Monday, January 22, 2007

* Fagus Reaps Huge Reward

While Stroger is being commended in some quarters for doing the kind of cost cutting his father never did, others argue he's doing plenty of what his dad always did. That is, packing the budget with his pals. Consider Todd Stroger's new lucky hires along with current, politically connected, highly paid staff he's keeping on.

• David Fagus (49th Ward Democratic committeeman) -- was earning $87,479 as executive assistant at Cermak Hospital, now the COO earning $113,703.

Carol Marin
Chicago Sun-Times

Blognotes: Fagus couldn't even carry 'his' ward for papa Stroger - and still gets a handy-dandy raise. I'm guessing it's because he's doing such a good job at work pushing paper around?


Hugh said...

Marin's tag line:

"There's a fire burning in the county. And it's time to sacrifice some of those cushy administrative jobs to help put it out."

Hugh said...

"Patronage ... is often a tool used to reward persons for activities that have
no relationship to their employment or the skills required to fulfill their job description."

-David Fagus,1/06/2003

Hugh said...

> ... what his educational background is ...

Here's the questionaire Fagus filled out in seeking the endorsement of the IVI-IPO in his race for committeeman.

DATE: 01/06/2003
WARD: 49
NAME: David Fagus

In it he claims:

"I have a BA in Political Studies, a Master of Public Administration degree ... "

But I would recommend asking him where from and verifying with the institution(s).

Fagus got the endorsement, not surprising since he is a Board member.

Craig Gernhardt said...

"I endorse Todd Stroger!

With these three words, David Fagus earned a whooping $26,224 dollar a year raise.

Not bad work - if you can find it.

aldermansintern said...

Mr. Fagus was kind of enough to spend time making calls on Joe's behalf this weekend.

I think that's worth something.

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