At 10:20 p.m., I saw a gooning in progress in front of Michael James house on Lunt. The situation was like this. 10 to 12 young black men were stomping on a white males head. He was unconscious and it looked to me like attempted murder. If I had not intervened, he would've likely been beaten til he was dead. According to my phone at 10:29 p.m., I called 911 for assistance. Reports were filed.
Signed, Pro Gun
Updated: So much for the peace banner flying on the James Family front porch - that didn't work. Photographs of where the gooning happened, and the camera that should have captured this heinous act of violence.
There have been 7 of the instances in 45 days. All in the same general area.
Field school needs cameras.
where on lunt is this?
i dont like the fact that lunt is without any thru streets from sheridan all the way to glenwood,
there is no place to escape to.
thats why im rarely on lunt.
so what happened?
If this did infact happen in front of Michael James house on Lunt - there is a video camera that is on Lunt and Greeniew, facing west, on the south side of the street. (Not a police camera)
Lets look at that footage.
Again my cell phone records shows a call to 911 at 10:29 PM.
The victim was lying motionless on the parkway sidewalk in front of MJ's house.
Also they ran to the Block building to escape as well as through the field school playground. Any cameras there?
Also of note were the 5 guys watching from the South Side of Lunt across from the Heartland Bleacher section.
This, like many of the "goonings" sounds to me like a hate crime. If the victim were African-Amercian and these youth were white, I would bet the news would be all over this. I know that sounds awful to some, but it is the truth, so let's call it what it is, and prosecute it for what it is.
Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of these youth prove that they are here to do what they can to keep Rogers Park from realizing it's true potential of being a safe, diverse, culturally rich and thriving community.
We need a Zero-tolerence for crime: If you see something, call 911 immediately. Give details and be dilligent.
Last night while taking pictures near Sheridan and Morse, I found some graffiti labeled "Goon".
I'll send you the picture after work today Craig.
Craig, how do I email you to tell you about a prowler on my porch today? It just happened an hour ago.
The cops said there have been a LOT of robberies in the neighborhood.
How does one find out about a "lot" of robberies?
JGG Sheridan /Greenleaf
Hey, Graystone Properties manages that building with the camera. Has anyone called them yet? They are big Joe Moore supporters so if the Alderman asked them, I would think they would be cooperative.
Hint Hint to anyone from Joe's office reading this.
heh, i live in a chicago graystone managed building. given the way they maintain my building, i wouldn't put much stock on those camera's actually working.
even if they work, do you think they are incurring the expense of having to store said video?
contacting graystone works about as good as contacting joe moore. neither bother to return any calls or emails
what a joke
Actions speak louder than words, and the actions of these youth prove that they are here to do what they can to keep Rogers Park from realizing it's true potential of being a safe, diverse, culturally rich and thriving community.
Well said!
This is really really scary. It seems that these group of animals is getting more violent and more brazen. I think it's because the police haven't prosecuted them for any of their attacks.
Back in April as I was walking down Greenview around 8 o'clock I was attacked by a group of 12 black youth. They ran up behind me and punched the side of my head. One of them told me "I heard you was talking shit about our boy". I then foolishly said "What?! I'm going to call the police" They then responded "CALL THEM. CALL THEM." At this time they stated: " YOU BETTER RUN" and began counting up from 1. I didn't let them get to 3. I ran as quickly as possible - turned the corner and stopped when I saw another pedestrian. I dialed 911 on my cellphone and was actually lucky enough to run into a squad car driving down the street at that moment. I filed a police report but never heard anything again after that night.
That was back in April and I understand that this is now the second summer that they have been doing this. This most recent attack seems to have been EXTREMELY VIOLENT. I'm just lucky and grateful that I got the chance to runaway. I'm glad I wasn't the one getting my head bashed in. If the police actually arrested these punks and prosecuted them - I'm sure these attacks would tapper off or completely stop.
Time to start making good on my Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms. If these thugs want to fuck with me, they'll get whats coming to them.
Nothing to prosecute if they are under 17 years of age, and they are damn well aware of that. We have no place to put criminals that are of legal age, let alone juveniles!
I don't know the specifics of the law but I do know that juveniles can often be tried as adults. I think this most recent attack more than warrants them being tried as adults. Plus they seemed no younger that 15-16 years old. These "kids" certainly know what they are doing.
As in protecting yourself, the city of Chicago doesn't beleive in the 2nd amendment. They will take your gun, arrest you and make you a felon! They will make room at county jail for a law -abiding citizen. The City will love to prosecute you, fine you hard, and make your life miserable. Keep voting for these people and you will be broke, a felon, and eventually move or be dead by the hands of one of these bangers! Got TO LOVE THIS CITY AND STATE!
Their 30 year old parents are just as dumb or dumber than they are, and you think they should know better. There was a time when bad kids were put away, remember the term Juvy Home, or Audy Home, but our school system has educated these little angels so well, there is no need for these homes! Safe walking my friends!
There has to be something that can be done.
Fine the parents/guardians $10,000 and garnish their wages to collect. Slap an ankle bracelet on the kids and put them on house-arrest. Then fine the parents some more if the kid violates. Or, if you really think the parents won't/can't pay. Make the kids AND the parents do community service.
The parents need to be held accountable for the kids' actions.
That might just force them into some parenting.
During the election Joe Moore kept preaching to his followers, "Crime is down 49%"!
4000 foolish people believed him. Now, where's Joe? Where is Joe Moore when the neighbors are getting beaten senseless. No where. His is missing in action.
He's too busy with his high priced fundraising ventures. Too busy with the DNC. Too busy to take care of his ward.
These are Joe's people beating the shit out of the neighbors. And he's no where to be found.
Why doesn't this get any press?
If there have been 7 instances in a month and a half, you'd think the press might have picked up on this.
Unless Joe Moore can find a way to foil the gooners like he did with the alleged purse-snatcher, I highly doubt we'll get any help from his office.
Besides, he's too busy getting ready for his 49th birthday party/fundraiser.
I think it would be better if we called the local media to put some pressure on to stop this and check that camera, etc.
I haven't seen any of these show up in the Trib or the Suntimes.
When Joe Moore talks about Joe Moore, Joe Moore will tell you he is the " The Architect of Community Policing Strategy">
I've emailed all 5 major local news stations to let them know this is gong on.
I suggest everyone do the same. Here are links to each station's contact page.
'Broken Heart Spring Gonner Warning.
Brettly, What's wrong? Michael James in a bad mood today? Relax pal. Take a chill pill.
I agree - let's report to the larger media. I have.
I just spoke with a GrayStone propery rep who did see the attack on the DVR.
It is being forwarded to the police.
Craig thanks for the tip about the possibility their being a camera.
I hope the video is the begining of the end for these thugs
Brettly, There's no toilet paper in the ladies room. Could you please get on that? Thanks.
This is scary because it happened two buildings from where I live.. if this happened last night then it was right after I got home, maybe 10 minutes after? Wow.
pro gun good for you keeping up with the camera. It is a hate crime, they go out looking for crackers. Did anyone help the victim and is he ok? Does he need any help? I would definately give my time to help.
I don't see why it matters who owns a building where such a crime happens, and as progun found out they did have the film ready. a/m be careful, these pucks run in packs. if you drink, don't come home drunk and straggering in heels. wear sunglasses these guys look at your eyes, I know it sounds crazy but you sort of become "invisible" if someone can't see you and its great protection that you can watch these under age criminals.
So, Craig already mentioned this but I'll say it anyway... Where's Jo been lately? This is the kind of thing a local leader needs to address.
I know there's a huge scale difference, but this string of "goonings" is not unlike a terrorist group bombing bus stations. You have a group with an agenda trying to send a message through fear and intimidation. The message is the same in both cases. "Stop what you're doing or we'll hurt you.."
This is localized terrorism.
Maybe we need to post signs all over the neighborhood warning that this terrorism is going on virtually unchecked. That might get the attention of potential homebuyers. Which, in turn, will get the attention of developers. Which will cause the developers to lean on the alderman.
I'm not saying I like that idea. I live here too, and something like that will surely have a negative affect on property values in the short term. But it seems like NOTHING is being done about this.
Fox News had a truck beside Michael's house today approximately 4:30 pm. Should be on the nightly news report or possibly the morning report. I did ask them if this was regarding the gooning and they confirmed but did not ask when the story would air.
you guys think this is bad?
you shouldve seen rp 10 12 years ago rp was a million times worse
there was people going up to other people in pottawattomie park and shooting each other at point blank n there were constantly shootings by howard n on the rogers side
rp is a lot better now
Here's to you cheetos!!
I can still remember drive by's on morse in broad daylight. from Bicycles, not cars, cuz you know, we're to poor up here to have them like the groovy west side and southside gangbangers.
I can also remember when it was safe to walk down the street in rogers park late at night........ Then again Craig did not live here then, so it was a lot safer
i remember on my block they did a drive by in broad daylight n a young man was killed this was by rogers and wolcott by the way
the teachers n the principal didnt even let us leave school becuase of gang violence and shooting we used to get out at 2:30 and we ended up getting out like at 2:45 from gang shootings near the area i dont hear about stuff like that happening anymore
carry a bat
carry pepper spray
get a dog
ask the news and the police why the tact and gang teams are sent away from RP every weekend?
Just because it was worse before doesn't mean we don't have a right to want it to be better.
Some people around here are WAY stuck in the past.
dude has a point yall should at least carry pepper sparay on you and not go out by yourself specially at night and instead of buying little dumb poodle dogs buy dogs that area actually good for something like a pitbull or doverman something
Your absolutely correct Mr. Jones. But did you notice which party runs this city and every other city that denies it's citizens the right to protect themselves from the goons we are talking about here? That's right, the Democraptic Party. As long as you keep re-electing these misfits things will never change. The law abiding will generally obey the laws and remain helpless while the criminals will not and will victimize those same law abiding citizens who blindly and faithfully continue to ensure the status quo by electing the likes of Stroger and Daley.
Blue, you bring up an interesting point. I wonder how many Roger Parkers are aware that their gang teams are not deployed in the 24th District on weekends but sent instead to the westside to ensure the safety of those taxpayers?
Craig, The news report said the victim has been released. Do you know anything about how they are doing?
following up with jocelyn any news? does he need any help?
I agree with Cheeto. I used to talk about those issues with Maurice Harvey, who just left Jordan Community School who served as its principal from the beginning. One aberration driveby at Potawatomie does not compare to the mess in the 90s, among other times. I have been here ten years and spent some of the eighties closer to the Lake.
There may be a few down places, but there are many who are got sick of the death spiral and found better things to do with their lives.
BTW, if there are any suspected goons without green cards, the CPD could at least have the guts to contact Immigration and Customs Enforcement. I don't think that it has to ignore a situation due to the Mayor Washinton's order. ICE can be invited to question a suspect, it just cannot come in without a warrant.
Why should the CPD contact ICE? The mayor and his cronies have made it clear that they welcome illegal aliens in this city and apparently the citizens agree with him because they keep re-electing him.
Send the death eaters over there and send them to Azkabar.
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