Tuesday, March 13, 2007

* Joe Moore: America's Alderman

America Hearts Joe Moore!

In earlier installments of "Joe Moore - By The Numbers" we learned:
But wait, you say: Joe Moore is an alderman of the City of Chicago. He is one of only 50 aldermen. He is one of only 53 elected officials in Chicago. Of course he gets cash from outside the ward! How else do you expect developers and corporations to purchase influence? Where ELSE can they go? Especially if the Mayor's going all squeaky-clean on us.

City Total Percent
Chicago $503,902.78 73.72%
Other $179,612.50 26.28%
Total $683,515.28

Well, more than one fourth of Moore's support, $180,000 is not even from Chicago!

Moore raised more money OUTSIDE Chicago than all his challengers raised, combined, from ALL sources.

State Total Percent
IL $647,522.95 94.73%
Other $35,992.33 5.27%
Total $683,515.28

And more than 5% of Moore's support, $36,000, is not even from ILLINOIS!

A progressive icon like Joe Moore is just too much for us to keep all to ourselves. A leader of Joe Moore's stature belongs to the WORLD!

Cajuns For Joe Moore

And Joe Moore's second biggest state, after Illinois? Indiana? Wisconsin? Nope, Louisiana! Home of the national headquarters of the national political action committee of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), the Official Union Sponsor of Alderman Joe Moore ®. The union management sent $13,000, FROM New Orleans, to the little old 49th ward of Chicago, to help re-elect Joe Moore. As if they don't have their hands full down there at the other end of the City of New Orleans line! Iko, iko!

(Again, we take as the period of discussion campaign fund raising in the 14 months leading up to the February, 2007 primary election: January, 2006 through February, 2007, inclusive.)


Levois said...

Well the ole 49th Ward is too big for ole Joe Moore. Perhaps you guys need to convince him to leave and run for a much bigger office. It would be nice if he would lose his bid for re-election but seeming as he is so popular, get him into a congressional seat or a seat in Springfield and you'll be rid of him for sure. Of course they'll realize that they may have made a mistaken investment. LOL!!!

fatoldbroad said...

Someone's polling forces are out dialing again (one guess who it is and Don doesn't have money to waste on polls) - this time through Communications Center Inc,(www.yourcci.com) who carefully explained (after asking for the male head of household over the age of 18) that they couldn't tell me who hired them or it would "bias the results" HA HA HA HA

Jocelyn said...

Hugh- can you post a link to the Alderman's campaign reports? I want to look for someone related to a post I just put on my blog.
I want to see if this owner gave money to Joe because the development looks suspicious to me-like bending rules maybe...

Hugh said...

click on the headline of the post

or here

Citizens for Joe Moore Documents Filed

let us know if you need help finding what you are looking for

Hugh said...

> ... a congressional seat or a seat in Springfield ...

Springfield is considered a step down in terms earning potential and status. Recall Todd Stroger left Springfield to set up business in City Council.

Believe me, we've spun every scenario. The best we can come up with is outright retirement for Joe, unless a bunch of politicians up & die. it doesn't help when young whipper-snappers like Obama come along and bump the line.

Joe would be successful in life after City Council as a zoning lobbyist or real estate marketing.

Although unlikely to be realized, Moore's ambitions are a real problem for the neighborhood. In the national Dem crowd Moore hopes to move in, your PAC balance is instant status, bragging rights, instant cred. The outrageous fundraising becomes an end in itself.

Jocelyn said...

...found it last night, but thanks anyway Hugh.

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