Monday, April 23, 2007

* Moving Forward & Greening the Ward

Dear Neighbors,

This is my first e-mail since the voters of the 49th Ward honored me with re-election. I love my job and look forward to serving you for the next four years. While I am pleased and honored to be re-elected, I am also aware that nearly half of you reading this e-mail did not support my re-election. I want you to know I have heard your concerns and pledge to redouble my efforts to provide you with quality city services to which you are entitled.

Political campaigns by their very nature can be divisive, and the past aldermanic campaign certainly was no exception. I will work hard to bridge that divide and to work with everyone, including those who supported my opponent. We are neighbors with many shared values and we need to come together to keep our neighborhood moving forward.

On May 5, I will host the 17th annual 49th Ward Spring Clean Up. I hope you will join me and participate in this community effort.

This is a wonderful time for block clubs, condominium associations, church groups, and lots of other organizations to come together with individual members of the community to help get the ward ready for spring. Bring the kids!

Our projects often include planting flowers in the public way, cleaning up litter, weeding community flower beds and more. We ask that you register in advance so we can plan for enough food and equipment for the day. You may register by replying to this email and completing the information requested at the bottom of this page.

If you happen to be a gardener with plants or cuttings you can contribute, please let us know that as well. Your extra hostas, seedum and succulents can help beautify our street corners.

I hope to see you on Saturday, May 5 at 9:00 am.

As we think about greening our community, we don't want to stop with the cosmetic. My companion, Barbara Sepanik, along with my son, Nathan and I are in the process of bringing together great leaders in the environmental community, many of whom live in the ward, to develop an aggressive plan for engaging neighbors in greening our community. We believe the 49th Ward can be a model green urban community if we work together. If you have an interest in participating in this effort, or simply have some ideas to share, please email Barb at We welcome everyone - of all ages and interests.

Again, thank you for the honor of serving you. I hope we can work together for the future of this wonderful community.


Joe Moore


Craig Gernhardt said...

Maybe we can start by having DevCorp put some plants (and maintain them) around the Morse and Lunt CTA EL stop planter boxes?

And let's not forget, we need about six new trees for the 1400 block of West Morse Avenue.

Thanks in advance,


Craig Gernhardt said...

And for the record, I'm beginning to believe Ms. Sepanik is having a positive effect on Joe. Time will tell.

Hugh said...

> redouble my efforts

0 X 2 = 0

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
INKJAR said...

Wonder if Jomo is inporting his East Coast workers for the cleanup. they cetainly did a messy job election day-

anonymous said...

You ARE a champion. Thanks so much for all your efforts. Glad you are looking to bring the green commish on board. I'm sure you felt comforted by the headlines today, now Obama has slumlord problems. I know where your heart is and who your friends are. We all felt the pain of getting beat up with you. Thank Heavens you are still there. Nobody else would stand up for the good things that you do. Looking forward to all your efforts in the next four years.

Anonymous said...

I said before that I was waiting to hear exactly this out of Joe's mouth. While I'm not ready to lick his boots I am more that willing to work with him and give him a (one) second chance. I'm interested to see what he comes up with, I'm all for giving him plenty of rope and seeing what he makes of it.

Hugh said...

> I am more that willing to work with him and give him a (one) second chance.

Moore's 2nd chance was in 1995.

Jocelyn said...

So Vanessa, will you be helping pick up the litter or will you present your pro-littering campaign to Joe Moore?

fatoldbroad said...

How about instead of planting flowers in the parkway, Joe, you go out and raise money to help rebuild those businesses that were burned down today. Put that talent of yours to good use - keep robbing the rich to give to the poor. I dare ya.

RogersParkBooster said...

Joe - you are such a hypocrite. Or have you finally come to actually believe your lies? The term pales in your long dark shadow. The English language rarely fails in richness or descriptive nuance, but today it has met its match in you. The divisiveness of the last political campaign was 100% your doing. You and your mob fabricated the race lie, and then you played the race card. You misinformed, you smeared, you slandered and you stole. You treated the voters and this neighborhood with the same respect your drug dealing friends do. Go out on May 5th with your sneering girlfriend and your snotty kid pretending you’re a happy little American family and act like we'll all just forget the damage you did to Rogers Park. Go out and try to have a nice big old hippy kum-ba-ah on us why don’t you. Go ahead and pretend that by slinking around for public opinion we’ll just forget who and what you really are. Rogers Park just isn’t the same after you pummeled out your “victory”, it isn’t going to be the same any time soon, and it’s all because of you Joe. You and your monster horde of big shot consultants and power play politicians have the morals of a Stasi Interrogator who really enjoyed his work. The only green in Rogers Park that will ever be associated with you is the million plus dollars you spent blasting our neighborhood with your dark hearted filth and your army of thugs and quislings who helped you steal the election – Joe we all know you couldn’t win it fair and square. Go take some more slum money from Jay Johnson and Tony Rezko you creep. While you’re planting flowers for the cameras on May 5th think about those six dead kids. And Joe, don’t forget to tell Nathan what that story is REALLY about. He’ll find out some day.


anonymous said...

I don't want to read this crap anymore. Joe had the voluntary support of the Unions who are still reeling from being vetoed and swindled out of an ordinance that had the support of the majority of voters in this ward in this city and by this city council. Union members are not the "Stasi" they are working people that pay dues and vote in and outside the Union and play politics that will benefit the working poor.The only "big shot" consultant I saw was a community activist who's been fighting poverty and racism for almost thirty years. The divisiveness I see is a group that insists on calling our predominantly black business districts "hellholes" while touting the notion that a high priced coffee shop, Irish bar and expensive restaurant are better. I for one think all the businesses have a place. The dollar stores sell laundry, cleaning and school supplies, slippers t shirts holiday items and they are here because residents of the ward shop in them. I think the most shocking thing about the comments lifted from this site is not that one person can say such outrageously mean things, but that they were not condemned by others in these blogs, but defended. My attention brought to those comments was a wake up call to an intellectualising angry do you think I felt to hear Morse Ave, where I've been shopping dining making friends all these years called a hellhole. Do you even think that that in itself is hurtful? Do you think I want that kind of constituancy calling the shots for me? Voters in this ward decided to give Joe another four years. He admitted he made mistakes. He's a human being, not a monster. He and his son have stepped forward and reached out to the angry bloggers. Joe has reached out to one of his opponents and other activists in this ward. He's opened his doors to change. Maybe you should change your tune too now. I'm tired of hurting.

The North Coast said...

Vanessa, if you don't want to read this "crap", why do you come to this blog?

RogersParkBooster said...

I am SOOOOO very sorry I hurt your feelings Vanessa. Keep wearing blinders as you march to the slaughterhouse kiddo. Hate to break the awful news to you but the TRUTH HURTS. And it doesn't go away just because it forgot to conform to some fantasy that you have about the way this neighborhood and your wonderful Joe Moore does and doesn’t function. Your buddy Joe felt it was just fine calling decent people racists and telling poor people they'd better watch out for "those white people" ‘cause they're going to kick you out of your apartments. The truth is that under 16 years of Joe Moore the folks who have been screwed the very most in RP are the poor and working class people who call RP their home - and all the while Joe and his pals use them as pawns. Rogers Park is full of slum buildings keeping decent poor people living in terrible conditions, while Joe mugs for the cameras on issues having nothing to do with their misery. And some of Joe’s best buddies are the very folks who maintain those slums in a happy status quo that turns out a crooked gamed vote anytime Joe or Jan or Fagus need to rig an election. Did you forget to look at how much money they dump at Joe to keep things the way they are? That would be just too inconvenient for you. Everyone in Rogers Park deserves fair and honest elections. And now I’m going to say something terrible here Vanessa – very un-Joe - so get out your earplugs – close your eyes – this is it - black people deserve fair and honest elections without millions of dollars worth of filth and lies being spewed at them from organizations and special interest thugs flooding in from outside this neighborhood browbeating and lying and spreading fear and hate day and night. That is what Joe Moore gave us the last 6 months. And here’s the part you are really going to have a hard part getting through that blanket of self-delusion you have wrapped around your brain Vanessa – white people deserve fair and honest elections too. Please go back to being tired of the truth Vanessa, and leave the rest of us who would like to see RP become a better place for EVERYONE, alone. Joe Moore sure isn’t going to be the answer for anyone here but Joe Moore.


rogerspark60645 said...

Joe, I worked the polls on Tuesday and saw 4 big violations in the precinct I was in. Do you remember crossing the blue cones and walking into St. Margaret Mary to invite the poll watchers and judges to your party later in the evening? You did it right in front of voters. I was the one who gave you the look of death. You did leave then.

Hugh said...

> I'm sure you felt comforted by the headlines today, now Obama has slumlord problems.

"Slumlord problems" are a credential for today's contemporary faux progressive candidate.

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