A week ago The 'Broken Heart' got a letter regarding a dangerous intersection that needs a four-way stop sign. Well, last night around 5:10 pm., two cars collided at this very intersection. A driver going south on Glenwood and a car going east on Pratt crashed into each other. Injury's were reported to 911, so a ambulance was called on the scene.
BLOGNOTES: Related issue. Dangerous intersections.
Another dangerous intersection Joe Moore has been warned personally about. This extremely dangerous intersection was brought to his attention two months ago at the 2423 CAPS meeting.
Now, this serious accident happened yesterday too. Where's Joe?
I handed over a petiion back in 2003 about this very intersection to the freak's office (Joe Moore) with 100+ signatures requesting it be a 4-way stop and it fell on deaf ears. Joe Moore just doeasn't give a shit.
I'm surprised there aren't more collisions at this intersection. I've had many near misses there and seen many others.
I loathe that intersection. But i've also seen a TON of near accidents at Wayne and Pratt (my partner insists i take my nasty smoking habit to the sidewalk, so I get to see a lot of interesting stuff). People coming up Wayne are too dumb to realize that hey, people coming up and down Pratt don't have stop signs, so they just pause (maybe), then floor it. Of course, it's completely their fault, but visability isn't that wonderful there (though better than Gleenwood and Pratt)
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