Wednesday, July 18, 2007

* Presidential Candidate Returns E-Mail

Dear Margot:

Please accept my apology for the delayed response to your letter. Thank you for writing to reiterate your support for challenging the election of Chicago's 49th Ward Alderman Joe Moore. It is good to hear from you again.

I appreciate the opportunity we have had to correspond on the important matter of voter confidence and election integrity. I will be sure to keep your views in mind in the days ahead, and I hope we can continue this dialogue. I view correspondence with my constituents as my most important duty as your Senator. I cannot do my job in Washington if I do not have a firm grasp on what my fellow Illinoisans are thinking back home.

Again, Margot, thank you for your message. I look forward to hearing from you again.


Barack Obama
United States Senator


Veronica said...

There must be something about Obama that people trust, he's got to be close to the most popular candidate running this election, and if he's at all better than the moron in DC right now (it's basically impossible for anyone to be worse than that idiot). It was definitely nice of him to respond, which is more than it seems like Joe Moore does. Of course, I have no faith in anyone in the government, so I'm not holding my breath for any of the candidates.

RogersParkBooster said...

Sure didn't say much about the real issue did he ... sounds lots like Joe himself ... birds of a feather ...

RPBooster (retired)

Fargo Woman said...

That has to take the cake for the most unresponsive response I have every heard. He acknowledged her support for the challenge but did not address the challenge itself.

Bill Morton said...

It good to see someone doing his job correctly for a change.

winterfleur said...

was anyone else distracted by how many times he used "again"? its like sentences were taken from several form letters to create this letter.

fargo woman is dead on about the unreponsive response.

Unknown said...

This letter is a template with slots left open for whatever the issue was.

They send the same response (with minor customization to mirror the writer's issue) to just about everyone.

The priciple is that a response that mirrors the writers concern back to them will be more satisfying (even if basically says nothing else) than no response at all.

Fargo said...

Makes a fine verbal bookend to the letter I received.

Bill Morton said...

It also seemed like a template to me, but at least it was a response from the Senator.

How many candidates, running for any office, actually do their duty while campaigning?

Fargo Woman said...

bill morton, I don't believe for a minute it was Obama doing this but, instead, someone from his Senate Office Staff. I agree that it was most likely a form letter. What's that saying, "all form no substance"? I think that's it. It certainly applies to this poor excuse for a "response."

Bill Morton said...

fargo woman,

You have a good point.

Anonymous said...

To those who applaud Obama for responding, I agree. It took two months for a response. The letter was sent on May 16th of this year, the response recieved on July 18th. Not exactly timely but better than nothing.

The answer was clearly a political response and dealt with none of the issues addressed, which was very disappointing. The original letter was posted on this blog on May 16th, in response to his first reply.

I do appreciate his response but am disappointed at the lack of substance.

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