Wednesday, February 28, 2007

* Toni Duncan, Unsung Hero

In 2003, precinct 6 had 141 voters and 64 votes or 45.39% went to Alderman Moore's side. This is a North of Howard precinct actual numbers before Toni Duncan.

Now, fast forward to 2007. There were 204 voters yesterday - and 62 or 30.39% voted Alderman Moore. Here's the real kicker, 116 votes or 56.86% went to Democrat Don Gordon. Make no mistake, this was a direct impact from one precinct captain named Toni Duncan. She worked her area with Don Gordon tirelessly. She got Don Gordon into buildings he could never possibly have gotten into. She worked the streets, the Howard train station. And she did it all for the love of the neighborhood, not for any favors.

Then, on election day, Toni Duncan took a day off work and manned her station #6 like a super-hawk. Alderman Moore had triple the inside poll-watchers, quad-triple the outside poll material handlers. It didn't matter, Toni did her work months before. And it paid off big.

24/7 Howardwatcher, Toni Duncan - one of the true hero's that made a difference yesterday. I'm proud to have her in my corner too.


Unknown said...

I hate to have to correct you but 6 is not a north of Howard precinct, although it votes at Gale School. 6 is East Lake Terrace. The 3 NOH precincts are 30, 34 and 1.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Juneway, you smart ass. You're next buddy boy. Can I do a feature on you and your little street?

Unknown said...

In looking at the map I guess it is really NOH but the demographics are pretty different. All in all the 4 precincts at Gale did well yesterday and we will see if we can improve on that in April.

Catherine on Eastlake said...

Love it... i have to say that yesterday was the first time i got a weird vibe at the polls. everyone seemed to have an acerbic attitude... ready to pounce or go to fisticuffs. really trippy.

Ryne said...

I raise a glass to Toni!! Great work!! Lets make sure the ward put the nail in joes coffin on the runoff election!

chianim8r said...

Hey Craig,

Where can we find the results broken down by precinct?

fatoldbroad said...

Precinct 6's high anti Moore turnout might have a bit to do with Mike Lee, too - his Flentye-Moore story is inspiring.
Me? I live in 35 - we didn't do so bad for Gordon either.

Toni said...

Craig, many people spent months on this campaign. Special thanks should be given to everyone who gave their time and their vote should be recognized. There are many with more tenure than me.

Thank you Gordon Supporters!

Craig Gernhardt said...

That's the plan Toni, that's the plan. You just happened to be the first.

Unknown said...

And the other big objective is to recognize all of the efforts of the Ginderske and Adams camp and add their energy to the ongoing Gordon campaign. A campaign is a campaign and the neighborhood can only benefit from the combined energy of all that worked so hard with similar goals and different leaders.

Fargo said...

To Toni and everyone working with her - Thank you! Keep up the good work!

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