Wednesday, May 9, 2007

* Another New Rogers Park Garden Group

Meet the newly formed Loyola Park Keepers. No word if this group is 'Joe' approved? I'm guessing from Julie Segraves report, it's not. Clearly, it looks like another neighbor had to go around the 49th ward serviceless office to get something done.

So the $10,000 dollar question is, "Where's Joe"?


LakefrontLarry said...

The park district is a frickin joke up here and they're worried about somebody starting and abandoning something? LOL As far as I'm concerned, Joe AND the park district has abandoned our parks up here far too long. They look like crap. Thank god for the people who care. Maybe we should just take them all over and get some publicity that way about how we get no respect up here when it comes to funding. Maybe we could even get some type of cleaner to take the piss smell out of the Jarvis "L" stop. Pinch me, I'm dreaming.

INKJAR said...




Ryne said...

Working for the Federal Govt. I wanted to pass along a thought.

The focus to have a plan go into effective you have to at timesa "create" a problem.

My point is if you want to extend lake shore drive, you have to let the parks, beaches along the Rogers Park go down hill, therefore it makes for a reason to improve the lakefront, while creating the goal of extending the drive.

Before you jump on me for this I am not saying this will happen. Just giveing food for thought!

LakefrontLarry said...


YOu are so right. So many people up here think that a marina isn't coming, the drive won't be extended, or god forbid a decent bike path be implemented. Pull your heads out of the sand people. Heck, we've got condos who have already quarantined and blocked off parts of our beautiful beaches but nobody says boo to them about it. The city or the feds will eventually reclaim that and open it up as it should be. Heck, they can always put landfill in the lake and build the drive. I hope all of you goody 2 shoes remember how you thought Joe and Jan and that disgusting Harry O. were on your side. When the time comes, I'll be the first to say I told you so.

The North Coast said...

Larry and Ryne, the largest reason I suppported Don Gordon is because I am adamantly opposed to any extension of the outer drive and equally opposed to the development of a marina or harbor.

So is almost everyone else in Edgewater, Rogers Park, and Evanston, and over 80% of voters in all these areas said NO to any development of a harbor , or extension of the outer drive.

Our beaches are among this area's chief assets. I believe we have a lot of work to do in improving them, and one of the things we need to do is reclaim our riparian rights to the beach, from bldgs. that have cordoned off sections of beach reaching clear to the water for their exclusive use where they have no legal right to do so.

We know this project is still being considered even though we have made our vehement opposition known. We know we are being lied to, and that the city has no intention of giving up even though they said they'd tabled it at the meeting concerning this issue in 2005.

We have a major fight in front of us

anonymous said...

It annoys me because I get all my information from word of mouth and I have a bad memory, but I heard there is a law to keep the lakefront open for the public use, but that those buildings with private beaches fall under a grandfather clause that allowed them to stay private because they were already private before the law.

Who says they are seriously considering a plan to extend LSD? I'm asking because I heard, also word of mouth, that that was a rumor started, its not true.

There's a group called Forever Free and Clear pushing to get rid of the whole LSD. I'm serious. They said the City endorsed the plann because a recent city sticker depicts the lakefront without LSD.

The North Coast said...

Paradise, that was no rumor.

The plans were pretty solid and in writing, and activists in this neighborhood, including Don Gordon and the Rogers Park Conservancy, were instrumental in exposing them and getting the issue put to referendum. 88% of the voters voted against it.

There was a very major community meeting, attended by at least 400 hundred local citizens, where the plans and arguments in favor of the marina were presented to us. The citizens present were very vocal in their opposition, and the authorities presenting the plan said, at the end of the meeting, that they would shelve the plans.
Don Gordon gave a very eloquent speech voicing his reasons for opposing this type of development and the importance of preserving the lakefront. This was my first exposure to Gordon.

We all knew that the shelving of the plan was a feint, and that the plans were by no means tabled. Jan Shakowsky and Mayor Daley are both in favor of extending the outer drive and building a marina up here, and Joe Moore is all it even though he pretends otherwise.

Those who voted against Gordon will realize in not long what a loss for this area his defeat was, most of all the poorer people who were duped by Moore into voting for him by his race-baiting toadies.

Toto said...

I voted for Gordon. If he was elected would you have expected him to show at every garden club event? How about church socials? How about youth group carwashes? How about little league games? Oh well, it's really not about Joe Moore and what he does or does not do. It's all about the investment you've made in focusing in on him.

Save your energy for things that really count. If you critisize him for everything, when time comes to really hammer him, people will not listen to what you say, because all it is is background noise.

Nighty night.

Fargo said...

Forever Free and Clear is for real. Not everyone takes them seriously because the idea of removing Lake Shore Drive is too radical for most folks.

I know some of these folks from Critical Mass. They're not just about depaving LSD, but about removing pavement and restoring bits of nature wherever possible.

The city sticker picture you're referring to is on their web site.

The North Coast said...

I believe that LSD will eventually be removed, and so will many other limited-access, high-speed roads, but for reasons that will be a big surprise to many people.

It's a good bet that in another 15 years, the traffic on these roads will be very, very light, and there will be no political support for continuing to pour billions of dollars a year into maintaining, let alone building more of, these types of roads.

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