the general population, there should be no cause for alarm that "crime is not down." Put it in perspective. The woman near the Heartland getting punched and the guy being run over numerous times are much more worrisome.

Though I don't know for sure, one less gang member is no big deal.

If it turns out that some young man from Evanston was harmlessly hanging out on that corner at that time - well then, my apologies and I take it all back.

proGun said...

rp blue
I am on it.
Caps should inform John Q public on how to relate details of crimes more effectively.
Blue needs details, it is not enough for JQ to simply say I saw a crime.
Details, and do not get shot.
Go Tigers.

rogerspark60645 said...

" O'Connor needs to be replaced in the 50th almost as much as Joe needs to be replaced in the 49th." O'Connor isn't in the 50th ward. Our alderman is Bernie Stone.

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