Someone is feeding the flying rats at the Morse Avenue CTA, Lunt Avenue side and it's causing a neighborhood health crisis. And again, this didn't just happen overnight. The pigeon shit has been stacking up for a couple of years.
Here's the problem. Had DevCorp North actually been monitoring the situation, they should've noticed this health issue.
Where's the power washer? If anything needs to power washed on a regular basis, it this pigeon crap.
And the funny thing is, DevCorp North promised to take care of messes like this with your tax payer dollars. So why are they doing nothing about it?
Farwell and Ravenswood is HORRIBLE! You can't walk without ducking or tip-toeing to avoid the filth and dead pigeons! Something needs to be done. People feed these rodents constantly! SICKOS
Some ass keeps feeding the flying rats under the viaduct by Glenwood and Pratt, but I do see the city powerwash the sidewalk about once a month in the morning on my way to work. But when that shit builds up, it smells like holy hell.
Where's the SSA-owned power washer. Good question.
In addition to stopping the pigeon feeder,we need spikes affixed to the supports on which they roost. If you want to see the difference they make check out both sides of the Howard street viaduct just west of Clark. The Evanston side has spikes and is relatively clean. The Chicago side (JoMo territory) is spike free and covered in crap. I contacted his office over a year ago because my daughter and other children pass through this mess on their way to school and asked why we did not have anti-roosting devices like Evanston's and was told the alderman was looking into the matter. In the mean time they did contact Streets and San who does a fairly regular job of cleaning but it is not enough. The sidewalks are still covered with fecal matter most of the time and sometimes dead little bird feotuses.(Sorry to be so graphic but trust me it's much worse in person.)
Howard Street Special Service Area tax #19 also missed this too.
Guess who's the sole service provider? DevCorp North.
Maybe they should have spent the mural money on anti-roosting devices. We can write a new public art proposal - we'll position the anti-roosting devices as highly innovative "conceptual sculpture" that will create Howard street as an international destination, like what Gehry did for Bilbao. By the time they're done reading it they'll think anti-roosting devices are a one-way ticket to the Venice Biennale.
(Why deprive them of the thrill of being patrons of the arts? Discussing the public art one “sponsored” being so much more fun at dinner parties than the elimination of rotting bird fetuses from the paths of schoolchildren...)
I'd like to see silly little Nathan out with the powerwasher showing us how he is putting his big plans into play. What a joke he is....and where did he disappear to? punk.
why propose a do this instead of this?
the mural and the antipigeon shit should be done,
neither costs big bucks.
Why should this or any other mural be done on that site? The benefit of mediocre works of public art (as most works of public art are, although there are notable exceptions) to the larger community has not been established in any satisfactory way. So I question this as a public spending priority.
I do agree that the bird mess should be regularly, thoroughly cleaned and anti-roosting measures installed. I would be very surprised if a positive return on investment couldn't be achieved quickly through installing anti-roosting, but of course such a calculation would be based on saving the cost of regular cleaning without it. We know this isn't a problem here, right?
What about Joe and Barbara's little "environmental" initiative? What happened to that?
I guess that they figured out they were going to have to put their money where their mouths are and set an example.
Or perhaps they figure pigeon droppings are "organic fertilizer" and therefore beneficial.
Whatever they had in mind when they flapped their jaws about "green" issues, they need to know that taking care of the environment starts with keeping the neighborhood clean and free of trash and fecal matter, human or otherwise.
Agree with Rebecca that basic sanitation, such as roosting abatement and removal of accumulations of unhealthy animal waste, should take precedence over public art.
Finally, an issue other than crime! Well, I read all the comments and I would like to point out another perspective...To begin with, pigeons are not flying rats or rodents. Do some research and you will find that the pigeons are feral rock doves. The poop may be gross to humans and it can spread disease only if ingested in some manner by humans. Sure, powerwashing would be a good idea now and then. But where else should these birds live? Should we kill off more birds and animals in a city that is already hostile enough to these creatures? I know many humans believe they have absolute dominion over the Earth, but watch the movie 'Idiocracy' and you will see the looming future...I didn't see any birds or animals in the film, only stupid humans and garbage. This is where humanity is heading...the elimination of all life forms other than itself. What a future...
By the way, it is illegal to feed the pigeons in Chicago. It is also illegal to poison them, which it appears is happening under the El tracks on Pratt.
No one suggested killing the feral rockdoves. Only installing anti-roosting devices over public walkways so they can't rain their feces and drop their half-developed eggs down on kids trying to walk to school.
Are you suggesting that Moore is actually trying to preserve habitat for the feral rockdove here? Do they develop an exceptionally delicious liver when fed with stale bread crumbs or something?
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