Sunday, January 28, 2007

* Good News Forum - Question of the Day

It all starts today. At the Good News Kitchen. But let's look back at a little history between the Alderman and the folks at Good News. 24/7 Howardwatcher calls this, 10 years later, and offers some juicy information on the real change North of Howard.

Here's the million dollar question. What's the future of North Paulina in 2008 and beyond?


Toni said...

The answer is in the polling booths 2/27/08. I would encourage ALL non-NOH residents/voters to attend today's 'debate' and look at the slow-if-any-progress NOH.

Why couldn't these places be moved? Because the other areas of Rogers Park would have a fit, including some of the non-resident NOH who sat on the alderman's task force.

Toni said...

OOPS I meant 2/27/07

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