Not that I implicated her in any way, shape or form, Katy Hogan of the Heartland Cafe wanted to clarify, she doesn't have any stake in Heartland Cafe co-owner Michael James, Food Cart Vendor Storage Service Center LLC located at 1509 West Lunt Avenue.
She also wanted to point out Heartland Cafe co-partner Michael James doesn't read the blogs, so he can't respond to these charges of running a unsanitary food cart storage facility in his five car garage. By this point Katy was flailing her arms, and getting all bent out of shape.
After figuring she couldn't fly, Katy Hogan stop waving her arm about and wanted to also point out Mr. James just rents space to the food cart vendors and has nothing to do with the day to day, street corner to street corner operations. The 'Broken Heart' hopes this clears matters up.
BLOGNOTES: As much as Katy Hogan loves sticking her nose in anything and everything, always claiming how great she is for the community, (she must've learned that from co-partner Michael James) Katy offered no answers to the following seven questions.
1) No word how much they charge for food storage space per month.
2) No word if they report this income to the Internal Revenue Service.
3) No word if they ask the vendors to sign a legal lease or written agreement.
4) No word if the operation is licenced properly.
5) No word on building maintenance records.
6) No word if they monitor or inspect the property on a regular basis.
7) No word if the property is zoned for retail food storage.
UPDATED: I saw Joe Moore this morning and asked him to answer a few questions about the Michael James Food Storage Center. Joe wouldn't agree to answer my questions on camera.
I'm new to the blog. What's the story with this guy? Can anybody fill me in? I've heard some negative things about the man and his business.
hey there big daddy...
you'll have to do your own research and draw your own conclusions to answer your question.
its best that way anyway.
methinks Joe Moore doesn't like you.
Oh well.
Perhaps if your renamed yourself Foie Gras he would be more interested and interesting.
Craig, grow up, find something WORTH WHILE to complain about.
I don't know, what happened to getting your panties in a bunch about the venue on Morse???
Tired of taking gang banger pictures, WHAT?
Don't you have something better to do than put down a buisness that has been a part of this community for 30 + Years?
Here's something for you, maybe HELP Rogers Park, Rather than bring all of YOUR negativity to the community. Why not try to spend your time in a PRODUCTIVE manner, rather than bash the few businesses that are left in Rogers Park that care about OUR community.
Remember Craig you are a part of this community, as is the Heartland Cafe. Why fight each other when we should work together to make our community better for all.
That is kind of weird and gross that those carts are kept there; doesn't sound sanitary at all. I also have to wonder how legal it is...
> Why fight each other
divisive! divisive!
...Why not try to spend your time in a PRODUCTIVE manner, rather than bash...
If only you had a nickle for each time, huh?
And this commenter posted it on Broken Heart. Irony.
Craig, what part of this very statement that YOU wrote don't you understand?
"Katy Hogan of the Heartland Cafe wanted to clarify, she doesn't have any stake in Heartland Cafe co-owner Michael James' Food Cart Vendor Storage Service Center LLC located at 1509 West Lunt Avenue."
Hogan has no stake in it and doesn't own the property, so why should she have to offer answers to your questions?
Frankly, I don't think any part of this is any of your business. If Michael James wants to rent part of his garage to people who work food carts, that is James' business, and his alone.
It doesn't appear to me like he's doing anything illegal, other than being a capitalist, land-owning pig and making money from it -- something he probably protested against in his youth. But that's another story. And that's not illegal.
Oh, and where's your coverage of the Common Cup grand opening? Oh wait! That's a good news story on Morse Avenue and you wouldn't want to report THAT!
rpnaybor wrote: Oh, and where's your coverage of the Common Cup grand opening? Oh wait! That's a good news story on Morse Avenue and you wouldn't want to report THAT! [end quote]
rpnaybor doesn't know how to read. Craig covered Common Cup real opening in mid-May and then he covered it again later in May when the News-Star reported the opening. The most recent "grand opening" was a PR event for the alderman and kind of after the fact. So, Craig actually beat the Alderman in coverage and support. Don't make lying claims, little neighbor, cause someone here will definitely shoot your lies down.
Someone here, noting that Craig is often critical of the status quo, wrote, "Remember Craig you are a part of this community..."
I think Craig already knows that. In fact, he's a valuable member of our Rogers Park community. On one level we see his value everyday in his work to maintain this blog for all of us to freely use or abuse. On another level, we see things like Craig getting the city to plant new trees on Morse Avenue (two weeks ago). That's hard to ignore.
Craig isn't perfect. No one is. So he gets regularly challenged and applauded for the things he writes and does. If he keeps it up we'll have to start referring to Craig as one of the "49th Ward Leaders" this blog was established to talk about.
little naybor isn't too good at diversion either Pam. Since we have normal attention spans we all realized Craig's point: why was Ms. Hogan getting so involved in making explanations for Mr. James if the matter had nothing to do with her? Not really helping, was it?
Following little naybors later thread of argument, if I'm a landlord and I know my tenants are doing something illegal on the premises on my property, no problem? Nobody's business except my capitalist-pig own? Hmm.
Well, if that's were true, it would solve the mystery of more than a few buildings the neighbors have been worrying about...
Nicely said Michael.
Sure, neighborhood blogs are just one piece of the puzzle. But try matching the frequency of posts, the average number IP hits per week and the number of comments of this one. Then do it virtually every single day for three years running with a topic whose scope of interest is this narrow.
It's a lot harder than it looks.
if not here then where can we discuss issues of the neighborhood?
good, bad, ugly, illegal.. doesn't matter. where?
is there an open forum on the 49th ward site?
i think all the blogs are informative, thought provoking, and sometimes hilarious. love the comment sections best!
i found this blog when trying to find information on the horrible car crash at eastlake and sheridan... one of 2 that summer. not a mention in trib or suntimes... but here .. there was an open discussion.
been hooked ever since.
eyes on eastlake, A forum is one thing, bashing on local buisnesses and people who care about our community is something different.
Again, Craig, find something worth talking about.
Arent there some planters with garbage in them that need you to take a picture?
brettly - you make an awful lot of incorrect assumptions in that careless comment.
Orders to be polite, take the high road, be a uniter not a divider, all row in the same direction, and only discuss what is worth discussing ring especially hollow coming down off the little incumbent sponsored horror show this spring.
Do you need to double check the address of the door you walked in here?
If food being served in the neighborhood is being stored or served in an unsanitary way, that is the neighborhood's business, both because many potential consumers of the food live in the neighborhood, and because food stored in a place that is not secure against rats can attract rats - lots of them. Perhaps a 311 call (or several) would be appropriate here.
Bret -
Take the blinders off kido - Some day you're going wake up from your lap-dog haze and realize Michael James is the guy who dropped the dime on you so he could steal your dad's place out from under your nose - think about it dude - given some of the "interesting" activities that go on around the old Heartland (thank God Joe Moore runs interference for Mike and Katie), did you ever wonder why it was you that got busted and did hard time?
RPBooster (retired)
How many of you complaining about the cart will actually eat from one?
Geezus, get a cause.
All this mush over a food cart, some guy is just trying to make a living and the liberals of Rogers Park want to battle someone who doesn't have any relationship to the cart.
Wow, you got the big crimes in Rogers Park: gangs, ho's and most dangerous the dog walkers, and your writing frivolous crap like this.
Although I don't support JoMo, if I saw you on the street & I was him I cross the street too.
"""I saw Joe Moore this morning and asked him to answer a few questions about the Michael James Food Storage Center. Joe wouldn't agree to answer my questions on camera."""
Duh, hey I want a stick a camera in your face without any warning about some food cart and I don't have a right to say no?
Sometimes your one crazy fuck.
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