Thursday, March 1, 2007

* Another Unsung Hero, Rogers Park Neighbor

Election day, in her own words.

1 comment:

Jocelyn said...

I was getting all these commenters on my blog and now I know why! :)
I appreciate the kudos, but there are people who do way more than me around here.

Let's not forget YOUR tireless work. I think the people criticizing you so harshly should consider THAT before trashing you all over the place. Personally, when I see someone putting in all the time and effort that you do, I think they should be given a little latitude.

I may not always agree with you, but I respect what you do. It's really easy to sit around criticizing what someone else does. I've been wanting to say something about this for a while.

By the same token, I don't like when you go after Ginderske and I did say so. I remember us all doing CAPs walks last summer. What will happen this summer?

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