Sunday, November 26, 2006

* Party in the Harold Rider Building Vestibule

This is just a one of the many half pint bottles that littered the front vestibule of the Harold Rider Building at 1340 West Morse Avenue on Sunday morning after the fight and window breakage. I'm told there was quite a celebration in the vestibule. All anyone has to do is ask to view the security tapes on the Morse Avenue side of the Harold Rider Building from 4:30 a.m. until 5:45 a.m to witness the festivities.

But that doesn't seem possible if you believe the Harold Rider Building management team of Troy Amber. See, Troy attended the CAPS beat 2431 meeting last week and Troy informed us there would be a live, as in live human being, walking the buildings - A actual security guard type working Friday and Saturday night's from 4 p.m. until 6 a.m.

I know it's the first weekend with the new security, but if a human security guard and a few security camera's can't keep the building secure from the choir boy's and girls, maybe we should try another measure. Like tearing the buildings down all together and build a three story public parking garage. Then there will be plenty of parking spaces for Andy's Music Theatre next door - the Lifeline Theatre down the street - or any number of businesses that need parking to survive. You don't need to waste Special Service Area Tax money to figure that out.

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