Monday, September 24, 2007

* Neighbor Reports Another Shooting in Rogers Park

Karen Hoover said on the Evanston Bulletin board....> "Greetings, Neighbors to the North. Since we have yet to determine how much of the recent escalation in gang activity we share, we want to inform you of an incident this evening: At approximately 5:45 PM (Sunday 9/23/07) there was a drive-by shooting at Fargo and Wolcott. The occupants of a silver 4-dr Mercury shot into Pottawattomie Park. The shooter was apparently a black male, wearing a black t-shirt. That is ALL the information I have for the moment."

BLOGNOTES: Hey Karen, did you share this with Joe Moore's office too? Or one of the other neighborhood bloggers? The neighbors of the 49th ward need to know about Rogers Park shootings more than Evanston does. I was hoping the Alderman would send us out one of his crime is down e-mails.

Shooting on Fargo last week.


fedup dem said...

Craig, do you seriously think that Joe Moore would care to follow up on any urgent message affecting his community coming from Karen Hoover? If she told him his pants were on fire (and they were), this jery would still ignore what she said.

Craig Gernhardt said...

I notice Alderman Ann Rainey has no problem keeping her constituents up on who's doing what with crime issues instead of lying and hiding Joe Moore.

Had Joe Moore been open and honest with the resident like Alderman Rainey, the 'Broken Heart' wouldn't be necessary.

But Joe just can't stop lying. He's addicted. So, repeat after Joe, Crime is down 49%.

the.dub said...
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