See that little red logo on top? The sad looking broken heart with the tear in his eye. That's how I felt after seeing one of the trees we recently had planted being slowly destroyed. The broken limb, that was fixable. This shredding of the young tree bark, well, this tree is now doomed. I checked my tree manual, there's nothing really that can fix this. This tree got so damaged, we can't glue the bark back on.
Now, here's the question. I know DevCorp North is neglecting these trees. They operate under the 'spite method' like Joe. I know Joe battled 'tooth and nail' to avoid having these trees planted. But why didn't someone else stop the person who did this, from doing this? Where were our neighborhood shop keepers? Where were all the customers who shop Morse Avenue?
Who just sits back and let's someone rip the bark off a freshly planted tree? And I'm going out on a limb, but would say this may even be against the law. Did the blue light pod camera catch this act of total tree destruction?
With all the effort I went through to have these trees planted here - and knowing all the effort Joe Moore spent trying to stop these trees from being planted here, I can only guess it was Joe's people who are out to destroy these trees. With Joe, it's all about spite.
"going out on a limb"
I feel for you Craig. This is senseless.
Of course, we all know you will not stop trying to make the community better.
Thank you for that.
I won't comment on who did it except to say it was a sick and angry person carrying a knife of some kind around. It looks like the tree bark was skinned with a knife.
One day this week, as I was walking to work, I witnessed a young girl of about 12 or 13 walking with a friend, purposely throw and break a glass bottle in the street in front of the storefronts being renovated at Greenview & Morse. There was a garbage can not 5' away.
There are those people who are angered by improvements and who probably think "white yuppies" will take over the neighborhood. They are invested in keeping everyone down.
They are doomed to failure. The neighborhood will continue to improve despite their pitiful efforts to destroy it. And if they don't change their attitude, they also will go in a bad direction with much bad karma waiting for them.
I am sorry about the tree Craig.
well i saw two black youth right outside my window drop two full bottles of icehouse, watch them break and laugh
and then were nice enough to throw a bag for me to collect the broken shards on the parkway,
what dicks,
I let them have it a little,
not a big deal in the end,
my time cleaning up mess,
one minute,
they wasted their beer,
and nothing was accomplished.
I guess these guys are just spoilsports, or they think through indimidation they can stem the tide of market forces and gentrification,
but who are they fooling?
tree rage
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