Tuesday, November 21, 2006

* CAPS Beat 2431 Suddenly Makes Neighbor Feel Safer

This is a good one. At the beginning of the CAPS meeting last night, a neighbor asked the crowd of 20 if they felt safer or not in the last year. She mentioned it was worse and didn't feel as safe. Kevin O'Neil gave his two cents worth and said his 16 year old daughter and wife said it was safer.

After a hour of CAPS discussion, this lady again spoke up and told the crowd of 20, she felt safer in the neighborhood. Another feel good CAPS story. In one hour, CAPS was able to make the neighborhood safe again - like magic. At least for this one neighbor.

1 comment:

Ryne said...

I think that it is great that kevin O'Neil takes the time to stick his head out of joe moore ass lon enough to tell everyone that they feel safe!!

I wonder if when people have been "gooned" in the past if kevin told them they where safe?

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