Monday, November 13, 2006

* Osterman Sponsored Taxpayer Cheat

Paid to do nothing. Hired truck scandal. Sick employees that aren't really sick. Now this. The Sun-Times has another heartbreaking - rip-off the taxpayer report. This time it involves a local official who I've volunteered time helping out as part of the Morse Avenue Clean Team.

{After a months-long undercover surveillance by the city inspector general's office, laborers Daniel Degnan and Michelle Allison and truck driver Scott Lorentz are accused of routinely working a three- or five-hour workday when they were supposed to be on the clock for eight hours.}

It reminds me of the old joke about who's dad is faster.

The first kid says, "My day's so fast, he hold's the state championship record in the 100 yard dash.'

The second kid says, "My dad is faster because he won the United States championship in the 100 yard dash.'

The third kid says, "My dad is the fastest. He works for Chicago Streets and Sanitation - He punches out for work at 2:30 p.m. and he's home by 1:30.

Not too much of a joke anymore huh? State Rep. Harry Osterman is listed as Daniel Degnan's sponsor. Now I feel really duped by our public officials. Harry's helping someone get a job cleaning the city - but the person doesn't do his job, instead cheats the job, a job we help pay his salary. Then Harry get's me to volunteer cleaning the city as part of a summer program.

The Sun-Times said Harry Osterman could not be reached for comment. Being the loyal reader that Harry is, maybe he'll leave a explanation here?

1 comment:

Pamela said...

I'm shocked, shocked I tell you, to read that a politico patronage job is a slacker job. Who would ever have thunk it?

Next time any politico, anywhere, says that taxes need to be raised, remember this and thousands of others we don't know about just like it at all levels of guvmt. Sadly, our elected officials regularly prove themselves poor managers.

But they're great with doling out the graft!

Hey, Harry, how about that property tax relief you assured me that you were working on? What's the status?

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