Tuesday, July 17, 2007

* Police Evacuate Building After Lady Sets Fire

When a fire broke out on the second floor of a nine story building at 6807 North Sheridan last night, five Chicago Police officers rushed to action. It all started when a elderly lady, who my sources say was attempting to commit suicide, allegedly set her own apartment on fire. She had barricaded herself in the apartment.

Tribune Report.


Philip McGregor Rogers said...

I couldnt sleep too well last night thanks to that dingbat,
jesus im on wayne street and could hear the cacophony of firetrucks etc., simply amazing, i knew something of this nature was going on.

It doesnt help that police/ambulance/firetrucks always use wayne as a cut through, but hey it makes for never a dull moment.

I think this lady deserves the most hellish tenant of the year award,
Hey lady do you think you could off yourself a little quiter?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Just a note, from every report I heard, the 24th district police did an outstanding job of handling this situation.

Hat tip. Job very well done to these officers.

prattpangs said...

After all the noise of sirens I was tempted to go out and look around, but then I figured I would just get the scoop from here

Ash said...

Thanks for the note on this. The sirens woke us up (not unusual) but we actually got up to see what was happening when they seemed to stop right outside our window. Looking across and down the street, all we could see were multiple fire trucks, loads of police cars, ambulances, and Sheridan blocked off from both Farwell and Pratt, with sounds of glass breaking and people running away from the building.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Fox Report.

Jeff Couturier said...

Do we have any substantiation that she was actively trying to commit suicide and that she did actually barricade her door? I'm not seeing any reference to either from any of the news sources.

supersam said...

I lived in that building for 3 years! I loved it and I hope nobody was hurt.

The North Coast said...

The elderly tenant was burned badly. If indeed this was a suicide attempt, it's just horrible.

Someone at the scene said she fell asleep smoking, but couldn't verify that.

That's a great building that only occasionally has a problem tenant. Only nicer building is the Seville.

I heard all the sirens and went to the corner, and saw no fewer than 20 pieces of equipment- fire trucks,ambulances, police cars, other assorted fire dept equipment, lined up down Pratt, and down Sheridan a block either side of Pratt- looked like every engine co. on the north side was deployed.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Channel 2.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if this tenant is the same woman who lived in our building and attempted to set fire to her apartment in November of 2005. She is not mentally stable.

blue collar said...

im sure if you ask nicely the fire fighters would take a different route to get to the emergency than wayne....hopefully if you are bleeding/burning/choking/stroking out they will take the really, really long way.
what a loser

Veronica said...

Oooooh, maybe now the building will get turned into condos! Hey the fire already took care of one of the units. :-P

The North Coast said...

I don't think so, V & J, and I don't wish it. That's a great rental building with cute vintage apts. and very few problems over the years.

Hey, we need a few places for young singles, older people, and people who just don't like fighting with condo boards and overpaying for some rebabbed matchbox that looks like it's try ing to be a pre-fab tract house in Woodstock.

I like condos just fine, but I don't want to see another pretty old building mangled by some tasteless schlock rehabber.

I believe the time for that has passed, anyway.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

i dont care that they use wayne as a cut through, but it is interesting,

you cant tell tone on the internet,
so the loser comment was unwarranted.

im mainly just stating my surprise at how it is used as a cut through, but it makes sense because at night it pretty deserted and its a quick way to get from pratt to morse

and mainly i just have had trouble sleeping, especially last night.
im sure ill adjust to the sound of the neigborhood,
what with my crazy neigbors to the south yelling their heads off every other night or the el being fixed at night or 4 alarm fires,
its a more active neigborhood than i ever gave it credit for,

it is quieter than living on belmont by the lake though.

also notice blue
that i did qualify my comment/complaint,
i accept that wayne is a cut thru...
thats what the
hey atleast life isnt dull etc etc.

The North Coast said...

The last thing in the world I'll complain about is work being done on the el at night.

The workers have to be off the right-of-way during rush hour, from 6 am to 9am, and from 3 pm to 7 pm.

Night is the best time to do this very necessary work because you discommode the smallest number of people that way. It sure beats shutting the line down to do the work. It's just the trade off we make to have trains- it is just plain impossible to do heavy work on the line without causing inconvenience, but if you didn't do the work, the line would fall down.

The North Coast said...

The latest on this fire is that the woman's stove blew up.

This was on the news wire just now.

Philip McGregor Rogers said...

complaining about something
and actively being up in arms about something is two different things.....

it is amazing the banging and clanging that went on last night no the el.

like i said never a dull moment.

i am only human and someone banging on the el at night is annoying, necessary ofcourse,
i used to be able to sleep thru anything.

i survived, and not too sleep deprived.

Craig Gernhardt said...

When Officer Brendan Dougherty found the elderly woman on the floor of her burning apartment Monday night, she was in bad shape.

Her skin was burned black by the flames and the nylon hat that she wore was melted to her head.

"Save my kitty!" were her only words.

The cause of the fire is still under investigation.

A kitty was never found.

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