Friday, September 21, 2007

* After-school Insanity @ Sullivan High School

Two day's in a row now, the police have had their hands full trying to control the students leaving Sullivan High School. Do these kids have anything better to do than have 15 to 30 person gang fights?

The street corners that draw the most action besides in front of the school are:

* Pratt and Bosworth.

* Pratt and Ashland. (The Hot Corner)

* Farwell and Ashland.

* North Shore and Ashland.

All points in-between.

BLOGNOTES: No sooner than one fight breaks up, another starts. You'd think if these kids would channel that battle attitude energy into their high school football team, they wouldn't lose as many games as they do. But then, to be on the football team, you also have to maintain a certain grade point average just to be on the team, and that's not as much fun as randomly beating each other up after school.


mr.jones said...

Station the police around the area to guard the innocent, and let the others fight to the death. That is one way to cull the herd. These kids are a lost cause, just future penal system populators. And before they get there, they will harm or kill decent people.

QuestionAuthority said...

That's bigotted crap Sir. Lots of good kids go to Sullivan, some come from across the city to attend this reasonably safe, small city high school.

rpsense said...

QA- So we are supposed to be tolerant of this lifestyle of fighting and brawling in the streets? Otherwise we are labeled a bigot? Also, Mr. Jones' statement clearly states to protect the innocent. I understood this to mean students as well as bystanders.

dave said...

So we are supposed to be tolerant of this lifestyle of fighting and brawling in the streets? Otherwise we are labeled a bigot?

Umm... who said that?

Not tolerating the violence odes not mean mr.jones is a bigot. Saying asinine things like "these kids are a lost cause" or"let the others fight to the death" border on bigotry, and definitely are both ignorant and hateful.

rpsense said...

The problem is the the kids who are fighting and throwing bottles and endangering those who are at school to actually accomplish something. They are the ones who are "those" kids. They are a reflection on their parents. If one of those fighting kids or bottles were to land on one of your loved ones you might see the light. Try again Dave.

Veronica said...

I'm with Mr. Jones. These kids are just a waste of taxpayer dollars, since they are obviously more interested in killing each other than bettering their futures. Oh well, don't worry, more than half with drop out and join the ranks selling on Morse, or knocked up over and over. And then OD and die. Boohoo. And the cycle continues.

Catherine on Eastlake said...

I agree with mr. jones, and like to add that all drug users are to be given FREE drugs...but if they OD or get sick, they will receive NO medical attention whatsoever. That they are 100% responsible for their actions and the after effects. That means insurance coverage is NULL as well.

So go ahead. Smoke that crack pipe, or shoot that heroin. This could also end Drug dealing as a business.

Mrs. Medieval said...

Well apprently Mr. Jones is out to make Sullivan sound like it's gone to hell. Well, just from someone who has been here for at least 10 years, it hasn't. There are a handle full of kids who have nothing better to do then fight, but the LAW says we can't kick them out...believe me, we've tried. SO stop bad mouthing Sullivan and complain to the city and have them change the laws, so it would allow us to get rid of those students that are making all the trouble.

Jane said...

People must understand that these children are products of their environment and many of them have parents who have not acted as positive role models. As a teacher at Sullivan, I can attest that these children are angry, neglected, and in need of love and attention. It baffles me that a person can refer to ANY child as a 'lost cause'.

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