Thursday, February 8, 2007

* Alderman Moore Sez

"I have crumbling stations reeking of urine"....

Chris Adams brought up our Alderman's missed CTA hearings at last night's forum. Reminder to the Alderman, next time you give one of those 'fire and brimstone' speeches, don't forget about mentioning the alleys too Alderman Moore.

1 comment:

Toto said...

Reporter: Alderman Moore, what's your plan for cleaning up the Roger Park's CTA stations?

Joe Moore: We are FLUSH with enthusiasm to report a new task force has been created to come up with a program to RELIEVE the situation. I am just TINKLED to announce this today.

Reporter: Sir, but the situation is dire and the riders are complaining of the stench of urine the stations and they need help now.

Joe Moore: I'm not PRIVY to the details of the task force's investigation and the police tell me THEY HAVE NOTHING TO GO ON.

Reporter: It's a public health problem, sir.

Joe Moore: In LOO of creating a task force, all I can ask is the riders to HAVE A WEE bit more patience.

Reporter: The smell is it nearly knocks you down, what do you suggest the riders of the CTA do?

Joe Moore: Well it really DEPENDS, but don't expect me to DUMP it in Frank Krusi's lap.

Reporter: Your constituants are accusing you of PIDDLING away valuable time and doing nothing on their behalf.

Joe Moore: What to you expect me to do, EVACUATE the stations? It's just a bunch of little SQUIRTS that are doing all the complaining. In my next term, I intend to WIPE CLEAN this situation, as the smell of urine will never be NUMBER TWO on my list on public concerns


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