Over at Pottawattomie Park, 7340 N. Rogers Avenue, by the basketball courts, I spotted this tag. IBM! It was burned on the concrete with some sort of torch. I asked longtime neighborhood resident Julie, who lives across the street about this tag. She informed me this was nothing more than a group of young kids who hang together and call themselves the IBM's. According to Julie, these are the geeky and nerdy kids in the neighborhood. She says they named themselves after the IBM computer brand. I'm not sure I believe Julie, but the story sounded funny and I'm running it.
BLOGNOTES: Julie, the IBM's stand for Insane Black Mafia. And they're not as harmless a bunch of geeks and nerds as you think. You need to start taking some reality pills.
i seriously doubt that any of these kids even know what IBM really stands for, or even have ever used a computer.
I said that was how they started out and they were in grade school then. They were little kids. I never said they were harmless, don't put words in my mouth. Then they were harmless, people change as they get older. I don't even know which kids they are, I haven't heard about them for years.
And sorry V&J, all of these kids have used computers, if not at home, then at school. Jordan has an excellent computer center. What an arrogant, uninformed statement that was.
As for these kids, if they decided to align themselves with someone and take the moniker, well that's what they did, but they started out no differently than the Patchers from Ignatius, the Blactoppers from Margaret Mary's and the Turfers from Gertie's. That's all I was saying. What happened to them after that I have no idea.
I heard there were kids were jumping around on people's cars the other night and I also heard that there are people in this end of the neighborhood that are either new, or don't belong here at all and are from elsewhere in the neighborhood, coming up here to start stuff. Are these two things related? Don't know. Don't care. I'm sure the police will handle it, they had a show of force at Jordan yesterday.
So Craig, before you decide to quote me, please get what I say straight.I'd really appreciate it, because I doubt saying "off the record" would mean anything to you which is one of he differences between some bloggers and most journalists.
Neither group is stellar in that regard.
i seriously doubt that any of these kids even know what IBM really stands for, or even have ever used a computer.
I am not sure if this just an ignorant comment or a bigoted one. I seriously doubt you have any clue about kids these days.
Well they are black... of course they have no idea what a computer is... because if you are black in this neighborhood, you must be ignorant, or a gang banger,or well at the very least, not invited to the whine and cheese party at the lake.
I cannot WAIT for the first burning cross to be planted somewhere in the neighborhood. I will honestly laugh because it will be terribly funny in a tragic way- but at least then it will be open war, won't it be?
Maybe then I will move. I want nothing to do with the white vs. black war.
Hi Everyone,
Yes that is like a brand on a calf.
A claim of ownership so to speak.
Not a particularly good sign.
Yes the police will handle it if someone tells them about it.
Lets get amessage to Dane.
Hmm likely I will need to inform the adult leagues that I am planning bring to that park this fall.
We tried using this park a few years ago. We even had some suburban police and city officials in that league. After the rapes and gunfire that occurred on league nights during our games we voted not to use this park.
We do have a wonderful relationship with parks on the south and west sides.
So Julie I hope it does not scare you that I might be bringing 500 young adults to RP to play some games.
We are the UC and many do work for place like IBM, the FBI and CPD among others.
Graffiti Obscura courtesy of I Live Here Too.
This branding has been covered up to some degree at least.
And before the haters come out, I did this right in front of a Police Car parked right there.
We must not be fearful of taking back our City.
Self help is the most powerful thing we can do.
Push back the darkness- metaphorically speaking.
Fight for the light.
Have you talked to the current Park Supervisor?
Her name is Shannon, she has been at Pott for a year now. Her energy, drive, and willingness to help out is really powerful.
The best thing we can bring to this Park is more organized activities.
However, be it known, over the past week of league nights, Wen, Thur, and Fri, there was a large group of adolescents acting out in a fairly anti-social way. They were doing this directly in front of the police, in a really, I would say, antagonizing way, and directly adjacent to the ball fields where little league, and adult league play was taking place. There is definetly an intimidation thing going on. It is hard to keep leagues here when the behaviors of the "children" is so gross.
For what it's worth, that IBM tag at the courts happened in the past 2-3 days, proximate to the other bad behaviors described here.
I agree line in the sand so to speak.
Anti social behavior may not violate any laws and yes I did meet Shannon with my kids the other day at the park.
She is awsome I agree.
I have spent lots of time in these parks as well as many others.
Leagues, times of reflection and just hanging out.
Many of the players live in this neighborhood so it would make sense to play here.
Can you throw a frisbee or ever played Ultimate?
I think V&J may just be a bit of a newbie and not a city person, but I agree that the comment did seem kind of ignorant- hopefully not racist.
Most kids of all backgrounds are exposed to computers in school. These kids are more saavy than people give them credit for.
These IBM creatures are no little innocents. At this time they seem sort of young and relatively harmless, but please note Craig's June 16th posting. http://morsehellhole.blogspot.com/2007/06/more-on-operation-triple-threat.html
IBM was addressed in the Police press briefing reporting on the "Operation Triple Threat".
sorry for my seemingly "racist" comment, but i do not hold these little punks in any high regard, what so ever. i have absolutely no respect for people of any age or race that do not understand (or care) that destruction of private or public property is wrong, and that it should not occur.
frankly, i couldn't even begin to give a shit about whether they know or don't know how to use a computer - they're definitely deft at using a spray paint can, blowtorch, at destruction of property, and plenty of other wholesome, worthwhile activities. and for all of you who believe that i am a newbie - uh, no, i grew up in the northwest side of chicago, and lived there until summer before eight grade. now i'm back, and sorry i haven't been here for 40+ years, i'm only 23.
and i didn't say anything about race. that you did yourselves. i was merely stating that these kids are these kids, those who defiled the sidewalk. i don't care if they're black, white, purple or yellow. they are still punks that need to be taught how to interact with society in a normal and respectable fashion.
unfortunately, that education seems to be severely lacking. and today it's marking up the sidewalk, tomorrow they're wandering Morse dealing drugs. or running up behind someone and beating them up for no reason what so ever. so it's ok to bad mouth adults or teenagers that do things that are wrong, but it's not ok to do the same to those who are younger and perhaps haven't completely ruined their lives with drugs, etc.
my computer statement simply meant that these children seem more invested in using their time in destruction than in bettering their own situations. and yes, i was wrong, even bums can use computers - at the local library.
and you ban me, geez
I've got news for you v&j. At 23 years old, you are actually a newbie in my book! I didn't mean that as an insult either. I know when I was 23, I still had alot to learn. Be careful of having all the answers.
No one said your statement was racist, but you seem to make some generalizations and blanket statements aout "these kids." We all know that most of "these kids" are black, so it's kind of tricky that way.
just my 2 cents
Not to alarm you folks but to make you more aware. With the MS-13 gang growing stronger and spreading across the US, people must be even stronger in their community activism. The existing gang problem now is small-fry stuff. The MS-13 is considered by the FBI as the worlds most dangerous gang. other gangs like bloods/crips fear these animals. They kill for killings sake. This will be a national security issue as this gang proliferates.
I did this right in front of a Police Car parked right there.
there was a large group of adolescents acting out in a fairly anti-social way. They were doing this directly in front of the police
What's wrong with this picture?
i have absolutely no respect for people of any age or race that do not understand (or care) that destruction of private or public property is wrong, and that it should not occur.
Then I guess you don't appreciate "I live here too" spray painting the spray painting....it's equally illegal and sets a horrible example.
Would a call to graffiti blasters have been too much too ask for, or perhaps a chat with Shannon as the park district does employ a maintenance staff that's quite good.
No instead, we sent the message that you can spray paint all you want, as long as it's something we approve of, like everyone who didn't seem to care that someone's truck had a Cicero quote spray painted on it, because they liked the quote.It destroyed someones's private property, is that lost on you people?
I suppose if it had said IBM, we would've been scouring the neighborhood for red spray paint cans, or perhaps progun would set up a surveillance team to take pot shots at any baggy white shirted black kids that stroll by.
MS-13 - scary people, they're the ones that killed the girl in Virginia and carved her baby out with a machete because she was going to testify against them.
Thanks for the warning prattpangs, but as was seen when the Viking was killed by the Latin King on Estes and the "shrine" had the Vikings moniker spraypainted on that sidewalk, no one cared, it was just a sad way to wake up on a Sunday morning....isn't that how you put it in your headline Craig?
When a black kid gets killed, it's get rid of that shrine, take back the neighborhood, how dare that filth.
One day, people will wake up and RP will be what Humboldt Park was 30 years ago,it's slowly getting there. You'll be wishing for the days all you had to deal with was adolecents ignorantly jumping on people's cars.....people that called the cops on the Kings in Humboldt Park got their house blown up.
It would be great to have the FBI and the CPD on your team at Pott. Then, if anyone does anything and you pull out your Smith and Wesson and start randomly whacking people in the park, either they'll stop you before you hurt someone, or they'll wait 'till you're finished and we can have you arrested for a hate crime and use everything you've written on Craig's blog as evidence.
By all means, bring them here.
uh, no, i grew up in the northwest side of chicago, and lived there until summer before eight grade. now i'm back, and sorry i haven't been here for 40+ years, i'm only 23.
The far northwest side or the near northwest side? The cop/firemen neighborhood, or was it more like Portage Park? So you lived there until you were 11, maybe, and these are the credentials you present to prove you are a city person?
Even if you spent your whole 23 years on the northwest side, if it's from Belmont/Cumberland north or Belmont/Harlem north - sorry, doesn't count. That's as suburban and safe as you can get in the city, except of course for Sauganash.
The comment wasn't racist it was bigoted and stereotypical of people who grew up in lily white neighborhoods.
BTW, it's EIGHTH grade not eight grade....where did they ship you off to high school? They should get their money back.
Do you know what IBM really stands for without looking it up? And don't recite it because we can't prove you didn't look it up.
its a type-o. relax.
Hi Julie,
In the mid to late 90's I was working with kids from Stateway garden teaching sports, sportsmanship and reading.
Now I work with my own childern and those of my Nanny and our Church.
Our Church boast 10% white membership and is in RP.
I am proud to have taught Sunday School and VBS as well as marriage counseling and overall Christian skills to many.
I was also happy to learn those skills.
Yes I have my faults one of them quick to seek revenge that I 4 an I part I take to seriously some times.
We also had big brother and big sister mentors from the NOH area.
Lots of those kids died along the way.
None were ever killed on my watch thank God.
Yes it must be very scary to live so close to a gang turf war.
But if guess if you treat them like Human beings they will take their conflict and drive by shootings to the old factory building that recently went condo.
Very humane of you to ask them to fight in someone elses yard.
That being said who wants to join a league that play out at Pottowattmie this fall.
I will call Sue to see what dates are avilaible.
It seems clear that there is a fundamental difference between defacing something with a graffiti tag, and obscuring or covering up that same tag. Creating it is the illegal act, covering it up is maintenance. Most people like a little help. All I did was help out.
The Park was notified properly on Friday this tag existed. Also, please note, this was not a sprayed on tag, it was burned into the asphalt with a blow torch.
The vaunted Park District maintenance team still has not attended to this issue. No paint but mine there.
I have spoken with Shannon and others in the Park. I basically got high 5'd and thanked for doing what I did.
I reclaimed the courts for all the people of the City. I pushed back. IBM did not get to "claim" this territory for even a few days. Pushing back in this way shows the "bad" people that others are looking, are noticing, and will not stand for it!
If you feel as it seems to my eyes you do, you may want to report me to the Feds as well, as I also paint over tags on mailboxes and drop boxes.
In my time here, ten years now, I have always "pushed back". A little self help goes a long way to improving an area. If more people also did little things like picking up litter from an area, planted flowers, and maybe even some discreet cover up-ing. It would go a surprisingly long way to helping the area not only look better, but it actually helps an area stabilize and improve. Compare an area that is tended to, litter picked up, no obvious graffiti, to an area that is litter strewn, tagged heavily, etc. Where would you rather be? Where would you rather have your friends and family over to? Which of the two might actually help promote civil behavior?
It's easy to litter when the ground is covered in garbage. It is easy to spray paint things when you see tags everywhere. It's another thing entirely when you see your tag painted over rapidly. After a while, you don't tag there anymore.
Oh, and the truck with the Cicero quote. What you missed there is that the quote has been painted OVER a nice big IBM tag. I hope it was the truck owner that did it, but whoever did it has some nice style.
guess having our garage and my dads van broken into and having shootings down the street doesn't qualify me. not to mention my dad coming home with stories about getting his van shot at in gang crossfire as he worked in RP about 20 years ago. oh wait, i didn't experience it first hand, so i guess it doesn't count. how many violent things have you experienced that it makes you so much more qualified to be called an experienced chicagoan? sorry, i know that's not a word, i made it up.
And do YOU, julie, know what IBM stands for? be careful, the same qualifications stand for you as for me, b/c after all, there is no way for your to prove that you know what IBM stands for. frankly i doubt most people do. however, we do know that it is commonly known as a computer company, not as a violent gang.
and IBM stands for, in case you were wondering - oh wait, you wouldn't believe me anyways. and this way you have a chance to not be able to let me now what it stands for either. and i went to chicago catholic schools - we all know how excellent education is in chicago. and i was 12 when we moved. and i can definitely tell you that there is a big difference in the way i grew up and the way the suburban kids grew up, in glen ellyn, where we moved to.
and i don't claim to know everything, and never did. not to mention my comment about the kids not knowing how to use a computer was meant to be sarcastic, but i guess no one caught that.
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