Friday, August 3, 2007

* The Open Air Drug Market Bicycle Salesmen

The Set-Up: To catch these guys in action, you've got to be slick. Because they're slick. Slicky smooth. There's no sound to the video, so I'll explain the procedure and how it goes down. I watched this go on for over an hour. I recorded the quickie exchange and aftermath.

There's five (5) of them. Two on bikes, three hanging out in front of the Golden Mini-Mart. They've spotted the buyer, a bike courier drives up and picks up the product from the holder and whisks off to make the transaction.

Once the product holder is done doing his job, this frees up his time to cat-call the customer exiting the Golden Mini-Mart. From the body language this dude is displaying, I'm guessing he said, "Yo, sexy hot Mama, I've got my baggy pants full of the big-boy, love muscle - and baby-cakes, it's waitin' for you, come-on, come-on!" Or something like that.

Given the cold shoulder from his 'potential sexy mama,' him and his other white t-shirt buddy want to spar with each other. Or maybe they're practicing the fine art of gooning?

The cycle continued. When the police did drive by, the guys meandered in various directions just long enough for the police to drive out of site. Then, it was back to business on Morse Avenue. This must be what Joe Moore, Kim Bares and the Special Service Area street tax #24 call economic development. A bunch of thugs hanging on the sidewalk, running a never-ending, open air drug market enterprise.

You want drugs? - Part 1

You want drugs? - Part 2

You want drugs? - The Nighttime Version


Veronica said...

If only it was as easy as the cops (those who actually do their jobs) to take a look, and say, "they're doing something illegal, even though it seems innocuous, let's arrest them". That would be fantastic. Unfortunately, the lovely USA government has made it that unless you are standing there with a smoking gun in your hand over a dead and bloody body, you're fucking innocent. Even when it's painfully obvious to all those around that you're not. That you're drug dealing gangbanger scum.

CNB said...

Thank you ACLU. Thank you liberal judges. Thank you Political Correctness. Thank you Alderman Moore. Thanks to voters who keep voting in the judges and legislators who coddle the criminals and let them back on the street after a few moments. Thanks, Al Sharpton, for coming to Chicago - will you do something about THIS?

Estes Dude said...

This morning, I witnessed a similiar scene @ clark and estes. Looked like a public disturbance between either drug dealers or prostitutes (hard to tell the difference). The police rolled by during some serious screaming and fighting and just kept on driving. I actually tried to flag them down but they apparently didn't see anything.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Wonder why this serious story only get three comments? And the ones where we talk about the RP Garden group being a bunch of evil-doers, well that subject get dozens of comments.

Just curious.

artjoevideo said...

Moore's in Washington trying to stop the war. He fails in Washington and he fails on Morse Ave.
Goonings, Gangs, Drugs and Guns! Moore's war should be on Morse Ave. How can he stop the war in Iraq when citizens of his ward are frightened to walk down Morse Ave.? No wonder there are so many Republicans, Democrats like Moore are focusing on the wrong problems. I'll believe in world peace only after Morse Ave. is cleaned up. Hear that Heartland. Take down the peace flag and stop the violence in our community!

Joe on Estes

Craig Gernhardt said...

Welcome back Joe.

Any chance I could beg for some more donated ad time on CAN-TV? Pretty Please.

Veronica said...

craig, sadly, this is all old news to us by now. that's why there's so few comments. it is very disheartening that we have no support from anyone in the Alderman's office, and so we feel that our hands are tied. the cops are not doing their jobs, it is all under their noses, day in and day out, but they just don't care. without a complete overhall, where we have someone in office who is not a slimy cheating bastard only out to better himself (do those exist?) someone who will bear down on the cops and on the filth, nothing is going to change. at least not in any positive direction. i must say, i seriously do not blame the common cup and the morse market for closing as early as they do. i wouldn't have my business open that late either. and then have to walk home.

The North Coast said...

Craig, I suppose we are just exhausted from talking about it.

We have an alderman who is determined to stack the ward with as many lowlifes, and social services catering to problem populations, as he can.

We have an unbelievably uneven and nonsensical justice system that metes rewards people who have good legal help and/or know how to work the system, while innocent people get caught in the maws with no hope of reprieve because they do not understand the system and have no one who can help them through it.

We also have a society that is increasingly criminal from top to bottom.

And we have a neighborhood dominated by the most brainless sort of knee-jerk 60s-style leftists who have to make a race issue out of everything.

It's overwhelming. After a while, people become apathetic, and those who aren't too invested , seeing how much good voting at the poles seems to do, vote with their feet instead.

proGun said...

Just went by the HH.
The Century Ale House construction Awning provides great shelter so Andy and Devin lets get some lights on that subject.

If you 2 like I can rig it to video and brodcast the HH live from the Ale House till construction is compleated.
Oh that would be fun.
Aver media is easy to port to a web server then we could watch the shit realy go down.
Like mercat manor.

Unknown said...

Craig, I love the Rogers Park Garden Group and believe in its mission. But I think the reason that story got comments and this one didn't is that the RPGG brouhaha was non-threatening. The problem you describe in this post is terrible and serious.

It grinds on and on. What can we say about it? Call 911 endlessly. Right. Call the precinct. Right. Organize phone trees. Right. Learn self defense. Right. Call the alderman. Right. Continue to use businesses that aren't cozy with dealers. Right. Continue to use the parks without fear. Right. Go to CAPS meetings. Some of us can stand that and some of us find them unbearable. Try to learn how things really work. Uh, right. Then what?

Don't worry that the quantity of comments isn't as high on this one post. People care about this.

The North Coast said...

Echo Rebecca.

Violent crime is the overriding obsession here.

Sometimes we want to talk about a less overwhelming problem.

Unknown said...

One thing I forgot to mention last night because it was 3 am ...hold negligent landlords accountable for buildings that are hot spots. City process. The alderman was going to lead this? Remember?

Okay, my memory is crap in the middle of the night, but Rogers Park doesn't have to be part of the United States of Amnesia.

Jocelyn said...

Yes, I agree this is a demoralizing subject and I often don't know what to say about it. How many times can I get angry that Morse seems to belong to the drug dealers? I go to CAPs, call 911 when needed, pick up litter, joined the RPGG, attend meetings, have blogs...What else can I do?

I'm doing all I can to improve the neighborhood with my limited time and means and yet this problem still persists. It angers me that crime is allowed to occur in the open like this, but then I see this almost every day.

I hope everyone shows up on Tuesday night for National Night Out and at least we can own Morse for one evening.

Veronica said...

i haven't been around this weekend, so i dont know if there were signs up, but what is national night out? and what time does it start?

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