Monday, March 12, 2007

* Bring It On DFA

One of our unreliable bloggers asked the question on his blog, "Who are these guys?"

At first, it didn't concern me, this is just a chump blogger. But a comment left under the subject had caught my interest. I thought I'd share it with my readers. Here's the response to the questionable blog post.

ssb60626 said... I don't normally contribute to these blogs, but this 411 was too juicy not to pass on. I heard from a friend who is a DFA (Democracy For America) member that DFA was sending some lawyers to help Joe file a libel suit against a blogger - pretty sure they were referring to morsehellhole. Another DFA member was at that office that day and told him they came in and immediately started reading a blog - they were all crowded around one desk talking about lawsuits and libel. Since DFA is all about internet politics they would probably know a lot about this.

Blognotes: Well folks, anyone got the 411 on this little diddy? Who are these two? Is Alderman Moore running scared of the truth and calling for outside help? Is the DFA on the attack for Alderman Moore? Is the 'Broken Heart' of Rogers Park their target? If so, bring it on boy's. Bring your A-game. You'll need it.


Bridget said...

Craig, you are being a drama queen. Do you honestly think that Alderman Moore would waste his time dealing with a lawsuit against bloggers?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Dearest Bridget, my favorite 'Queen of Bollywood',

For someone that put the word 'Drama' on the map with the Brewer campaign, I'll take that as a compliment.

Ron Paul said...

Haha, Bridget didn't put "drama on the map with the Brewer campaign"

Stone's demon spawn child did.

Jason said...

Context? Link to the original post/comment please?

fedup dem said...

At this point, I suspect that Moore would do anything to help his campaign. A lawsuit can easily distract attention to Moore's numerous shortcomings. The case would never come to trial, since a motion to dismiss or withdraw the suit would likely be filed on April 18 (the day after the runoff).

As for those two men in the photo, it just shows that Joe Moore seems incapable of running out of fresh people to bamboozle. That has been a constant regarding Moore since 1991.

rogerspark60645 said...

I know of a good tape out there that Don Gordon should get his hands on.

Hugh said...

do tell?

Hugh said...

the creepy part about the original post is,

why is mannis sitting in a car across the street photographing people going in & out of Moore's campaign office?

rogerspark60645 said...

hugh, give me your e-mail address and I'll tell you.

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