Did anyone think of 'Artist Safety' when this project was being drawn up? I'm going to take a guess and say, the answer is NO.
Today at 7 a.m., I watched the Muralist's set-up their own scaffolding, roll it over into the proper position, place a couple of cones and rinky-dink barricades around the scaffolding, then climb up and they then began gluing on the mural.
Then, the action began, as the rush hour traffic came blasting through the underpass - right at them.
I'd find this above mentioned procedure fine - if these two were working in a enclosed environment. With no heavy car traffic around. But flimsy scaffolding erected by a couple of artists, placed on a uneven surface, with cars flying all around. I'd say we've got a accident waiting to happen.
If anyone's ever been at this intersection, they know, cars regularly run this stop sign. And now, these artists are at risk. Any other city project, the city requires a flagman to wave people around the obstacles, so the workers who are in danger of getting hit, don't get hit.
Who's keeping a eye on their safety?
Graig: where is the intersection you took this picture at?
my guess would be where the mural is going up at Morse and Glenwood.
No Moore....I don't think it's Morse...look at the picture to many trees!!!!! The street looks to nice to be Morse...hey I could be wrong!
Valid point ryne! I guess we need to wait to hear back from Craig. I'm really curious now.
It's Morse and Glenwood. Facing west. Under the EL.
And yes, Morse has trees now! Pretty neat huh?
I'll give you a closer look at one of the new trees I've been trying to take care of tomorrow.
Thanks Graig....I know how much you have put into makeing Morse a nicer looking street! Nice job, hats off to you!
I was sitting here trying to study the picture and was just going to suggest that is facing west...too much time on my hands are work today, and am getting so addicted to the RP blog sites...
Terribly unrelated, but I was sad to recently learn that my two favorite Morse businesses are no more. The last I heard, Bar None had burnt down, and Fragrance Island is shutting down operations.
The proper procedure is to notify CTA and other local authorities in advance, so that a safety zone can be set up. CTA also likes to have flaggers on the tracks to protect the artists while they are working so close to the rails, and they usually want such people to go through the Rail Safety Training for contractors first.
I saw this setup this morning and it looked out-of-order and dangerous as hell to me.
Is that what I ran over this morning I thought I heard a crunch.
I am sure they have the lane clousure permit from the city that this type of action requires, right?
Not related to the post, but a note for ceedub, who left a message at my boxing blog -- hi, I answered your query about Loyola Fieldhouse there!
Another note for ceedub -- sorry folks. Ceedub, please check my boxing blog for the answer to your comment.
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