Monday, August 6, 2007

* Joe Moore @ Blogger Convention

Guess who showed up at the YearlyKoz bloggers convention? That's right, Mr. Alder-Blogger himself, Joe Moore. Did you know Joe Moore had a blog site during the election? How many of you visited his blog?


Craig Gernhardt said...

oe Moore can ham it up for the national bloggers, but can give the time of day to the local bloggers.

What's wrong with this picture?

ck said...

Sounds like Big Joe is really trying to get some political traction nationally. In the unlikely event he actually does, we should really start raising a ruckus so the media is well-aware of the veritable utopia Big Joe's presided over since 1991.

pearl said...

Now, now, Craig. Any politico with any ambition at all would jump at the opportunity to go hang out with Barak, Hil, I'm so pretty Edwards, et al. Maybe Joe took his resume with him!

P.S. I don't think that Joe likes local bloggers.

Jarvis_smells_like_piss said...

why haven't you run a story about the young woman who was killed the other night on sheridan road? it seems to me that traffic calming on sheridan road should be a priority for the community. look on the tribune's website in case you havent' heard the story yet.

RP4Life said...

I just talked to a woman that I work with about her new life in Chicago. She moved into an apartment on Lunt and Sheridan. First week (Last week)she was mugged and beaten. I mean really beaten, her face must have been punched ten times. She is a health care provider and a very nice person. She is looking into moving to another location in Chicago. Affordable housing has its drawbacks. I will alert my C.A.P.S. representative to this crime. They sure do pick and choose which crimes get reported on the Internet crime pages.

ck said...

Traffic calming on Sheridan = expansion of LSD. Which, frankly, I think would be a good idea. Sheridan is a veritable freeway right now-- it's not designed to handle the volume of traffic that's placed upon it (look no further than all the congestion / sinkholes / pavement deterioration / traffic accidents / pedestrian fatalities for proof of that). When LSD was extended from Foster north to Hollywood back in the 50s, it created a beautiful, landscaped open lakefront that in many ways is much more accessible than our lakefront is in RP. Down there they have huge beaches, wide walking/jogging paths and tons of green space. We, however, have a disjointed lakefront that you cannot walk the entire length of because you have condos that abut the beach and people who want their private beaches (which I thought was against Burnham's plan for Chicago, as an aside). I've always found it ironic that all the "power to the people" liberals that live in our neighborhood relish their private, bourgeoisie beaches and rail against a LSD expansion that would actually increase public access to/along the lakefront and alleviate the congestion and pedestrian safety problems on Sheridan.

Jarvis_smells_like_piss said...

amen, rage against da machine.

pearl said...

Rage and Piss -- I hear you but I don't think we can put this accident down to too much traffic on Sheridan. It happened at 4:30 a.m. AND the woman stepped out in front of oncoming traffic against the light. It was a dark and stormy night and also the wee hours. Bad combo and when things are most likely to go wrong all the way around. My heart goes out to her family and friends. Very sad. But more human error than anything else.

ck said...

Good point, Boomer. But I still think a thoughtful extension of LSD should be strongly considered. As our neighborhood and Evanston cleans up / gentrifies, traffic on Sheridan is only going to get worse-- and the need for a workable alternative become more pressing.

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

boomer--I'm all in favor of the LSD extension, although I have a hard time seeing how the city would approach such a plan. Aside from the obvious property owners who would loose their lakeside property (either it gets torn down or they find the lake no longer next to their building), I get the sense that many that have lived in this area for awhile don't welcome radical changes. Given the cost of the project itself, legal battles, and opposition of local residents, I believe we are stuck crawling down to Hollywood to get on the Drive.

proGun said...

Hey RP4Life
Did this mugging happen in RP?

dave said...

P.S. I don't think that Joe likes local bloggers.

Or maybe he just doesn't like bloggers who hate him?

Come on... do you think President Bush would hang out at YearlyKos? Would Clinton, Obama, and Edwards hang out a conference was putting on?

pearl said...

Likely the biggest opposition to an LSD extension would be Evanston, not RP residents whose wishes are often ignored by elected officials. Where would an extended LSD dump traffic? On Main after Calgary cemetery? At Northwestern? It's possible but I suspect there would be a lot of well-healed screaming. Of course, if there were serious dollars in it for Evanston I imagine that their elected officials would override their wishes too.

The North Coast said...

Boomer, 88% of Rogers Park and Edgewater voted AGAINST the LSD extension in 2005.

Evanston, Rogers Park, and Edgewater mostly oppose this, and so do I.

Rogers Park and Edgewater are the only areas outside the Gold Coast where we have a real beach.

I lived in Lakeview for 10 years and the lakefront is NOT accesible there unless you have a boat.

Now that we have fought off the movement to extend the drive, we need to work on reclaiming "private" beaches that have been permitted to encroach on public property.

Couch Captain said...

Hey Rage against whatever,
We like our lake front the way it is. I hear there was an accident on the Ryan, maybe we should change that too. Yes we took a vote and 80% said no.

And the attack on Liberals, you know I would never live in Indiana or Texas, why do you conservatives like to live in a Chicago community which leans really left? You must wake up everyday with a sour taste in your mouth. That's no way to live, life is short.

RP4Life said...

Progun, yes is happened right outside her door @ Lunt and Sheridan. She was hit from behind and the assaulted with multiple punches to the face. She is doing fine now, she is having second thoughts about rogers park.

ck said...

"You conservatives"? Easy there, Couch need to be a hater. FYI, I am a liberal...I've been one my whole life (I even had a picture of FDR hanging up in my bedroom when I was kid). But I'm also a liberal who likes thoughtful, balanced solutions that are the the most beneficial for as many people as possible. If you'll re-read my entry, I wasn't making a blanket attack on everyone who considers themselves a liberal. I was specifically referring to certain kinds of liberals who masquerade as progressives whilst at the same time hiding their own selfish wishes (e.g., all the "liberals" who live in their beachfront condos off sheridan who merely want to keep their private beaches). I'm advocating greater public access to the lakefront and you're calling me a conservative? Uh, not really.

Again, I'd like to call your attention to when LSD was expanded from Foster up to Hollywood back in the 50s. Before the expansion, there were single family homes [mansions], condos and ritzy resort hotels abutting the lake (not all that far off from what we have in RP today). You know what wasn't there? Public Access to the lake! You had no public beaches, no bike trails, no public green space. The expansion actually created those things-- and created much greater public access where none or very little previously existed. I think our neighborhood would benefit a great deal if an expansion plan were crafted-- with a great deal of public input/guidance, of course. We could retain/enhance our existing beaches, make them contiguous so you could walk further than just the length of Loyola Park, tie the bike paths in with the larger system so you could actually go somewhere, and alleviate a great deal of congestion on both Sheridan and Clark. And you think that's bad?

The North Coast said...

Right now, Rogers Park and Edgewater have a short walk to large public beaches, and Rogers Park has a bike trail.

We all also have a very short walk to the lake, which we would lose if the extension were built.

Owners of beach front property, who mostly paid a steep premium to be close to the beach, would lose part of what they paid for.

South of Foster, there is NO public beach. You can perhaps sit on the rocks, but there is a lot of distance to travel between the park edge and the lakefront.

Worse, you lose use of the lake because of the boat harbors as well as the lack of beaches.

We in this area fought to get the referendum on the ballot in 2005, to protect the lakefront. We won't throw it away now.

Unknown said...

get your story straight. It was 8:50 pm and it was not stormy. Crossing against the light made no difference. Both drivers (including the first) didn't exercise due caution to a pedestrian. She didn't jump in front of a car... he wasn't watching. and judging by the injuries she had - the secind car wasn't driving the limit either.

- The "woman's" Sister.

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