Tuesday, September 11, 2007

* Rider Building in Transition

From Joe Moore's website....> "To work on residential landlord-tenant issues. Staff member works very closely with landlords and tenants to resolve outstanding lease issues."

BLOGNOTES: One of the most disingenuous statements Joe Moore makes is the open transparency of his office.

The second disingenuous statement is that he actually knows what's going on and is actively trying to help the 49th ward residents. Both these statements are always complete rhetoric.

If any of Joe Moore's statements were true, you wouldn't be hearing this news from the 'Broken Heart.

The above letter is from one of our worst slumlords, Realty and Mortgage. Guess what? Word is they've sold the property at 1340 West Morse/1345 West Lunt. But it doesn't state that in the letter.

Nor does it state what they intend to do with the building once they gotten all the tenants out.

Instead of dealing with someone that doesn't know up from down, I contacted Harry Osterman to see what he may be able to offer. Well, seems Harry was able to come up with a few things.

Harry Osterman has contacted Mr. Rider to find out his intentions with the building and the tenants that are being tossed out. Harry informed him of the rules involved.

For the time being, Mr. Rider is following the proper rules of conduct according to Harry. Mr. Rider is no dummy, he knows this process is being very closely monitored.

Just to make sure Rider is playing by the rules, Harry has also contacted the Chicago Tenants Association with RPCAN. He has informed me they are contacting residents of the building to get their side of the story. To find out if they need any help, advice, assistance, etc. To see if Mr. Rider is following all the rules.

Then there's the rehab issue. To rehab these building's, it's going to be costly if the new owner wants to do it right. Just ask Ayman Khalil and Kareem Musawwir. Those two are claiming, to do a proper rehab of this magnitude, it'll cost up to 4 million dollars. That's if they want to do it right.

How is the new owner going to do this massive and costly rehab and offer more low-income housing also? That's going to be the 4 million dollar trick.

Also, what's the timetable on this project?

We will also have to deal with the issue of the gangs taking over the building once Mr. Rider is done tossing out all the leased tenants. Mr. Rider better not ask Ayman Khalil and Kareem Musawwir how that's done, because those two haven't figured that one out yet.

As noted above, State Representative Harry Osterman and the 'Broken Heart' will be monitoring this process closely. That'll allow Joe Moore the ability to go about doing what he does. Absolutely nothing.


Morse Ave Group said...

Does this rennovation include the Morse side building?

Craig Gernhardt said...

Yes it does.

Morse Ave Group said...

It sure would be nice if they would tear the whole building down and build new. A 10-15 story building is fine with me--if that would make developing such financially doable.

Craig Gernhardt said...

Here's the interesting thing about the process.

Once these guys decide to change their minds and go condo on this project, they've then tossed the residents out illegally.

That requires a 120 day notice.

Jocelyn said...

All I can say is thank God you are around and paying attention to these things. What happens with these buildings is very important and will have a lasting impact.

Veronica said...

if they are smart and make the building into condos, then morse should really turn around. i have a feeling many clients/businessmen that frequent morse live in those 2 buildings.

Hugh said...

Word is they've sold the property at 1340 West Morse/1345 West Lunt.

1341-1349 W LUNT 11-32-114-001
1342-1344 W MORSE 11-32-114-012

if these 2 bldgs have sold recently, the sales have not been recorded yet


I wish to remain nameless said...

Free the black people!

The North Coast said...

I'm with Morse Ave Group. I believe this property needs to be upzoned to permit a much larger building, so that demolition and new construction are economically justified. 10 stories would be about perfect.

Additionally, it would make good use of proximity to rapid transit. A mixed use with retail on the first one or two stories with 800 sq foot or larger condos would be ideal. It wont happen in the next couple of years, at least, because of current cruddy market conditions, but it will in not long aferwards, if we let it.

Redeveloping the existing ugly, featureless, low-quality structure into condos is something you would only do to exploit a hysterical, overheated real estate market such as that we just left. All that would happen is that the units would revert to rental, and go down the same path of deterioration they did previously- keep in mind that only forty years ago this bldg was a spiffy new rental with all the amenities. The latest thing.

It's the wrong type of building for the street and the nabe, and should never have been built to begin with. Better for someone to come along and build something more classical and durable, which will surely happen if we provide the proper context, such as appropriate zoning and planning. No other help needed.

union carpenter said...

did you notice, the apartment number is blocked out with the name and in the letter the number is not blocked out, apt 511

Craig Gernhardt said...

Yes, I noticed after the photo was taken. Still, by now, everyone in both buildings have gotten the same notice,

and Rider knows I got a hold of State Rep Osterman to keep track of things.

If anything happens to this one tenant, all hell will break loose.

Andock said...

don't carried away - yet....Rider didn't sell the building, because he never owned it! Rider runs Realty & Mortgage, who manages the buildings. Both buildings have been sold....watch for good things to come of it....don't expect to see condos, don't expect 'Harry' to intervene...

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