Monday, December 25, 2006

* People of the Year '06

-The Censorist Award-

Ho-Ho-Ho, it's a Merry Christmas '06. It's the season of giving - and guess what? I'm in the mood to spread the wealth.

Today we're looking back at some of the more memorable members of our community - and I'm giving out some 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park awards for 2006.

Let's start with the one's who try to hide things from us. No, not like hiding presents before Christmas. This type of hiding. Hiding Information.

In January we ran across Dan Butts from DevCorp North. Dan was caught red handed trying to get the 'Broken Heart' flyers to magically disappear. Flyers that were being passed out before a Loyola TIF meeting. In the above photo, according to one commenter - Dan looks like a deer in the headlights.

So congratulations to DevCorp North's Dan Butts on being the 'Broken Heart's 2006 Censorist of the Year.

Past Winners: In 2005 Michael Land from Alderman Moore's 49th ward office was caught doing the same thing at a different meeting. In 2004 the winner was the unknown person.

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