Wednesday, July 18, 2007

* Pretenders Play Games (Updated)

Yesterday I mentioned the nonsense Joe Moore's supporters are posting on my blog. Now I've uncovered one of his supporters trying to hack into my website.

Why do I say it's Joe's people? Who else would it be? By now, everyone's got to know, Joe doesn't want this website to exist. He will do anything in his power to have the site disrupted. Including sending trolls out to hack in to various members accounts. Or having people sign-up and call people names. Or make personal attacks. Generally Joe's nut-cases just want to cause blog-mayhem. Now, Joe's got a little weasel posing as various members of the community. Members that always don't agree with Joe.

Take a look at these similarities. Each one of these blogger profiles with the same profile id number are different names. But they all lead to the same blogger address. = George W. Bush = Margot Hatchet = Pamela = Rebecca

They all lead to this blog address.

So, that's why I've got comment moderation on right now. I have to weed out those who are here under Joe's power, pretending to be other people they aren't and make nasty comments.

Doesn't this just make you proud to have Joe Moore as your leader? He's a liar. He's a cheater. And now we can add, someone who approves of identity stealing.

Updated: Same blogger id. = Eyes on Eastlake - You've been tapped now.

People have e-mailed saying they know it's Kevin O'Neil doing this shit. Is this true Kevin?


DorothyParker007 said...

Stupid question, if this is a blog how can you trace anything?

Veronica said...

Those addresses are suspicious...

RP4Life said...

Everyone wants to be you Craig. Congrats.

Catherine on Eastlake said...


this is me... what do you mean?

you know... i did make a comment on NATAS' blog. perhaps that is a lead.?

i hate to link it cause its just hateful.

Hillari said...

This is just triflin', as older people used to say when I was a kid. How stupid to pull a stunt like that. I guess some people don't like the truth you and others and putting out, Craig. But that's their problem, and they don't appear to be part of the solution.

Unknown said...

The funniest part is whoever did it couldn't resist leaving a trail of breadcrumbs...Margot "Hachet" in place of the real name Margot Hackett.

Perhaps they just have a secret wish to be spanked in public. Masochists are so boring.

Let's move on.

Ryne said...

little kevin o'neil pretending to by George W Bush.....what a loser, no wonder you never came downtown to the Dirksen building.

It's best to just not even acknowledge thess puppets of joeys.

Graig keep up the good work! You tell the truth about whats going on in the ward, you do a very good job, the fact that joeys people go on your site and try to throw a wrench with their comments, try getting in the commenters faces picking on small little things.

Joe Moore listen to the people of this ward, we would rather have you working for us, together makeing the ward a better place, Joe do whats right, you see whats going on in the streets , the drug dealings, the shots that people hear in their homes most nights. Joe you live in this ward, I challenge you to start a new leadrship, a honest attitude.

Anonymous said...

Rebecca said:
Perhaps they have a secret wish to be spanked in public.

I just gave my leather teddy to Goodwill. What was I thinking!!!!

The North Coast said...

Craig, why did you choose not to publish my comment, pointing out that this blogger was correct in calling you irresponsible in the way you reported on the 6807 N. Sheridan Road fire?

Yeah, I mostly don't like this particular blogger and I don't approve of the identity theft.

But you WERE irresponsible in the way you reported on that fire, and you have not bothered to retract or apolize since the news broke in the mainstream media that the conflagaration was caused by a gas explosion.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I'll tell you why Laura. Because everything hasn't been told yet. I'm told by a good source, this lady called 911 earlier in the evening, saying she was going to commit suicide.

Plus, how did the stove just suddenly explode?

Instead of shooting off at the mouth like you ussually do, call media affairs and get the entire timeline of events.

And please, why would she say, "save my kitty," when her own life was in more serious danger?

The North Coast said...

Bad gas line, Craig, that's how.

I almost had a similar explosion with the crappy apt size gas range in an apt I had on Wellington. Old gas line with a corroded shutoff, ratty cheap 20" gas range that was at least 30 yrs old. It once had a gas surge that caused a burner to flare WAAAY up very suddenly, causing my droopy-sleeved sweater to catch fire. Lucky I got it put out under the faucet.

We had a fire at my building on Fargo, rather before my time, in my bldg on Fargo, caused by a gas surge into a kitchen stove there. Killed the woman's cats, and she barely made it out. Very fast, hot fire.

I absolutely hate, hate, HATE gas ranges and if I had my way there wouldn't be a single one on the North American continent. It's very bad to have a large bldg full of old gas pipelines, corroded shutoffs, and ratty old stoves. This stuff is being replaced piecemiel in most bldgs, because it is very expensive.

The North Coast said...

Also, I would definately say "save my cats" first. I can take care of myself, the cats are defenseless.

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