Friday, April 13, 2007

* Alderman on the Run

I got word today Alderman Moore was 'on the run' from someone. He went to the 24th district police station to hide (or something). Later he was seen darting his car in and out of alleys at a high rate of speed to flee the so-called unknown follower. I figure he figured he was being tailed.

He was kicked out of numerous senior home, early voting sites, for not following the proper rules. He left one senior home on Sheridan Road in such a huff, his language was rather foul. Clearly the Alderman is very flustered he's not able to bully the poll-watchers the Gordon campaign has assembled.

All in all, it was a exciting morning. More to come.


inrpbutnot49 said...

I was laughing my ass off today as I work in one of these homes. I had commented back during the first election that joe was comign in here during the election day in complete violation of election codes. When I saw him in the lobby I was trying to figure out what to do when a woman, apparetly a poll watcher or Gordon person? started telling him she was caling the election commission, Good work, I was going to thank here but she disappeare, as did Joe. What a political system where candidates just flount the rules. I was redistricted out of the 49th ward ro else I would be voting for Gordon.

INKJAR said...

is it possible jomo was runing away from reorters reaging the lady that got"groped" by oneof his workers as mentioned on this blog

Ryne said...

Run joe run....keep running!!

Run out of the 49th ward!1

Take your shine box & your little bitch kevin o'neal with you!!

fedup dem said...

Unfortunately Lying Joe has found out to his horror that the opposition has learned form all his tricks and stunts of the past, and THEY WON'T LET HIM GET AWAY WITH THEM THIS TIME! "It's not fair," cries the Alderjerk. TOUGH!

Unknown said...

inrpbutnot49 - I'm glad you got a laugh from this! I've often wondered how the workers who care for the residents everyday in the nursing homes feel about this sort of thing. I know that sometimes it's your boss who is "helping" Joe and his people with this kind of activity, and that puts you all in a difficult position to speak out about it.

A lot of you who work in the homes live here too, right? I think this stuff shows he doesn't respect the elderly, the disabled OR the regular working people here in Rogers Park.

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