Sunday, September 2, 2007

* Hey, Trash Detective - Solve this Crime

Here's one for the Trash Detective to solve. Now folks, if you want to try to solve this crime, pay close attention. There is a dumpster less than 10 feet from this kid on the bike. And the kid is holding future trash in his left hand.

Before watching, take this little 'Broken Heart' quiz...

a.) Will the kid use the garbage can after he finishes his blue juice drink in a plastic bottle?

b.) Or, with-out a care in the world, will this kid toss the environmentally unfriendly trash on the ground for someone else to pick up?

BLOGNOTES: Anyone ever wonder why you try to type in the trash detective blog and can't find it? With-out using the link, try it sometime.


sparky said...

well, i typed in 'the trash detective' on google, and the first site listed was the same as the link. ?

Big Daddy said...

Did you actually think that he was going to throw it in a garbage can? It's similar to the guy that just has to double park and obstruct traffic. Right next to a parking spot.

Unknown said...

when your parents and their parents...

Unknown said...

i realize that doesnt make much sense: what i meant was, when they've been taught by their parents, and their parents were taught by their parents, to throw shit on the ground, is it all that surprising?

Bill Morton said...

He even did the little "hand dance" at the end to celebrate his trashiness.

The kids are unsupervised, and have nothing better to do.

Either the parents, a teacher, or a gang will eventually take them under thier wing.

Veronica said...

i'm betting it'll be a gang. their parents obviously aren't that invested, and their teachers are probably ready to quit. we all know how fantastic most of cps are.

sparky said...

you guys never, ever littered as a kid? i did, and my life wasn't irrevocably damaged.

gang life?
why, racial profiling?

hand dance?
no such thing. he got the liquid on his hand as he threw it, and then licked it off.

way too much reading into such a simple, childish behaviour

Hillari said...


I agree with you. Everytime African-American kids are involved, it's got to be poor parenting, gang involvment, etc. Many parents of all races, especially these days, are guilty of not instilling values in their little wonders, so people need to squash the racial profiling.

It's tired, people.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Sparky, try this, maybe it will help with my question.

Craig Gernhardt said...

And notice the url thief who took the name of the blog before the trash detective could correct the mistake.

Jocelyn said...

It is true that many kids do litter at some point. Does that make it okay? No. Is it excessive around here? yes.

I agree the kid was flicking artificially flavored colored water off his hand and not making a gang symbol.

Looks like you've got it solved. Trash Detective sends her regards.

Jocelyn said...

He said he'd give it to me, but then he never did. Hey Thomas, if you're reading and feel like releasing the Trash Detective url, that would be a-ok by me.

Veronica said...

god forbid we should mention race when speaking of certain acts. i know what i've seen, and i know who i've seen do it most. no amount of indignation of "politically correct" people is going to change my views. and i don't care how much of a racist or whatever you all might think of me. we're all so fucking afraid to say anything about this race or that race, but perhaps, it's just true, and not just racial bias.

there must be a reason why all the lovely boys lingering on morse are all black. or why you're constantly hearing about bad stuff happening on the south side, which is primarily black. THERE HAS TO BE A REASON.

and i don't believe all the bullshit about not having the same opportunities as whites, b/c there is plenty of reverse discrimination happening these days, but you don't hear whites screaming in the streets about racial profiling, etc.

minorities are given schools, food, clothing, shelter, but it's still not enough. fuck that, lets get into drugs, knock up 15 different girls w/o marrying any of them, lets get pregnant 10 times by 10 different guys w/o marrying any of them, and then lets all live in some shitty apartment b/c we didn't try and better our situation.

and i don't want to hear that they have no direction. there is absolutely no reason why their parents shouldn't be able to control their kids. oh wait, it's b/c they didn't WANT THAT KID.

there has to be a reason why the mother is always almost yanking the kids arms out of their sockets, screaming at them to shut up when the kid is crying. gotta love all the pimps and hookers, crack addicts these kids get to grow up with. i guess it's no surprise that they end up peddling drugs on morse, and trying to kill each other constantly.

but no, there's no racial connection. god forbid.

Bill Morton said...

sparky said...
"gang life?
why, racial profiling?"

Bill Morton says ...
Have you seen the gangs of Rogers Park? Some of these bored kids end up in them.

Is that so hard to figure out?

Look at Morse Avenue.

Have you been there?

I didn't mention race at all, so you can get off the racial profiling bandwagon.

chidave said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Veronica said...

i'm sorry, but littering is NOT KIDS BEING KIDS. it's irresponsible little uncaring and uneducated brats, that come from a long line of uncaring and uneducated people. monkey see, monkey do.

Isaac Marshall said...

i think many people liter, but certain communities have more litter.

you already read another rant, but it happens to be in poor communities, which means hispanic and black communities.

and the other point is that there is a dumpster 5 feet away!!!

sparky said...

ah, that westies gang leader swiped trahsdetctive; and it is peculiar that he kept, and only linked it. maybe he's playing serial killer and keeping an article of his victim

v&j, i see your points, but they don't absolve you of having a racist pov. you go from completely irrational;
"bad stuff happening on the south side, which is primarily black"
who would you expect to commit crimes in a black neighborhood, chinese?
to; "fuck that, lets get into drugs, knock up 15 different girls w/o marrying any of them, lets get pregnant 10 times by 10 different guys w/o marrying any of them" to complete exageration, and believe it or not, some white people do that also.
and now; "reason why all the lovely boys lingering on morse are all black" because that's the way most urban drug dealing is done, and it makes easy 'news' footage. but if you go out into suburbia, drug dealing is also happening, but it's done behind closed doors and not at the 7-11.
and then; "monkey see, monkey do"
come on, refering to blacks as monkeys? you are as racist as archie bunker

issac; "it happens to be poor communities, which means hispanic and black communities"
i'd agree, but you've limited your sample to urban communities. go find a low-income trailer park, and you'll find whites doing the same thing

in general, you really should use a larger section of society as a sample before making such sweeping generalizations, because you sound like a bunch of uneducated/
irrational, chicken little/henny pennies

Isaac Marshall said...


we are talking about this city, and this neighborhood.

if we want to expand, then yes more whites are on welfare than blacks or hispanics. that is because this country is roughly 80% white.

look at the neighborhood and all the flamin hot cheeto bags on the ground. i'm not saying the sky is falling, but we recognize there is a problem and it is the poor amongst us who are to blame.

again, the dumpster was 5 feet away.

Veronica said...

sorry, just a little pissed off by the fact that we're paying for them to live a free and easy life. and that no one is stopping these little turds from doing what is wrong. and i'm sure that trailer trash is just as bad as poor blacks, guess it's just a class thing. all's i know is that it pisses me off, but can't do nothing bout it, cause it would be racist. go up to them, tell them not to litter, they'll threaten to put a cap in yo ass, and call you a white cracker nigger hater. there you go.

lanfred said...

You know what breaks my heart? The fact that majority (not all) of bloggers on here complain, cry and moan but never post a solution, and rarely comment on the beautiful and good things in our community. As a community worker, I see the ugly AND the awesome things our youth in our community do. I see when they go around and pick up garbage, I see them volunteering at the local soup kitchen, I see them hanging out and being kids. Instead of taping a child on a bike waiting for him to do something "bad", (by the way, do you often sit around taping children on bikes? That's kinda gross) why not say something? Take real action, stop punking out.

Hillari said...


Spare us all your "I'm tired of African-Americans complaining about racial discrimination." Don't you think myself - an African-American - is just as tired of having to deal with it?

Do you honestly think that if all African-Americans and other people of color stopped so-called "whining" about discrimination and all the ugly things that sprout from it, that it would stop? Would the KKK and American Nazi Party and like organizations suddenly say, "Well, they've stopped running their mouths, so we'll stop the cross burning, lynchings, etc."? Would those who practice racism covertly suddenly have a change of heart?

Do you think every African-American neighborhood in America is crime-ridden and full of criminal minded people? Or are you not aware there are middle class, upper middle class and wealthy among the race who are educated?

Or do you base everything on stereotypes? Two African-American kids riding bikes and throwing trash where they should have. Wow, that grounds for locking them up and throwing away the key according to you.

Veronica said...

sorry, i know what i see. and unfortunately it seems that mostly all it is is filth, drugs, and prostitution. what is it about these people that as soon as someone wants them to change their ways for the better, they start yelling about discrimination? case in point is the recent news about some dude in the south, i don't remember his name, trying to pass a law that would require people to stop letting their ass hang out of their pants. automatically there is an uproar that it's racial discrimination, that wearing pants that hang off their ass is part of being an African American. sorry, but i REALLY don't see the connection. it must be nice to be able to hide behind ones race. see, i'm white, as you probably already guessed, and if am doing something wrong, what do i have to hide behind? i can't blame my parents for not raising me right, or that i am poor and that i live in a shithole b/c my mother is a crack addict. what about cabrini green? what about all the other areas that are given to them to use to better their situations? what about all the chicago public schools that are filled with african americans, or blacks, or whatever the pc way of saying it is now. they bring guns to school, they are abusive to their teachers. what is the reason for that? why is that alright, and allowed to continue? i'm so tired of my hard-earned money going to support some strung out pos who can't find his way of his drug induced haze and find a fucking job. or all the women with 8 kids, all from different boyfriends, living on government support and food stamps? why should i give her my money? she never hear of a fucking condom? what is the reason for all the graffiti, and the drugs, and the hoochi mamas? is that part of being a black person too? explain this to me, because i really don't understand it. guess being white precludes me from getting it.

and no, a chinese person isn't going to go to the south side and start shooting up the place, but why does a black person have to do it in the first place? what is the reason for all this fucking violence? statistics show that blacks kill more of their own people than whites, or hispanics, or asians. why is there a constant need for gangs, and drugs, and that sort of life? someone please explain this to me, and i don't want to hear any bullshit about it being a perpetual cycle. it's time to change, and it's time for the goverment to stop coddling these people.

sparky said...

correct............this city, this neighborhood, and i wasn't talking about relative %ages.
so, going back to your predication of, "poor communities, which means hispanic and black communities", and, "there is a problem and it is the poor amongst us who are to blame", then your deduction isn't based on blacks and hispanics, but
it's the person's relative economic level that causes them to behave in a socially unacceptable manner.
well, talking theories and proofs, there's absolutely no basis for going from the specific to the general, because all someone else has to do is come up with opposing proofs, with cases of the poor behaving in a socially acceptable manner, and your theory goes down the drain. and i'm sure that anyone can come up with opposite
'proofs' of the rich; ie, clinton, kennedy, and any of the current celebrities, behaving in socially unacceptable ways will also flush your theory down the drain

sparky said...

and all this over a black kid throwing his juicy-juice container on the ground, and the cheeto bandito.
oooo, new theory; it must be those dirty wetbacks, because we all know that they like spicy foods

sparky said...

hey, how about this new idea?
how about becoming a mentor? there are plenty of nice, tame nigra chi'rin that'd like someone in their lives to give them a better role model/to nudge them in a better direction

Isaac Marshall said...


of course there are individuals who display socially unacceptable behavior from rich communities. there are also individuals in poor communities throwing trash in the garbage like they should. we are talking about the litter in rogers park, and the minorities who are the cause.

I have been a witness to all races littering. I also have witnessed most of the trash in my RP neighborhood being strewn about by minorities. And to address the another post, I have tried to say something and if you think that works, you are the village idiot. Unfortunately the people who do the littering lack respect in the first place and their reaction is less than polite.

also, i see more black kids enjoying the flamin hot cheetos then the hispanics. wasn't that fun

sparky said...

"it's time for the goverment to stop coddling these people"

ballpark; 1865, the slaves are freed.......100 freakin yrs!!!, 1965, desegregation.
and you're yammering about things not happening fast enough to suit your needs after 40+yrs. and it's probably less than 40+ for you because i'm guesstimating your age

CNB said...

This happens all the time. I used to think it was just laziness, then I realized it is cultural disrespect for "the Man" that has been twisted to the point where littering one's own neighborhood is a gesture of rebellion. Kind of like burning your own neighborhood to protest a jury verdict that pisses you off.

sparky said...


"I have tried to say something and if you think that works, you are the village idiot. Unfortunately the people who do the littering lack respect in the first place and their reaction is less than polite."

i agree completely. and village idiots can get hurt by taking that tack.
and i see that lack of respect as being one of the unexpected fringe
'benefits' of the '60s-'70s defiance, white or black, toward authority

Veronica said...

i do think that it is high time we stop letting these people show such fucking disrespect for everything. 150 years is plenty of time for change. unfortunately, almost all of that change has been negative, or no change at all.

what, if we ask them to stop littering, that's the fucking "man" getting them down? come on, for gods sake, how fucking ridiculous is that?

sparky said...

you completely missed the point, so i'll say it again in another way.
after the slaves were freed in 1865, it still took WHITE america 100 fucking years the make segregation/the belief that blacks are inferior, illegal

Isaac Marshall said...

you are a moron if you think these kids are sticking it to "the man" or the littering is some sort of cultural protest. and their parents didn't teach them to litter as cultural protest either.

there is no excuse for it. many of the poor have have homes that are just as filthy. i have been in their homes as part of my job. it was no surprise as to why asthma cases were so prevalent in the city of chicago.

on the bright side, my home is a sanctuary and does not reflect the rest of the community. and we can aspire to live in nicer communities, whether it be white/black/hispanic where this type of behavior does not exist.

Veronica said...

maybe if they stopped ACTING inferior, ie, littering, screaming at each other on the street instead of talking with normal voices like everyone else, dealing drugs very blatantly out on the street, trashing their own fucking neighborhood, living in filth, stealing and chopping cars, breaking windows, and stealing shit, breeding like fucking animals, depending solely on the government and stolen goods for money and a living, trying to fucking learn instead of hooking up for sex in the bathroom and making drug deals in the hallways at school, acting like fucking human beings instead of animals, then, maybe, racial discrimination would end. i have absolutely nothing against people who act normal, like denzel washington, morgan freeman, ray charles, whoopi goldberg, bill cosby (who did start out in a shitty life, but didn't turn into a drug dealer gang banger), will smith, and the thousands of other blacks that are normal, good people. i like them all. unfortunately, that is not the norm in todays society. enough with blaming everything on slavery, the man, whites and everyone in general. time to start taking responsibility for their own fucking actions, just like everyone else has to. if they really want to be treated the same as everyone else, that would be an excellent place to start.

sparky said...

"...and the thousands of other blacks that are normal, good people. i like them all. unfortunately, that is not the norm in todays society"

that's not the norm; really? you've done a study and/or have the stats to back that up?

Veronica said...

i don't need any stats, i have eyes. and what i see is real, not what stats say, b/c as we all know, stats can very easily be skewed. i know what i see when i go to the western suburbs on the metra, the filthy black neighborhood, i know what i see walking around rp, which is definitely not the south side.

Jocelyn said...

Isaac- sometimes it does seem like some people and kids are throwing trash down as an act of defiance or anger. The statement: I'm angry and I'm not going to behave dammit.

I think there is some of that out there. Anti-social behavior as misguided and self-destructive rebellion. It probably comes out frustration at the individual not seeing that they have any choices to make or them feeling terribly disempowered. I think it's nasive to assume that all of the litterers are so clueless as not to know that littering is wrong.

Isaac Marshall said...


you say it "seems like".

i think it is fair to say that we dont know what is going on in their heads.

you think i am naive, and i would say the same for you to think there is a defiant act when a majority of this littering takes place.

Unknown said...

Wow. Good luck with the fertility treatments, V&J. I'm sure you'll make a great mother, you racist loon.

sparky said...

c'mon man, you say you work in it and witness it first hand by seeing their filthy homes, but you still think it has something to do with being poor? it sounds more like those people have been
'beaten' into blind submission and can't see a way out.
a better word for poor is, the
'economics' of keeping a people down. and if you want a good and educational white comparison to this? go read about west va/the reprisals they were dealt from the civil war, and the rapeing through economic, educational, and natural resources/coal that still has a hold on a people.
it only takes a generation or two to keep a people 'in line', so that they can be taken advantage of in order to keep the overhead of a business down.
cotton, coal, steel, it doesn't matter what industry it is. if the powers can keep a group expendable by keeping them uneducated/sub-human, the overhead stays down and the profits stay up.
it's the bottom line man.
check out andrew carnegie's guilt toward the end of his life, when, after making $400mil by abusing the immigrants with absurd working conditions/no med benes/lose an arm, lose your job etc, of which he was once one, he made his libraries public. as in, prior to that, most libraries were for the rich/pay to read

sparky said...

yeah, v&j
get professional help, because you've slipped well below the people, white and black, that you're placing your judgement upon

Isaac Marshall said...


if it was a matter of oppression, then how come i see clean homes as well in those communities. to say that the black community and its values are broken would not get an argument from me, but how long does that stand as an excuse? who is going to fix the community? why are there some poor black homes that i go into that are clean?

of course things arent simple like we try and make them in little posts of these blogs. do not think that your ideas or mine are the end all or be all to the argument.

DorothyParker007 said...

wowo, this is pretty darn deep for some kid littering. want a solution? stop taping. so what a kid throws litter, maybe whats important to him is not whats important to you. betcha all you anti littering freaks let your dogs pisson anyones lawn. you know what your doing,your adults but yet your dog(s) can piss whereever their wee wees. i think dog piss is worst then some kid throwing litter on the ground, at least i can see it and pick trash up

sparky said...

how long does that stand as an excuse?
it doesn't stand as an excuse, but it does stand as a reason, and that reason can last for generations, if a 'mentor' doesn't step in to fix it/break the chains.

who? you, me and anyone else that has the balls to try, instead of giving up and absolving the feelings of failure by looking the other way or down our noses.

here's a perfect example; a guy i worked with, who at 14yrs old, had his father using him as a runner for dad's drugs. then dad, being the responsible father that he was, decided that if son was going to do drugs anyway, dad might as well teach son how to correctly shoot-up. eventually, they did time together.
skip to 15yrs later; dad's dead, son's out of trouble/rehab and married to a woman that he met in rehab. she has a kid and they have a kid. neither has a great job due to lack of guidance/
education, and one beater of a car. but they're trying. but due to their general appearance/
goodwill clothes/manner of speech, they don't get the time of day from anyone. and if the beater breaks-down one too many times, they may be out of a job and scuffling for the rent.
and i just had to laugh my ass off when he corrected his 'supervisor' on the i after e, except after c, as the supervisor mis-spelled
'receiving dept'.
have i ignored the appearances and snide remarkes of co-workers while trying to help this family? yep.
and until we all lend a personal hand vs anonymous agencies who are doing it as a 'job', these
'loosers' will never develop the emotional security/trust that it takes to keep trying.

but if you opt to stay in the sactimonious cage of your sanctuary, the excuse will last until we're dead

Isaac Marshall said...


mentoring is another cookie cutter answer.

the reasons or excuses are old and you can not expect everyone to come to a communities aid. it is not how our country works. we are a country built on greed and overindulgence.

people like myself still give plenty to others in many respects, but we still have ourselves to look after first.

we all look down on others from time to time, and have built our sanctuary so we can escape from time to time.

i dont expect this country to change our this particular community to change in my life time. that is just being realistic.

and i will still complain about those flamin hot cheeto bags on the ground if i'm still livin in the neighborhood.

toni2 said...

Wow. I think you all need to go back to white-land where the air is fresh and the water is sweet.

Did any of you read the story about the 14 year old black girl in Texas who was sentenced to an indeterminate number of years in jail (or until she reached age 21) for pushing a teachers aid at school? The teacher's aid was not hurt.

The same judge gave a white girl same age no probation or jail time when she burned down a house.

Go figure.

sparky said...


yeah man, i follow you, believe most of the same, and see the realism. but 'mentoring' can be more than a cookie cutter solution, when we look at it without the dismissive, cookie cutter labeling of an answer

oh well

Jocelyn said...

Isaac. It is fair to say that we don't know what people are thinking. But it's not fair for you to dismiss the possibility that some of the litterers are angry and defiant.

I personally witnessed a teenaged girl throw a glass bottle into the street on Morse & Greenview. She was not aiming for the trash bin 4' away. She deliberately broke a glass bottle in the street at 8am with many people around. Trying to be a bad ass I'd say.

Veronica said...

my personal life, and what i am doing with it, is no ones business but my own. while my views on race might seem antiquated to you, at least i'm not building excuses for bad behavior. and i can guarantee that my kids are not going to fucking litter b/c i will actually be teaching them right and wrong. can you say the same? or will you teach by example, like all those others here who have said that they've littered. guess i know how well they were raised.

Veronica said...

and i have also read plenty of more veiled racial comments on this blog, so it is quite apparent that i am not the only one who thinks along these same lines. so you can all get off your high politically correct horses and say what you really think for once.

Veronica said...

for another matter: when i first moved back to chicago, i was all for giving everyone an equal chance. but when i started seeing what was happening around me, well, i figured if thats how it is, whats the point of fighting it, since everyone else seems to like how things are going. "damn the man, save the black man"

Hillari said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Couch Captain said...

To Mannis and VJ I have your answer, Blacks are simply inferior to Whites. I mean after you laid out the evidence, burning ones own hood after a verdict, everybody knows that's a Black thing, Monkeys turds yea it's true we poor Black folk must be wired poorly. Look at the world over and you see how wonderful the whites do on their own, you know like the Germans in the 40s for example. Anyway why don't Mannis and VJ start the rounding up. Then we can get us Blacks far far away and watch white American take it's rightful place as true world leader.

FYI on our street it's the Russians who cause all the up roar, you know it's alway got to be a THEM so the US can feel better about our own sorry lives.

Veronica said...

i know what i see, and i see a lot more blacks littering, drugging, stealing, and in general causing mayhem. but i'm wrong, and a racist. you're perfect cause you're black. you didn't do nuthin wrong. and i never said whites are perfect, did i? nor did i imply it. must just be a coincidence that i don't see whites trashin their neighborhood. cause blacks are perfect.

Couch Captain said...

I guest VJ ain't never been to Texas I could show him some white littering, or the white biz guy who eats his car lunch and leaves us the wrappers, happens in front of my house daily.

When you talk about us as a group you have to understand how the zillions of us who don't behave as you accuse, well, we then want a piece of you, so to speak.

You'd like to keep the focus on what you see in RP, dude the average income here is 34,000. There are a shit load of dumb asses here, most of them are Black or Latino.

Look at the world around you when you next feel like taking a group to task.

You don't like drug dealers right? How about the white girls that meet the dealers on my street, are they to the blame or just the black dealers. Speaking of dealers look at the world wide slave trade, the illegal sex worker trading, those are very white folks. The trouble in Northern Ireland that when on for fifty years.

You say 150 years is enough so i guess you're feed up with Black development, the classic example of the guy born on third base but thinks he's hit a triple. Your peeps come here kill the red man, enslave the black man, build rich nation that you now take credit for as a enlighten being who's not afraid to be called a racist cause you tell it like it is for a change.

With the average white clan being worth 80,000 while the average black clan is around 9800. You want equal behavior on slave rations.

Also with all the other Black screaming out the fact that in middle class Black hoods not to mention upper class, you know where people have two dimes to rub together, well even us simple shiftless Blacks can manage not to thrash our own.

This is like race 101 but if you feel better hating than understanding, well hey the republican have a stop waiting for ya

Veronica said...

i am not excusing nor condoning all the negative things that white people have done over the years, and all those things that they are still doing. however, ask mostly any normal person, especially those who live in this area, and aren't part of the problem, who they see littering and trashing the place more, they will say minorities.

and there is no reason why a poor man has to be a pig, no matter what their race is. they don't have to be destructive, or violent, but they are. and that is what i hate the most. it isn't that i am against blacks, or mexicans, or whatever. i would be ecstatic if all people got along, and were responsible for their own actions. but they're not.

and why is it, that as soon as someone contradicts or goes against a black person, it's automatically about fucking race? you're bringing it all on yourselves, and you refuse to see it. and i know you're going to jump on me now b/c i said it's your own damn fault, but maybe you should open your fucking eyes and take some fucking responsibility.

stop being such jerk offs and things will get better, i can guarantee it. stop selling drugs, joining gangs, defiling/stealing/breaking other people's property, and there won't be a reason to constantly put you in jail. it's really quite simple. but no, it's just the white man going against the black. sorry, but we're NOT impregnating your women against their will, they're doing that quite well on their own. we're NOT forcing you to steal and destroy shit, even your own shit. we're NOT forcing you to drop out of school and not go to college. we're NOT forcing you to live in filth, wallowing in your own shit. we're NOT forcing you to the back of the bus, you're choosing to sit there. and destroy it by etching your gang symbols into the windows.

drinking fountains are all yours now, sit wherever you please, eat wherever you please, do whatever the fuck you want. but please, stop hiding behind your race, because it's just not right.

how should white people feel when they are called crackers (which i still do not understand how that is supposed to be offensive), when blacks use the word nigger towards each other, when if a white person uses it it's automatically racist and derogatory. how are we supposed to feel when we are ousted from jobs b/c they need to fill a quota, even if the black man, not b/c he's black, just isn't as good a man for that job? there is plenty of reverse discrimination these days, but i don't see white people screaming in the streets about it. i don't hear about a white man screaming at cops that the black mans getting him down. i don't see crowds gathering around a white man getting arrested, screaming at the cops that it's all about fucking race.

and by the way, i'm not a dude. thanks for the ego boost though, glad i don't sound like a wimpy girl. didn't think a woman could get all up in yo face, did you?

Big Daddy said...

Well said V&J,well said.

sparky said...

yeah, well said v&j
exactly like an ignorant, mis-educated white embarassment to the rest of us whites/the white equivalent of al sharpton

it's great that you'll teach your kids not to litter, but i'm sure you'll instill some of the rest of your sorry ass excuses for not making more of yourself because the blacks get favored

do the planet a favor and kill yourself before you breed

Isaac Marshall said...


I mentioned the word MAJORITY when i referenced the littering. I did not discount the few acts of defiance

"to think there is a defiant act when a majority of this littering takes place"

Jocelyn said...

Isaac- I believe you said:
"you are a moron if you think these kids are sticking it to "the man" or the littering is some sort of cultural protest. and their parents didn't teach them to litter as cultural protest either."

That didn't seem like a reasonable statement to me.

Isaac Marshall said...


i mention kids. these kids in reference to the ones in the video and the ones like them.

of course you dont find my statement reasonable. you have seen acts of defiance, and i have as well, but i dont see them from little kids. do you want to believe that the acts of defiance mke it any better? why is the act of defiance in the form of littering important to you?

i hope you dont think it makes it any better, compared to people not knowing any better.

and i dont care if it is an act of defiance, because it is still wrong and still an offense that is punishable by a fine.

i wonder if these kids, teenagers, and even adults would be mad if anyone came to where they lived and threw garbage on their property? if it were me, it would definitely an act of defiance toward the previous litterbugs!

Big Daddy said...

I'm not embarrassed by what V & J said. She spoke the truth. You may not like it but that doesn't make it any less true. I hope she does breed. What this world needs is more people like her. People that speak the truth and are unafraid to say what that truth is because it may not be P/C.

Veronica said...

big daddy, if you're not being sarcastic, i appreciate your clear-headed views. i'm glad that at least ONE person on this blog is not completely brainwashed. however, if you're being sarcastic, then nevermind. you're as hopeless as everyone else.

i don't know why i'm even bringing these topics up, it's not like anything is ever going to change in america, considering blacks have a pretty sweet deal here, and if someone tries to change something, even to get them to stop wearing their pants around their ankles, nope, can't do it, it's racism.

Big Daddy said...

V&J- No, I'm not being sarcastic, I think you hit the nail on the head. Nobody wants to tell the truth. We need people to tell the truth no matter how unpopular the truth is. Let me ask those that are ripping you this. How many white middle class areas do you see the residents standing on street corners pitching dope? How many black areas do you see this kind of behavior. Compare the rate of violent crime in the white districts with that of the black districts. Because I notice these things, am I a racist or just a guy asking for honest answers to important questions?
Don't give up on your desire to ask honest questions or stop telling the truth. We NEED people like you, people with their heads screwed on straight and not afraid to ask these questions.

chidave said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
sparky said...


problem is, it isn't the whole truth. what you see is a small section of where you are/have been, and what you've been shown on tv. and to pretend that your courageous for speaking the truth, is nothing more than another comment on your sorry existence.

Veronica said...

you are more and more coming off as someone who is just brainwashed by the government into believing what is the popular truth. so i'm sorry, but there just isn't any hope for you. oh, by the way, watch the news sometimes, go to st. louis, detroit, south and west sides of chicago, gary indiana, and many of the other black and crime filled areas. and then you tell me what's real and what's not. and i never said that i was courageous, merely that it seemed to me that most people were afraid of saying anything publicly about blacks, for fear of getting screamed at, like that drunk guy, and all his "supporters" were screaming at the cops, just "because he's black". not to mention, i do not particularly want to get shot, knifed or beaten up, so i do not say anything to anyones face. good thing too, since it's obvious that no one here sees anything clearly, except for big daddy.

oh well, such is america. guess we haven't apologized enough for slavery and segregation, even though those two things do not exist any more in america, and have not existed for many many years. guess acceptance comes slowly to those who like having everything given to them by the government as a form of apology. though to my knowledge, the blacks living today could NOT have been slaves, and for the most part, were not part of segregation, except those that are fairly old, and they are not the problem. the problem lies mainly with people in their 20s and teens and with some middle aged adults. it has been my experience that older black people are actually very polite and nice, as are most middle aged folks. unfortunately, they seem to be few and far between.

and don't worry, i already know you'll find something racist in my comments there.

Veronica said...

and you don't really know where i've been and what i've seen. for all you know, i could be a well-seasoned traveler, and so you cannot know how much i've seen and where i've seen it. how many parts of the US have you been to?

Big Daddy said...

Well then Sparky, tell me where I'm wrong. Please, I'm open minded and more than willing to learn. Answer my questions, please. And as far as living a sorry existence,think again. Just another wrong ASSumption on your part. But once again, educate me,please. I'm listening

Couch Captain said...

Well VJ I couldn't care less if you have breast or balls. I do want you to tell me your conclusion. You've provided all the evidence, litter, gangs (which by the way I love the Godfather movies how about you?) too many babies not enough families, the litter again, crime, jail (remember it was the Klan in the 1920 that tied education funds to property taxes a fine way of keep the poor in the poor soup, it's worked very well for almost 100 years) defacing property etc. You have all the facts that make White people feel that undersireableness towards Black.

But what is your final answer? Whenever you run the grocery list of ill then you must have a conclusion in mind right. As you point out you only see Blacks littering etc (you should get out of the country sometimes or at least out of RP, you'll find the master race has problems too but you'd like to focus on the poor shits that live next to you.

Are white's superior to blacks?

Are you part of a smarter mo better race?

You should think camps...all this equal rights stuff, forget it, we're not as good as you so off to the camps with us.

Is this hiding behind race?

Oh and what about mixed people, I have a few family members from mixed relationships, would then that person only litter, and be a gangster on even days or perhaps just in a leap year? Would his white side being superior, just outpace his black side?

When you and those like you Mannis say what you've said I can only guess you think Black, and I guess that would include all of us right, Blacks are stupid, Whites are better.

Does Cracker make any less sense than, nigger, tar bar, darkie, mocaca, chink, or honky. When people create those names I don't think you can find logical thought.

Anyway I think you'd look nice in a sheet, you're sure you've nailed the problems and hey it's race, Black suck Whites rule, in your sick little world. Hey don't let me keep you FOX news is doing a piece on why it's better to be a white than a black.

Veronica said...

wow, i understood about 1/8 of your rambling there. spell check much?

thats right, keep sputtering in your righteous manner. once again, if black stopped ACTING inferior, then there wouldn't be so many issues. but i guess that ain't possible.

and i am not part of the KKK, nazis or whatever other group you may have been referring. i am only reporting on what i see. have you opened your eyes lately? looked outside?

anonymous said...

v&j,this wild and extemely hurtful tirade you've been on has no basis in reality. You look at a video of a child throwing a juice box and through a long string of examples you conclude that this is the problem with black people. Just look outside your window, you challenge us, and we'll see the villains parading around commiting all the ills of society. I think YOU are the one that needs a reality check. It seems almost silly to go and list all the instances of perfectly respectable people I see outside at the park, on the train, in stores, at the library etc...I think your problem is that you are an ignorant racist. This stuff you spewed here hurt at first, it hurts increasingly more and more as I realize none of the commenters here are protesting the vile thoughts put forth. What's the matter with everybody?

First of all, no individual is representative of an entire group. We don't see a white child litter and conclude this is the problem with white people. Does it make sense to lump a whole group of people together like that? Are you the same as even members of your own family? or are you each unique?

There's no majority of litterers or gang members or hookers or rapists or or slobs or unemployed or whatever else it is you think makes black people unique from other people. There's alarmingly high rates of male inner city youths in gangs, but its still only around thirty percent of male youth and its not unique to blacks. Don't you remember the Gaylords white gangs on the northside in the 1970s?

I think its important to look at what drugs and gangs are doing to our inner city communities and our youth, but don't isolate society into colors please.

We can't get the teen agers to wear their pants in the adult style anymore than we can get the teen agers to wear their hair like Laura Bush. I'm glad I can laugh a little bit, I don't see how the teen age fashion is a sign of inferiority either.

And please don't say the majority of litter is done by black people, maybe that alot of drinkers, smokers, dog owners and kids litter, including college kids. If your brain is jumping to examples of dog owners and college kids that don't litter, but not for examples of black people who don't litter, then what is taking place in your mind is in fact racism. You are looking at people as a "race" which doesn't in fact exist and automatically attributing negative and inferior traits to the individuals based on assumptions about that group.

Not only is your thinking flawed, But I'm afraid that it is also against God.

Veronica said...

sorry don't believe in god, so that isn't an issue for me. and i know perfectly well that whites ans mexicans and others litter too, that they are not responsible citizens, and a negative influence on society in general. if i saw a white person littering, i would assume that they were not taught how to behave properly. same with mexicans, blacks, etc. however, i do not see whites walking around dressed disgustingly, unless they are white trash. i do not see whites spraying graffiti, jacking cars, living in filth, at least not in chicago. take a look at the west side, and tell me who lives there. take a look at who lived in cabrini green, and what they did to that place, that was GIVEN TO THEM BY THE GOVERNMENT. this shit is happening, and no one seems to care; moreover, it seems like everyone is ok with it. so whatever, i give up. no one teaches their kids any value these days, no one teaches their kids not to litter, respect authority, respect other's property, no matter their race. all i'm saying, is that i see blacks doing it the most. and what would happen if i was a black person going on a tirade against a white? i'm sure that would be perfectly fine, b/c the black man's been kept down by the white, and so the black man CAN tirade. that's fine. but god forbid someone else should say something. that's all I'm saying. as one 10 year old black boy told my mother, All white people should die because they killed Martin Luther King. He's going to kill white people. His daddy's in jail. hmm, that doesn't sound familiar at all.

Veronica said...

and i'm not talking about what has happened, i'm talking about what is happening RIGHT NOW. right here, in our own city, and in many cities around the US. why does white flight happen? why does it happen that when a black family moves in and starts trashing their property (for whatever reason), the neighborhood goes to shit? why are almost all the rich neighborhoods white? if we're all so equal, and it's been plenty long enough for all of us to become equal in behavior and thought, then why aren't we? and I'm sure you're going to point out my thought processes as part of the backwards thinking of the whole.

but it's uncanny, and i'm not wrong. i think that what you do not understand, is that i am NOT targeting blacks as a whole, but i am merely pointing out the prevalence of certain things happening and the unsurprising prevalence of it being done by a black person. i would not have these views if i didn't see what is happening around me every day. i was not always a "racist" as you say i am. but after living here and seeing what i see, it's becoming quite hard to think otherwise.

so i'm sorry if i have hurt you, and anyone on this blog. i'm just fed up by the bullshit.

Veronica said...

hey craig, next time you should post a video of a white kid littering, just to make things equal.

Unknown said...

LOL@all of this. I swear the internet was the greatest invention EVER for cornball racists. Perhaps V&J--assuming that there ARE two of you, and not one racist schizo posting under the name--should pick up "American Pharoah" to brush up on a bit of Chicago history and learn the REAL story about blacks and public housing. Cabrini was FAR from a gift, little girl.

And I do echo the earlier sentiments expressed by several others in this section: Don't you DARE breed.

And to think I was beginning to feel all remorseful about moving to Hyde Park in a few days. All it took was a trip back to this site to refocus.

Big Daddy said...

Cornball racist. Name calling. When you can't argue your case you have to resort to the juvenile tactic of name calling. So typical. The thing that I find amusing about people with your thought process (or lack of) is that if they gave this subject any thought at all they would realize that all they are doing is helping the black race self destruct. When they hold the bar inches off the ground, what are they really doing.
A man is arrested, it's not because he commited a crime, it just HAS to be that because the Police are racist. When a person is denied a job, it can't be that he's not qualified, it has to be that the employer is racist. When an athlete raises dogs for fighting and then murders them when they don't perform, his arrest is race based, right? When another athlete sets homerun records but does not receive the adulation he so covets because he cheated by using steriods, that's racist, correct? It is so easy to label someone who doesn't agree with your little skewed version of what life is really all about. Hide behind labels. Cowards and phonies, each and every one of you that spout this nonsense and refuse to discuss the issues rationally or intelligently.

Unknown said...

Big Daddy -- yeah, so NOT reading all of that, mainly because I'm tired of racists making excuses for their racist behavior. If you took offense to the "racist cornball" crack, that's because you are--wait for it--a racist cornball. I'm done with trying to make certain white people understand how foolish judging 12 million black people by the actions of one (and it's always the one who stole your bike in grade school, your walkman in high school, or your blonde girlfriend in college). Believe what you will, because it really doesn't affect me any and I doubt I'll ever run into either of you on the street. And if I did you'd probably cross to the other side because you'd think I was going to rob you. Perhaps you need to be more worried about those skyrocketing property taxes instead of the nasty and mean black people.

Veronica said...

i so wish there were more people like big daddy, because he is the only one here who actually gets it. oh well, that is the brainwashed american for ya. and i would cross the street if a mexican, white, filipino, or any other race looked threatening.

and once again, whether i breed or not, is no ones business but my own. care to explain to me why i am any less qualified as a parent than all those hoochie mamas out there who can't figure out how to use a condom, and then take it out on the poor child, by almost ripping out their limbs and screaming at them to shut up when they cry? i don't see you telling THEM not to breed. at least i will be able to feed, cloth, and love my child. not to mention teach them to respect others and the world in general.

and i'm not a schizo, those are my and my husbands first initials. i think it's funny that you automatically assume that i am mentally defective b/c i don't think blacks should hide behind their race to try and get around the law. i sometimes wish i had that easy of an excuse, though i do not break the law and so don't have to worry about that to begin with.

and for the record, should i ever be in the position to hire people, i would NOT turn away a minority IF they were more qualified than a white. i have absolutely NOTHING against normal, sane, productive blacks, or any other minorities. the ones i DO have a problem with, are those who are NOT productive and are only a negative influence on society. i personally would be embarrassed by all those of my race who behave as those discussed here do, not defend their actions, just as i am embarrassed and frustrated by those who litter by throwing shit out of their car, or onto the tracks, or wherever.

and i seriously doubt that the government would have put people in THAT substandard of housing, and it is really hard to believe that the property was not in the least destroyed by those who lived there.

and to those of you who say that it is the media who portray those only who are black in breaking the law b/c it makes for good television, i'm sorry, but you all sound just a touch paranoid. perhaps if these people STOPPED BREAKING THE LAW, there wouldn't be anything to show on tv. geee, what a thought.

Veronica said...

"And to think I was beginning to feel all remorseful about moving to Hyde Park in a few days. All it took was a trip back to this site to refocus."

what a hypocrite you are. and why, pray tell, did you regret moving to hyde park. now, you can't tell me it's because of the demographics, b/c that would make you a giant, fucking hypocrite, oh, and a racist to boot. give it time, i'm sure the glaze will fall from your eyes. have fun in all the graffiti that abounds around there, being afraid to walk around at night for fear of getting mugged. i'm SURE you will enjoy all of it. b/c i sure do, around here.

Unknown said...

LOL. Another heaping helping of "too long;didn't read" I'm not eating. Just remember the blame the RIGHT people when you're priced out of the condo you (or more likely, your parents) paid too much for in the first place.

sparky said...

"i do not particularly want to get shot, knifed or beaten up, so i do not say anything to anyones face"

so, you're a two-faced coward that wouldn't stand up for what's
'right'. now that'll be a great thing to teach your offspring

"and i am not part of the KKK"

sure you are, but instead of a sheet, you wear the anonimity of the www. world wide weasels

and daring to speak in a manner that's not pc?! wow! what a rebel. a rebel without a cause or a clue

and to directly answer your question regarding where i've been/seen
i've lived in pa, ca, md, d.c., fl, nv, and all points in-between due to driving across the u.s. 13 times. i've been to canada and england. i'd say i've seen just about every type of peoples and their living conditions

open minded and willing to learn?educate you? niggah please.....
you haven't really said anything aside from agreeing with v&j. so, anything i've said to her......
start by educating yourself by looking up deductive, inductive and abductive reasoning, and maybe you'll learn something about a premise and the mistake of arguing from the particular to the general.

and your ASSumption line? try again, it's older than the both of us

Craig Gernhardt said...

82 comments and no one answered a or b.

Veronica said...

it's pretty obvious that i would have answered with a. but that's just b/c i'm an uneducated racist.

Veronica said...


now you're a hypocrite, and lazy. wow, you're really supporting your side so well. ever think that other people might have something worthwhile to say? or do you just believe that you are right and no one else?

Veronica said...

oops, i meant b. sorry for bringing all your hopes up.

i wonder if all of you would be this up in arms if this whole thing was about a mexican, or any other race.

Veronica said...

hey craig, what your pov on this whole thing? let's get a little input from the owner here.

what was your answer?

sparky said...

the question was leading, the correct answer too obvious, and the trash dick was more interesting

sparky said...

yes v&j
all racist or religist comments, direct or inferred, should be challenged

Veronica said...

what about the comments of all the black people against whites? what about those? do those comments deserve discussion too, or are they justified?

Veronica said...

i am guessing that craig has also been seeing what is going on around him, and therefore knew ahead of time what that lovely child would do. or maybe he's also a racist, hmmm? guess everyone's a racist to you, except those who agree with you.

Catherine on Eastlake said...

e: Sparky..."all racist or religist comments, direct or inferred, should be challenged"

And so should actions. Perhaps if we put the onus on the people exhibiting 'anti social behavior' to explain their actions we will find a solution or at least some clarity into their reasoning.

I did read an interesting article re: African immigrants and Black Americans and the tensions between them. I found this passage interesting;

"To make it more confusing, said Mr. Kivuva, is the fact that most immigrant Africans hear from black Americans that whites can't be trusted; but, in Pittsburgh, he said, few black organizations help the Somali families that he works with.

"The person who comes to the house with bread, who comes to read to a student, who takes children to the zoo," said Mr. Kivuva, "is a white person."

The whole article can be found :

sparky said...

yeah, i thought actions went without saying
interesting article, and before i got to the irish/immigrant comment, white-on-white discrimination, that's the example that i also would have mentioned. and even the political cartoons at that time, late 18s early 1900s, depicts the irish as apes

why? in general, people fear
'strangers'/someone not of OUR group. and it's much more emotionally comfortable to stay on the path of a known, even if neurotic/irrational, belief system than it is to adjust to the path of an unfamiliar belief system

Couch Captain said...

spell chexed just for the white lady who is clearly made from superior stock.

Hey VJ isn't it time you bitched about some well to do white kid who was denied his pass to the good life because some Black person took his job. That the only part of the white supremacist platform that you're missing.

When you say Blacks do you mean the 40,000 living in RP or the 12-15 million living across the US? If you're saying Blacks in general then by you're own thought pattern you could be killed any moment, damn there are so many Black people in Chicago, you and your hard earned money will never be safe.


it makes no logical sense. I'll bet after Oklahoma city or columbine you had no fear of young white men.
When ever people speak of race, groups, those people etc, I say get the camps ready, I'm mean where else are you going with this, the conclusion should be, America would be better off without Blacks, you have many who agree with you, some are wearing sheets but I hear thats the old style hate, now you just use the keyboard.

You don't get to speak racist then say you're not. Your post says it over and over. Blacks, those people, monkey, turds, we get it, and you're not sorry we get that too.

I like how you say "sorry, just a little pissed off by the fact that we're paying for them to live a free and easy life." Maybe you could dig up FDR and scold him about helping the poor.

Then the perfect racist position, "we said we were sorry for slavery" I love how you take a few hundred years of white induced hell speak of it like a small incident that all Black people hide behind.

And of course you comment about my spell checker, sorry when flames are coming out of my ears I tend not to care about the details.

Ms white power person, you speak about your hard earned money going to low life Blacks, have you noticed how much of your cash goes to rich white men? Just out the Bush budget sometimes, he agrees with you by the way.

go you little WHITE POWER lady, you could be the master of your own camp one day.

Veronica said...

fuck off, you miss my point completely, you're too blinded by your hate towards me.

anonymous said...

Hey! I missed your point dumb bitch.

Veronica said...

and you're a dumb blind, brainwashed lazy ass whore

Veronica said...

that article that Katherine mentioned just strengthens my point, and i find it truly said that blacks can't even find it in their hearts to be kind to these people who they claim to have such strong roots with. truly sad.

Veronica said...

guess all of you know when you're wrong.

sparky said...

what's really sad is your lack of reading comprehension; ie, the jist of the article went right over your pointy little hood

everyone else is wrong and you're right?
now, if ever there was a telling statement about the accuser

Hillari said...

In the midst of this madness --

Paradise, remember you asked me about the "confession story" I sold. It's on the Boxing Diva blog.

Veronica said...

i'm not saying that i am completely right, or that you are all completely wrong. of course, none of you have said in the least that i could be right at all, so you're all the same as me in that regard. guess we're all just ignorant haters in the end.

Little Betty said...

V&J said: "and for the record, should i ever be in the position to hire people, i would NOT turn away a minority IF they were more qualified than a white."

Funny. Very funny. So the only black people qualified to hire are those more qualified than a white. What about the hundreds and thousands of black people that are "just as qualified"? You can tell by your phrasing that you are racist. Affirmative action has always been about giving the same people with the same qualifications an even chance. But for people like you, you will never see that blacks or other minorities can be just as qualified. How sad.

I feel sorry for that poor kid. He was just being a kid. I doubt he thought deeply about his motivations for throwing his plastic bottle in the alley. Except he probably just wanted to get back to play. After all, there was only a week left of summer vacation. Do you really think the child was thinking, "Oh, I'll show whitey, I'll show the man... I'll toss this plastic container down - black power."

I prefer to think he was just a silly kid, doing what kids do every day. And these kids are black, white, hispanic, asian. I think if you took a broad survey of 12 year old boys (any race) and you showed them this clip, most of them would have shrugged and said "what's the big deal?"

In the 1950s, believe it or not, there was a shortage of anti-biotics. My mother became ill and was unable to take care of myself and my sisters. My dad sold vacuum cleaners and sewing machines door to door. Three kids and a fouth on the way, money was tight. At the time the NAACP had a hiring hall and you could go down and hire a black housekeeper for $4 per day. It was a lot of money for my folks, but they could not affort a white housekeeper. That was $8 a day.

The woman my parents hired came to my mother the first day and asked her for a bucket. Since my mother had not asked her to wash the floors she wondered what the lady needed a bucket for.

The woman told my mother she needed us use the bathroom, but white people did not let her use their toilets. My mother was shocked to hear this and told her no way was she using the bucket, she'd use the toilet instead.

Over the course of my childhood, my mother reminded us of this story anytime we needed a reality check about race. We as white people were truly fortunate.

I hope V&J if you should ever have children, you will teach morality and compassion.

Good night.

sparky said...

"guess all of you know when you're wrong"
"i'm not saying that i am completely right, or that you are all completely wrong".

like the above and below; learn how to speak/write more correctly.
had you started out on your rant with; 'some black people are.....',
vs 'black people are......',
people wouldn't have responded the way they did. and you wouldn't have appeared as racist as you are

Veronica said...

ok, you're taking the "more qualified than a white person" line a little TOO literally. i did NOT mean that i wouldn't hire a black if they were JUST AS QUALIFIED, i meant that if i had a choice between a black and a white, i wouldn't choose the white if the black was more qualified. geez. or even if the white and black were equally qualified. then it would depend on the nature of the job, etc, that would also give my decision more weight.

Veronica said...

i would also let them use my bathroom, in case you were wondering about that.

anonymous said...

Whatever. This neighborhood is full of nice people of every color and raggedy people of every color. There's no mistaking the choice of words when someone flings around "monkey see monkey do" and "these people" and "lazy"...and "we" give "them" food, shelter and education. We all contribute to that when we work and we all are entitled to those things in this country. This is a fantasy indulged in by a racist and spewed like vomit here. And quite frankly, it really hurts, its a deep wound, its a hatred that HAS been acted upon and is still acted upon in this society.

I'd like people to step forward and condemn it. Nobody is blind to the choices of words and what they mean. People are way too quiet here. If I let go of my anger about it, really, my heart is broken.

Is this OK, people?

Little Betty said...

Paradise... I stand with you.

Hillari said...

I remember the stories my mom would tell me regarding herself and other family members being the targets of racial hatred. One particular heinous story involved some great uncles of mine who were lynched and burned during a raid on their home. My grandfather, who was 7 years old at the time, was bashed in the head with a bucket by a KKK member. He barely escaped with his life.

I would listen and think, "I'm glad I didn't live back then." But then I experienced some unpleasant incidents myself, some blatant, and more frequently, covert racist actions. Last night, I heard that my niece, a college student, was harrassed in a restaurant in Texas, simply because she's African-American. Recent incidents in the news, such as the deplorable Jena 6 case, point out that racial prejudice and discrimination still exist.

No one has "a sweet deal" in this country or anywhere else, as long as such attitudes and practices exist. Racism should be stood against and taken to task wherever it exists and whenever it crops up.

Veronica said...

and so, because of incidents involving blacks that were horrible, in the past, it is alright that now we have reverse discrimination, people living off the government who are too lazy to work, forcing taxpayers to pay for them, because they have too many children and can't pay for them? i never did anything to anyone, why am i being forced to do these things?

and incidentally, many horrible things happen to whites, just as well as all the other races. why are blacks so special?

wantstoknow said...

OMG...V&J, you made your point long ago. Everyone gets where you stand. Just let it go already and move on.

Couch Captain said...

Yo V&J was that fuck off for me, Bet your pappy told you back in the good ole days you won't have to put up with the blacks talking back, you could just hitch em to a tree, so your response shows your're a bit plugged up right now. Cheer up I hear David Duke in on tour.

three cheers for girlfriend is part italian part german and her mother endured racial slurs in the 50-60 cause the really white people didn't like the kind of white people. They said the italians took down the property values cause they were dirty and trashed things. Said they had too many kids and were likely deviants.

Maybe when VJ or V&J reaches for the sheet she can add a few other people to her list.

Couch Captain said...

So Craig where are you on this point, What if I were to say Gay men boy they are just a bunch of child preying jerks, look at those priest aren't they just a bunch of pansies chasing little boys. Oh and Aids is a gay payback from know the type of hatred that is directed at the GLTC or LGTC or whatever the name is.

Of course only a dumb ass would take such a view, as V&J is doing to Blacks.

Just asking.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I get enough of those nutcase people e-mailing and snail-mailing me at work almost on a daily basis.

Why would I want more on my blog?

sparky said...

"I'd like people to step forward and condemn it....People are way too quiet here"

if you'll notice 119ish posts, you're a bit late to the ripping party

sparky said...


"people living off the government who are too lazy to work, forcing taxpayers to pay for them, because they have too many children and can't pay for them"
really, how much of a knothead can you possibly be?
blacks aren't special. white people do that also

why are my highest taxes for the school district? i don't have children.
and look how mis-educated and ignorant you turned out. i want my money back

Jocelyn said...

When we think we know and understand everything, we are in BIG trouble. That is all I have to say about v&j.

anonymous said...

She knows and understands her racial slurs pretty well, is that OK? hmm...hmmm Jocelyn, is that OK?

Veronica said...

no, my daddy didn't say anything to me about blacks or anyone else, my opinions come from my own life and seeing what i see. i don't follow trends or others and their opinions. what i came by i came by on my own.

Veronica said...

there is absolutely no point in continuing in this thread b/c no one here is going to change their mind.

Jocelyn said...

I don't know what you mean paradise. I was trying to be supportive without getting into the mudfight with everyone on this one.

Jocelyn said...

If you are referring to the "monkey see" comment, I was somewhat aghast that someone was so insensitive to use that phrase. Especially considering the contents of the post.

Big Daddy said...

I suggest you give it up. As you can see, thats what I've done. Why waste the time and energy? The minute you say anything constructive or ask any questions your automatically labeled as a racist. Let them self destruct. People do not want to hear the truth. It's much easier to blame someone else for their problems.

sparky said...

"no one here is going to change their mind."
duh.......including you

you didn't get back to me about your education in reasoning, you've
made nothing but destructive comments nor ask any questions, and you haven't spoken any specific truths.
go for it, i'm all ears

Veronica said...

hello - monkey see, monkey do IS AN EXPRESSION. duh. and i am giving up, b/c you're all too blind to see anything past the tip of your noses.

sparky said...

no one said that they didn't see what you see, but your slanted
understanding and classic good ol boy interpretation puts you in the racist category. which you have a right to, but, you obviously aren't going to sell it to the group that's here.

how about this experiment; with your hood on backwards, go to various sites and spout the same rhetoric, and when you hit a site that says 'we agree' to your take on the situation, take your hood off and see where you are

here's a hint;
".......politics of resentment achieved some resonance. Decrying
“welfare systems that encourage illegitimate births” and “set-asides to promote the incompetent....”
".......“absolutely committed to spending the rest of my life as a spokesman for the rights of European Americans.” He turned to a strategy that several other racist organizations have also adopted, focusing on ethnic themes designed to appeal to alienated whites, especially minority crime rates........"
"Now a self-styled “civil rights activist,” in January 2000, he announced the formation of a new organization, the National Organization for European American Rights. Aping contemporary civil rights groups, NOFEAR addressed
“European American” concerns.
“Just as African Americans have the NAACP and Mexican Americans have La Raza,” He said,
“European-Americans now have the National Organization for European American Rights, to actively defend their rights and heritage in the United States.”
"The NOFEAR home pages on the Web site maintain that “the civil rights of European Americans are being violated by affirmative action, forced integration and anti-European immigration policies.…We face cultural discrimination in the media and education.…An example is the media hate crime hysteria that highlights and publicizes any white crime against minorities.”

but i'll save you the time that it'd take to run the experiment

those beliefs are from david duke, the founder of the knights of the kkk
now, go to and they'll agree with, and accept you with open arms

Hillari said...

African-American don't have a patent on being criminals, living on welfare, having out of control kids, etc., V&J. Those things are found across the board among all races. Guess what? All of us pay for that nonsense, no matter who is perpetrating it.

RememberHardigan said...


Veronica said...

they might not have a patent, but they sure like to flaunt it.

Hillari said...


I've mentioned I'm African-American. I'm 45 years old, I have no children. I have a college degree, and I'm planning to open my own business. I'm a singer, writer, and I act as a volunteer coach at the boxing gym I attend. And no, I'm not an exception among people of my race. There are plenty others like me, who are educated, have jobs and/or careers, and whose names aren't known to the police.

You're only talking about a few who act out of pocket, and I have news for you -- I don't appreciate their behavior either, any more than I appreciate some lumping me in with them just because I'm of the same race.

Veronica said...

and i wish there were more african americans like you, more people in general like you. unfortunately that's not the case in today's world.

Craig Gernhardt said...

We need more mentors and community involved neighbors like Hillari. No doubt about it.

Andy said...

I have enough empty bags of flaming hot cheetos and honey buns in my front yard to know the correct anser to your question.

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