Friday, December 1, 2006

* Where's The Taxpayer Funded Snow Removers in Rogers Park?

If you haven't been outside or checked out the window, it's snowing. It's snowing hard. The news is covering the white stuff extensively. Plus, it's December 1st. How many other clues do we need? Oh and the Alderman warned us yesterday of the snow parking ban in his political e-mail alert. Twice no less. That's like jinxing it to snow.

So then, where's DevCorp North? The Alderman's political action committee posing as the neighborhood tax collecting do-gooders. As you can see from the above photograph, Special Service Area tax #24 levy must be asleep on the job.

* The City of Chicago snow removal crews are out.

* The Field School down the street was removing snow on the sidewalk.

* On the channel 7 news, the State Street Special Service Area tax levy was working. They were caught on camera removing snow.

So what's the problem here in Rogers Park?

* This isn't the first time for the tax collectors at DevCorp North.

Or second.

Or third.

Or forth.

Or fifth.

Or sixth.

Do you get the picture? This is common place. But DevCorp North doesn't care. This is a unmonitored tax boondoggle and DevCorp North is laughing all the way to the bank while others suffer with wet feet and possible slippage leading to back injury.

The only difference, this time the Heartland Cafe ownership kept their snowmovers inside. (See 5 and 6) As the sidewalk in front of their business was ice covered with a couple of inches of snow on top.

We do have a good news story here. As you can see, the Heartland Cafe has lot's and lot's of Christmas Trees for sale from $25 dollars and up. It depends on the size of the tree you choose.

Back to the bad news, if you don't buy the Chirstmas trees, they have to be thrown away.

And we don't want that do we?

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