Wednesday, February 21, 2007

* Kopley Buys Zoning Change From Alderman Moore

The community voices major disapproval, but Alderman Moore (49th ward) doesn't listen to the community at all.

Kopley Group XIV LLC
5206 N. Sheridan Rd
Chicago, IL 60626
$2,500.00 on 2/9/2007

Developer money keeps flowing into the Alderman's campaign fund, right down to the wire. Can anyone say, hint of possible influence?


Toni said...

Again, anything goes NOH right?

I remember running into a friend who lived in a Kopley building on Sheridan. They were rehabbing while he lived there. Another Greenleaf story!

fedup dem said...

Please be sure to forward all of this information to the US Attorney's office. The more I read of this, the more I can see Lying Joe wearing his stylish orange prison jump suit.

Roxy said...
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Roxy said...
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Craig Gernhardt said...


You are banned, you fraud!

Between the Ginderske and Moore campaigns talking about my father who recently passed away, how low can these two campaigns go?

The North Coast said...

Hey, Craig, I know Roxy can be offensive but we enjoy tearing into her/him/it. Put those comments back up there, already.

Tomblogger threw up the most offensive, obnoxious shit imaginable about your father, which I thought was too low to even comment on. I know this has to be hurtful for you, but you really need to let people see "roxy" and Tom Mannis for the low-life, lice-infester, dirtbag scum that they are.

Tom Mannis is truly the King of Scum.

rogerspark60645 said...

I KNEW Roxy was Tom Mannis!

Jarvis_smells_like_piss said...

you people will never be satisified...

GALACTICA2000 said...

i did not know your dad Craig but i do know that he was out there writing and promoting gay lib/issues way ahead of the rest of folks so to be meanly critical of him to serve a silly alderman election agenda is out of line.

maybe some of the folks writing have some issues with their sexuality?? :)

u seem very confident of your own and i commend you for supporting Don Gordon as he reaches out to the GLBT community. he had a nice event i wasn't able to attend but giving out roses to all the guys was cute...

i have heard some parties call this pandering but we prolly deserve a bit of that after all we have been thru as i guess do most minority groups,

although- there is a case to be made that we are all people nevertheless and who i sleep with and how one feels about it is far less important than who i am as a person and all the ideals and bliefs i hold that are relevant in an election. so i guess i would also just say to the candidates-

"don't speak to just me- but let's speak to everybody's needs and make this a better and happier place- with more roses and fewer bullets! :))

maybe Don should pass some out to everybody!?- starting under the blue light on Morse? sure beats all the crack & violence! thx for listening G

Toto said...

Gee, it feels good not to be the low dog on this blog.


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