Monday, October 15, 2007

* Destructive Mess Created by Joe Moore

Craig, This was left on my mailbox intended for you.


Hi, how are you? If you are still in touch with Craig, you might want to alert him to the destructive mess apparently created by one of Ald. Moore's "clean up" crews on Saturday.

At the north end of the Metra station, Greenleaf and Ravenswood, there is a huge pile of plant debris as well as two filled 35 gallon trash bags (there is another filled bag at the Lunt entrance.) The plants were intact when I came home Friday evening. As of 5 pm Saturday, what greeted me was the site of barren ground and stubble. This site had been planted with attractive daffodils, lillies, wildflowers, ornamental grasses - and shrubs.

There was also one small tree, approximately 7 ft high. All of this had been ripped/cut out as of yesterday. The grasses and the tree had been deliberately sawed through...the trunks too thick to remove otherwise.

I don't have a camera phone, but took some photos with a disposable camera, but they won't be available for a few days. If Craig is interested, he might want to go and check out the alderman's idea of "beautifying" the neighborhood. Now when I go to work, instead of being greeted by flowers, shrubs and birds, I am greeted by an ugly scarred embankment. I believe this property may be owned by the Chicago Northwestern Railway. It is interesting to note how the clean up crew targeted this one spot to "beautify."

Disgusted Commuter

BLOGNOTES #1: Dear Disgusted Commuter, I saved you the trouble of sending the photos, I went by myself.

All I can say, this is why they shouldn't have amateurs do the work of professionals.

Much like Joe Moore's volunteer parks district sand shoveler. Whoever heard of someone shoveling sand on a beach, one scoop at a time? Can you say - what a total idiot? Or moron. Either one works when you spend time shoveling sand in a windy dunes area, along the lake.

Well, such is the case here. Clear-cutting a corner without picking up the trash.

Notice in the above photo, a bird house/feeder. Did anyone think the foliage was a protective cover for the wildlife? I doubt it.

How about the method they used when they chopped down the tree. Who'd you think Joe got to do this work, these guys?

And why couldn't Joe and his clear-cutting team actually do some good, by remove this batch of weeds across the street on the sidewalk area?
Did everything, but pick-up the trash. Let's take a tour.

And the last two photos are the same small area Joe and his crew destroyed over the weekend. Can you believe it? Joe's clear-cut crew didn't even pick-up the fucking trash. Don't tell me it was just tossed there from Saturday. Check the beer bottle tangled in the weeds.

Maybe Joe should send someone to actually listen when they attend those Rogers Park Garden Group instructional meetings. They'd learn this isn't the right way to build a community. Unless they go for political fundraising reasons only?

BLOGNOTES #2: And why they targeted this area you ask. Well, that's a easy one. It's right across the street from the David Fagus for committeeman office. Remember the destruction at the Lunt Metra stop when you vote in February '08. He supports Joe Moore's actions.


YourChicagoFriend said...

I tried these clean-up events a number of years ago. I stopped participating, however, when I noticed that all Joe did was stand around glad handing and hoping for a photo opportunity.

It isn't an effective event so much as it is an opportunity for Joe to brag about himself.

Nice to see that it also now includes the descruction of carefully planted properties.

I live here too said...

I drop my wife off at this very spot almost every day. You are right in saying that there is a bird feeder there, however, what had at one time perhaps been an area planted with ornamental plants has this entire year been nothing but heavily overgrown weeds. The weed were SO high that they were more of an ambush point for the bird feeder rather than cover. And, although I am not positive, I am pretty sure that that tree was a "weed" tree, not a desirable tree.

As far as your third picture; can anybody tell me why the owner or tenant of that property is not responsible for the deplorable condition the parkway is in? I wonder why Streets and San doesn't ticket them. Don't know if they can, but they should.

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