Monday, August 13, 2007

* CAN-TV Interviews Mr. Broken Heart

Friday night I was invited to the CAN-TV studio's to do a thirty minute program about the effects blogging has had on politics and how bloggers have changed the dynamics of the political scene.

The Beachwood Reporter, and another gentleman who was very, very fond of Joe Moore were co-guests along with Mr. 'Broken Heart'. And get this, the Orr/Moore/Fagus team will just love to hear this juicy nugget. It was hosted by the Citizens for Honest Government's very own, Randall Sherman. Regular host Frankie Avalia couldn't make it.

I got caught off guard towards the end of the show. The producer all of a sudden started showing photographs from the stories I've written in the past and asked me to explain the premise to each photo. Needless to say, the producer reads the Hell Hole extensively.

While I know this isn't Pulitzer prize winning material, it was nice to know there are thoses who do appreciate what I do. It's also nice to get a little free promotion.

The show is now available to be downloaded and shared by any blogger or blog site by embedding the goggle video on to their website - and in September it will be broadcasted on Chicagoland CAN-TV cable television.

WARNING: To the mindless followers of team Orr/Moore/Fagus. If you don't want to see my ugly mug so early this morning, don't click the video until this afternoon.


fedup dem said...

Craig, some minor corrections: The organization is called the Illinois Committee for Honest Government (please note the correct title, as there are other organizations out there with similiar names that may not have similar goals). And the name of the regular host of the ICHG's programs is Frank Avila (the same name as his dad, the Water Reclamation District Commissioner, who is presently circulating his nominating petitions for a second six-year term in the February 5 Democratic Primary).

Craig Gernhardt said...

Corrections duly noted. My apologies to the Illinois Committee for Honest Government.

RP4Life said...

Honest Government in Illinois. Now I have heard it all. Illinois invented the crooked politician. Dream on.

Fargo Woman said...

Craig, I cannot get this to play on my computer. I've clicked on it a few times now. Do you know if I need something special to get it to play, i.e. java script or something? I already have flash 9 and adobe 5.0. I haven't had trouble getting earlier vids to play. Thanks in advance for checking this for me.


Craig Gernhardt said...

For me, I have trouble with the sound. Here is the direct link to the google video.

Fargo Woman said...

Phooey. It's 3:08 pm and I happily went to the link you provided but it says the video is not currently available and to try again later. I will . . .

sandm said...

Interesting how J. Berkowitz makes special note of how people turn to blogs becausemthe mainstream media doesn't ask questions that are hard hitting, because they want their subject to like them and talk to them. This causes them to not get to the bottom of things, not solve any problems, not hold anyone accountable, and bore us.

Then he deatils the boring questions he asked Joe Moore in an interview, that don't have anything to do with his job or how well he's doing it, and says he likes Joe because he talks to them. He's a suckup just like the people he's talking about.


Jocelyn said...

nice job Craig!

LUC inmate #1234 said...

Loyola students don't take an interest in the ward because there isn't much to offer.

You say it yourself how badly commerce is for the ward. Why would you expect, or assume for that matter that 18 - 20 year olds who have just moved to the 49th are going to fight for the very issues you speak of. On the contrary, incoming students are told to steer clear of such areas that you so often discuss in your blog.

As much as Loyola is a permanent 'entity' of the community, I find you use the students as a scapegoat to why things are so dismal in the ward. The students and their activities for all intensive purposes don't really extend beyond the the local eateries and the train/bus stops. You speak as if the students are going to be up in arms because Loyola Park sucks.

A little fact, Almost NO Loyola students use Loyola Park, we have our own lushes fields for recreation.

Do you see fashionable clothing stores or places to 'chill out' for 18 year olds? No you don't, and that is why students get the f--- out of dodge when it comes to recreation and free time.

What's sad is, in my opinion, the only social or community aspect of living that Rogers Park currently offers the undergraduate body of Loyola is that little trixie from Highland Park can go home at Thanksgiving and tell Daddy she feels so cultured because she bought a handle at Bruno's from some ethnic variant that the ward has to offer...

If you want to make students more aware of the issues of the ward you could easily set something up with the school newspaper and get whatever publicity the blogg needs to get more students reading. I know I read the blog for it's comedic relief during my stressful work day. I'm sure other students would too.

Be proactive, it takes 5 minutes out of your day to call the university press and set up a meeting. The school publication is read by everyone. I could see this blogg making the front page if the interview was well thought out.

sandm said...

Yeah, Craig, you're just not proactive enough. Don't be so lazy.

Natas said...

Quit stroking yourself Craig....

OHHHHHH Craigie's on TV, everyone kiss his ass, he's so right, commenting on Rogers Park.


Get a life and get over yourself.

'Broken Heart' Past Blogs