Saturday, December 23, 2006

* The Alderman on Crime

This election cycle our Alderman is claiming a 49 percent decline in crime since he took office in 1991. Forty-nine percent. Here's another way the Alderman viewed the numbers during his re-election kick-off speech...

..."Put in human terms, there were 5,200 fewer victims of crime last year as compared to fifteen years ago."

Updated December 23, 2006: I found this little diddy from the 2003 election cycle in a interview the Alderman did with Windy City Times.

We’ve had a significant decrease in crime—well over 40 percent, which means in terms of human beings we had 4,500 fewer victims of crime last year than we did in 1991.”

Blognotes: Change a few numbers here and there, nobody will ever check and wha-la, a re-useable campaign line.


Craig Gernhardt said...

Full WCT story here.

Hugh said...

City murder total tops 2005 mark
4-year decline reversed; other violent crime off
December 22, 2006
BY ANNIE SWEENEY Sun-Times Crime Reporter

The number of homicides so far this year has surpassed last year's total, according to unofficial Chicago Police figures ...

As of Thursday, there were 452 murders in Chicago, up three from last year's total of 449, according to unofficial numbers from the Police Department. The increase reverses a four-year decline. ...


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