Sunday, February 25, 2007

* More False Statements From Alderman Moore's Campaign Mailers


I represented the Don Gordon campaign at today's Rogers Park Section 8 Tenants Council quarterly meeting at United Church of Rogers Park. Residents focused on addressing the needs for quality and affordable housing in Rogers Park. One of the issues I spoke to was suggested by a neighbor: we need to extend the requirement for tenants to be notified of a condo conversion. Don Gordon agrees that tenants need this and more protections in the condo conversion process. Certainly more than 120 days is necessary to pack up and prepare to move when one is forced - by the arrival of a condo conversion notice - to begin the mad scramble to find a new home.

By curious happenstance the incumbent alderman's latest mass mail brochure arrived in homes just yesterday. Rose Green, President Tenants Council, is in a group picture on the cover and is quoted inside. Rose told me that that the incumbent's campaign staffer Alex Armour had called her and asked for a statement about Moore. However, she says that Armour re-wrote her words. Moreover, the statement on affordable housing was crafted entirely from fairy dust! She said she did not and would not call the incumbent a champion of affordable housing.

The campaign brochure quote Green as saying, "Whenever we have a problem with a bad landlord, I can count on Joe Moore's office to crack down hard. And Joe has always been a champion of affordable housing in our ward."

Rose Green told me that she expects an alderman to work for all residents and has done so with the incumbent. However, she had no idea that she was going to be used in a piece of his political campaign literature, or that it would be made to look like she was endorsing Joe Moore.

Rose is a great lady and I have tremendous respect for her. Feel free to use what I've written above and also call Rose at home to confirm her statement.

Peace, Michael Harrington

Blognotes: I called Rose. It took her a few hours to call me back. And not after she obviously had drank some of Alderman Moore's tasty Kool-Aide.

She told me she said the first sentence - "Whenever we have a problem with a bad landlord, I can count on Joe Moore's office to crack down", but not the second sentence, "And Joe has always been a champion of affordable housing in our ward". She wouldn't come out and say if she endorsed the Alderman or not. For the record, Rose Green's landlord, or shall I say slumlord is Jay Johnson. The Morse Senior building is where Rose Green lives. This is the same building Wayne Jones got killed in front of last year. If Rose can't get any security at the Morse Senior building, she's not getting anything from Jay Johnson. The first quote by Rose Green is a false statement.

Blognotes #2: Kevin O'Neil is 'Baghdad Bob'

Also, In this false citizen statement, political mailer - it doesn't address Kevin O'Neil as a 49th ward Zoning Committee President. A committee that's under fire for it's 'pay to play' up-zoning rubber stamp for Alderman Moore's campaign fund. He's also a CAPS beat 2431 facilitator, a CAPS beat that is constantly under fire. And Kevin's on the board of directors at DevCorp North. Enough said there. That doesn't qualify him as a community activist. His title under the photograph should read - Alderman Moore's political 'community face' puppet. Or Baghdad Bob' for short.

1 comment:

Ryne said...

Kevin O'Neil Joe little puppet, kevin has whatever Joe writes down on a piece of paper then little kevin speaks joe words.

Kevin is like the groundhog but instead of popping out of a hole in the ground kevin pops out of joes ass!

Kevin is another reason not to vote for Joe Moore!

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