Thursday, January 4, 2007

* Foie Gras Inspection Keeps Moore in the News

"The law doesn't need to be changed. What needs to be changed is the city's attitude toward enforcing the law."
Alderman Moore

Blognotes: Blaming the inspectors now Alderman Moore? Please. Alderman Moore didn't study all the possible loop-holes long enough while he was drawing up his "silly law." Now it's not only costing inspectors to waste time - it's also wasting taxpayer money that could be better spent elsewhere.

But hey, at least he's making the primetime network news.


CommonSense said...

Wow, you really are a JoMo fan, aren't you? The issue is wasting government resources, aka MY MONEY paid to the City through the highest sales tax in the NATION! JoMo is wasting our resources by focusing on these meaningless things. It really shows a) JoMo has nothing better to do, or b) JoMo doesn't know what the real issues are.

dbt said...

JMF: I'd personally rather they were working to keep food safe than enforcing personal preferences on what is an acceptable food to eat. And I don't even like foie gras

Craig Gernhardt said...

Time-Out said.....>"several calls to his office were not returned"

Sounds like the Alderman is staying true to form.

Hugh said...

The law doesn't need to be changed. What needs to be changed is the lawmakers.

Jocelyn said...

While I am sympathetic to the plight of suffering animals, I feel that this venture of our Alderman is totally inappropriate and shows how out of touch with our ward he really is.

With all the ridicule, he has to regret this initiative.

I suppose there is a case for saying he is "ahead of his time" --But let's get real here. We have more pressing issues about quality of life for humans in our ward. There are no geese here that I know of.

Ryne said...

It appeare's (I hope I am wrong) that our worthless alderman joe (I focus on problems that have nothing to do with improving the 49th ward) moore will be re-elected. so while it will make this blog interesting, we will have to put up with our goofball alderman until the next election (or until he gets caught by the feds being bad)

So will have no one to blame but ourselves, I hope we all can put with joe.

Toto said...

Where can I apply to be a Foie Gras Inspector? I hope it pays top dollar.

Craig, why don't you endorse one of Joe's opponents?

Jocelyn said...

toto - maybe Craig hasn't decided or maybe he isn't excited enough about any one candidate to endorse them formally.

ryne- you may be wrong this time- we'll see. But why the defeatest attitude?

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